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Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Chapter Seventy Eight.


“Wow!” I finally let out and dragged my gaze away from my phone.

I just got a call from the police department. They have Bella in their custody for murdering Isaac.

These past weeks, a lot had been happening, From Doris to Mark to the trivial matters had to dealwith either at work or at the hospital where Mark was admitted. There was just a whole lot and I hadbeen going through them like I was programmed to do them so I had just sat frozen when I heardthe news, unable to process what the police officer had said.

Now that I think about it, the oflicer’s words replayed in my head, I wondered why I was the onethey called. What about our parents?

To my amazement, the news didn’t surprise me like it should, probably the reason why it took solong before I could react. I really don’t think anything can surprise me anymore.

Though, within myself, to be honest, I salute Bella. It must have taken a lot of guts and grit to dowhat she did. Even though she tended to be violent, bitter and sharp m*uthed. Murder wasn’t anoption I would ever assume that she would resort to but then… Isaac gave her lots of reasons toresort to her actions.

She finally recognized and identified the cause of all of her miseries. If everything she told me abouther time in the country where she eloped to with Isaac was true then he deserved the ending hegot. Though, to the public and security agents, her action was unacceptable and punishable by thelaw. The least I can do for her, because she doesn’t deserve to rot in jail for taking care of her

problem, was to get her a lawyer that would take her case seriously instead of the one that thegovernment would provide.

I brought up my phone and called my lawyer.

“Hello, Miss Sydney.”

As soon as he picked up, I explained everything to him. And as you already know it, the paywouldn’t be an issue,” I added as an afterthought, “Do whatever you need to do to help her.”

I understand, ma’am.”

I nodded. “Thank you.”

The call ended.

While I spoke with my lawyer, he quickly asked me some questions and they triggered somethingmy memory of Mark’s accident.

I frowned as I remembered that scene, it replayed in my head. How that car that seemed to havelost control headed toward Mark’s reversing ear with full speed and the crash that put all the lives ofthe people involved at risk as they awaited their fates on each of their hospital beds..

I slowly sat up, all the lives of the people involved….” that face replayed in my head like a brokenrecord tape. Was it really everyone involved?

I was fully in detective mode as I reached for a pen and a notepad and jotted down some things thatseemed unusual and amiss. Could the accident have been a conspiracy? A perfectly marked outplan to get rid of Mark.

But why on his wedding day? Does Sandra, perhaps, have a deranged past lover who still wantedher? Could it be one of the few oppositions of Sandra’s father?

Or they just wanted Mark out of the picture, regardless of whether he marries or not, they just wantMark gone. In this case, it could be anyone. Anyone from GT group, anyone who knew he wasleaving for the wedding venue when he did.

I didn’t think too much about leaving work to head to the hospital, I just grabbed my keys andrushed out. I met Grace on my way and she raised her brows as she watched me stalk down thehallway..

Chapter 7 Chapter SeventFight.

“What’s got you all strung up?”

I didn’t feel like I should share my unbacked theories yet so I just waved my hands in the air. “It’snothing. I’d be right back.”

I think she said something else but I didn’t hear her as I was always already in the elevator.

At the hospital, the two security stationed there, managed a tight–l*pped smile at me. “Welcome,


“How are you doing?” I smiled brightly at them, hoping my bright demeanor will make them look lesstired as they look now.

“We’re doing good,” one of them answered for the both of them while the other just smiled. Sure,they answered brightly but they still looked fatigued.

I tatted as I went to see Mark. If there was ever a major threat, I doubt these ones will be able toprotect Mark for long-

“Welcome, ma’am Sydney, the caregiver was taking care of Mark. She looked like she was givinghim a bed bath as his upper b*dy was b*reand damp.

“Hey. How’re you?”

The caregiver was actually a nice young lady, she had just been really pissed that she wasabandoned with the person she was caring for.

“I’m fine,” she shrugged and flashed me a smile.

I smiled back. “I’ll be right back.” I told her and left the room for the doctor’s office.

On my way, I contacted the security company and hired a whole professional team of about adozen men. If truly my instincts were right, then Mark needed a tight security system. I tucked myphone away and proceeded to the doctor’s office.

