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Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Chapter Seventy Six


I dragged my tired eyes from the screen when my phone kept on vibrating. I knew it couldn’t beLucas because I had a separate ringing tone for his calls and his would definitely ring out, itwouldn’t be Grace; she would have stormed up here if she called more than twice and I didn’t pickup.

Now, this was the fifth time this caller had called. I would give it to the caller though. The personhad called for five times straight in a row, their persistence was admirable.

I yawned and rubbed my tired eyes then I leaned back against my seat and grabbed the phone.from the table. The number calling wasn’t saved on my phone and it wasn’t even familiar at all.“Hello…” I drawled after I picked up the call.

“Good afternoon, ma’am. Am I speaking with Miss Sydney? You brought in Mr Mark Torres after hewas involved in an accident.”

I frowned and sat up. “Good afternoon. Yes, I am Sydney.”

“I am a caregiver and I am the one assigned to Mr Mark Torres.

I raised my eyebrows. I remembered that before I left the hospital last week, the doctor hadsuggested that I hire a caregiver that would care for Mark before his mother or fiancée would getthere. I had told him that he could get him a caregiver and also made it clear that he should givehim all the things and treatment that Mark needed and assured the doctor that the Torres will surelypay for everything.

It was also then that I was reminded of the essence of a good name. At the mention of Mark’sfamily name, the doctor in charge had been eager to do anything and everything even though Ionly made payment for Mark’s surgery

“Are you there, ma’am?”

“Oh yes, I was dragged out of my derailed thoughts. “I am still here. Okay, you said you’re Mark’scaregiver, is there any problem?” novelbin

There is a big problem, ma’am.”

“Oh my.” My heart unnecessarily skipped a beat. “What happened?” What was it this time? It’sbeen a week, it was enough time for either Sandra or Rose to get to the hospital and identifythemselves as relatives of Mark Torres, so why was she the one the caregiver had chosen to call?“When I got this job, I was excited that I was going to be caring for a man from a wealthy family andmy pay will be steady and who knows? I might even get an increase but since I’ve started. this job.I’ve only been taking care of the unconscious man, no one has come to ch*ck on him talkless ofpaying me for the services I’ve been offering for the past days.” The woman’s voice was low butagitated. I could literally hear the frustration and disappointment in her voice. “Wait wait,” I held upmy palm before me as though the caregiver was sitting across from me. “Did you just say no onehas come to see him?”

“No one,” the caregiver bit out in an exasperated tone. “The doctor kept assuring me that his familywas coming but it’s been a week now and mere assurances would not pay my bills or put food onmy table.”

My frown deepened. I rested my elbow on the desk and massaged my furrowed brows, “What abouthis mom and fiancée? They haven’t been there?” I closed my eyes after the question rolled

my tongue.

God, Sydney! The poor lady just said that no one has come! I reprimanded myself. It wasn’t myfault though, I am stressed.

There was silence and I braced myself for the lady’s outburst. But she seemed to have a steadygrip on the reins on her emotion because she replied calmly after some seconds.

“I just said no one has visited, Miss Sydney.” She clicked her tongue, “So I don’t know about any

Chapter 76 Chapter Seventy Six

fiancée or mother but no one has showed up for him. I’ve been the only one taking care of him. Ihad to force the receptionist to give me your contact info, I need my pay, please,” she said firmly. “Ihave been patient enough.”

I sighed. “I deeply apologize for this. It’s unlike the Torres family. I’m sure something is holding themup. I’ll try t

“What about my pay? I’m afraid I might have to stop giving my services if I d-”

I was coming to that, Miss. Text your account number and rate to this number. I will pay youimmediately. So please, continue to take care of him.”

“Alright. Thank you.”

“I’ll also try to -”

I blinked when I heard the click that signaled that the call had ended. I raised

my brow and shrugged as I dropped my phone. I didn’t blame her, I would have been madder if Iwere her. She was just so soft–spoken that I hadn’t expected that she would hang up on me

I shook my head as I reclined in my seat. This was really unfortunate. Mark had been in a comasince his operation was finalized. Yes, he had been unconscious since his surgery. I couldn’t keepstaying so I had to leave but my case was understandable, right? I had work to deal with plus Iwasn’t exactly related to him.

Sandra had always been a selfish b**ch so I wasn’t surprised that she was yet to go see her fiance.who couldn’t show up to their engagement because he was involved in a fatal car accident but hismother?

Rose was always all over Mark, she made it seem like she was the first woman to have a child. whoknew she would find it hard to pay him a visit at the hospital?

I thought of what to do, how to reach out to them. I could either go to them or place a call through tothem but that would be so much stress so I decided to go with the latter.

I licked up my phone again. I was not sure if I had Rose’s phone number but I scrolled through. mycontact list in search of it anyway.