“Hey, Miss Sydney,” the doctor beamed as he watched me enter his office.

“Have you come to ask about your pa-”

“No no,” I shook my head. It had become a habit for me to also pay the doctor a visit whenever I

came to von Mark. I would ask the doctor how he was fairing and when he might wake–up but

his tone will always be somber as he replied to me. novelbin

I took a seat across from him, “I’m here to ask about the other patients.”

He paused then nodded. “What is it?”

“Apart from Mark and the two other people that were in his car, was there any other patient that wasrushed here that night?”

He frowned as he shook his head. “Is there supposed to be someone else?”

“I don’t know. It’s why I’m here. A car rammed Mark’s car then rammed into a pole after it lostcontrol, I want to see the driver that drove that car.”

“Oh. The paramedics that drove to the scene that day reported that there was no one in the othercar by the time they got there.”

“What?” I frowned. How come? I was sure I saw the silhouette of someone struggling with thesteering wheel that day.

The doctor shrugged. “That’s what I heard. You can contact the police department that responded tothe accident scene if you need more details.”

“Alright,” I nodded. “Thank you.” I told him, then out of habit, I asked about Mark again. The doctorassured me that, even though Mark didn’t look like it, he was actually responding to


By the time I was back to Mark’s ward, the hallway was lined with hefty men, the name of thesecurity company was emblazoned on their t–shirts, bulletproof and facecaps.

“Wow, that was fast,” I raised my brows.

There were three new men before his door. They stood there like a wall and looked down at me.

“Umm, I need to get in.”

Chapter 78 Chapter Seventy Eight


“Identify yourself.”

I rolled my eyes, “I hired you guys,” I said as I opened my phone and showed them the code thecompany had sent to me..

Two of them looked at the code and nodded to the rest, then they moved aside.

There were also two men in the hospital room. I nodded again at the efficiency of the securitycompany. They nodded at me and continued to stare at the wall.

I walked closer to Mark’s bed. The caregiver was gone. Mark looked pale and frail as he laid therein the hospital bed, his ch*st rose and fell softly as he slept. He seemed to have lost weight in thelast week’s that he had been confined to the bed; his cheeks were a bit hollowed, and his eyes.were sunken but he still looked good looking.

I sighed at his still frame. I really do hope the doctor was right. It will really be a shame if Mark dies.Plus I wasn’t even ready to deal with the chaos that his death will bring to GT Group and themedia.

I dug my hands in my pants pocket and sighed again. “You’d better wake up soon. The security.team is costing a lot every day, so are the hospital bills. The longer you snore away, the more youowe. Yes, I’m not doing all these for free, you’ll have to pay me back for my time and everything assoon as you wake up.”

I felt a twinge of disappointment when I didn’t hear his trademark snarky response. I sighed. Whatwas I thinking? That he would suddenly leap from the bed and give me a response? With one lastlook at his motionless face and a silent prayer that he gets well soon, I turned to leave.

I let out a yelp when I felt fingers wrap around my wrist. With my heart in my throat I turned to seeMark’s eyes on me. And no,he didn’t look like a ghost.

I closed my eyes and steadied my heartbeat. “What the hell, Mark?” I erupted when I opened my


One of the men was already by my side. “Are you okay, ma’am?”

I nodded. “Leave us for now.”

Mark’s eyes followed the men until the door was shut close behind them, then they settled on

1. me.

“Mark?” Mark muttered slowly as if he was hearing and saying the name for the first time. Hispuzzled gaze raked up and down my b*dy. “Who are you?”

My heart sank for the obvious reason. I bent down till I was looking closely into his eyes. He drewback, placed a finger on my forehead and pushed my head back.


“I asked you a question, why are you staring at me like a creep?”

“You’ve lost your memory?” I shook my head, “Tell me you know who I am and this is a trick.”

He looked at me with furrowed brows. “I don’t remember anything, woman. Tell me, who are you,and who am I?”

It was the wrong time for pranks or jokes but I smirked and said, “I’m your mom, and you’re my


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