I found it. My thumb hovered above it. I have always hated any form of communication between myformer mother–in–law and I; I used to do anything to avoid getting in situations that would requireus to interact.

I thought of calling Sandra instead but it was only natural and sensible that his mother would be thefirst person I will reach out to, not the woman that was indifferent about him.

I sighed and dialed her number.

“Grandma Doris, this is for you,” I muttered to myself as the phone rang. I’m doing these things thatI don’t like or want to do because I want to keep my promise to you.”

If only Doris was here, I’m sure she would have rushed to the hospital that morning.

The ringing ended and no one picked up. I frowned and cocked my head to the side as I dialed thenumber again. After a few seconds, the ringing stopped as there was no response.

My frown deepened as I stubbornly redialed the number.

“Why isn’t she picking up?”

There was still no response after I redialed it the fourth time. If she was intentionally ignoring my callthen she must be a fool and not care about her son at all. So far, she must know that I was the onlyone who would be with Mark in the hospital and since I never called her, she was. supposed toknow that I must be calling her regarding Mark

I decided to try to call her with someone else’s number. I rushed to Grace’s office. “Hey, can I haveyour phone?”

“Sure…” she trailed off as I had already snatched her phone from her desk.

I felt her eyes on me as I punched Rose’s number into her phone and dialed it. No response. I triedagain and there was still no response.

“Strange,” I murmured under my breath as I handed Grace’s phone to her. Her curious gaze wason me as she absentmindedly took the phone from me.

Chapter 76 Chapter Seventy Six

“What’s up?”

I sighed and plopped in the cushioned chair in her office. I’m trying to reach Rose. I tried to reachher with my line but she didn’t pick up so I thought maybe she was ignoring my calls. I tried to reachher with your line too but it’s still the same. At least, now I’m sure she isn’t deliberately ignoring mycalls.”

“First, why are you trying to reach her?” That was the first question that Grace blurted out.

I told her why I needed to reach either Rise or Sandra and her m*uth formed an ‘O‘ then shepouted, “I really

feel bad for him.

“Me too,” I murmured back. My eyes followed Grace as she got back to work; she seemed to bejoining some fabrics with a tiny needle.

“Now that Rose isn’t picking up, I guess I have to call Sandra,” I shrugged and with my l*ps. twistedunpleasantly, I dialed Sandra’s number. As I dialed her line, I wondered how come I had it. Sheanswered almost immediately, as if she had been expecting my call.


“Sandra. It’s Sydney.”

There was a brief pause then, “Sydney?” She sounded surprised. “What do you want?”

I crossed my legs. I just got a call from Mark’s caregiver,” I heard her emit a low groan but I ignoredit and kept talking, “I just learned from her that you haven’t visited your fiancé since he’s been in thehospital.”


My brows raised on their own accord. “It’s been a week, Sandra. A whole week! Even if you don’tgenuinely love him, you should consider the amount of money he willingly spent on you and theengagement. It’s unfair, you should at least go and see him,” I reproached her.

“Uh, duh!” Sandra said nonchalantly, “We are yet to have our engagement ceremony so he’s notreally my

fiancé yet. That being said, I have no obligation to take care of him.”

I opened my m*uth, surprised but what was I expecting from her. “You shouldn’t say that, Sandra.You guys are dating and you’re the one he intends to get married to and spend the rest of his lifewith. The least you can do is to be by his side in this trying time and care for him,” I saidplacatingly.

She let out one of those ‘you’re so boring‘ groans, “Spare me. What am I? A nurse? Besides, that’swhy he’s got a caregiver. Let her do her job.”


She interrupted me and asked the most ridiculous question expected from someone whose fiance istrapped in a hospital bed. “Hey, how is he in bed? Before and after the accident.” She didn’t let merespond as he droned on, “My God, I heard that some people lose their S*xual ability after wakingup from a serious accident, how am I supposed to live with that?! I simply cannot accept that! Themarriage won’t even work, it will be a disaster. You know, I actually dumped Joel, that softie,because he couldn’t satisfy me anymore, then she scoffed, I’m not even about to get into anotherrelationship where I will not get S*xually sated.”

Grace’s m*uth was hanging open. She could also hear Sandra’s utterances as the call was onspeaker. The hell! How much more stupid could this girl be?

I was fuming with anger but I suppressed it. How would I know how he is in bed, Sandra? I’ve neverslept with him. Why don’t you ask your good friend, Bella? They used to be dynamite in bed. Sheshould be willing to tell you.”

I didn’t wait for her dumb response, I furiously tapped on the ‘end call‘ icon and threw the phone onthe other end of the couch.

“God!” I clutched my head in my hand while Grace giggled and got back to work.

I let out a breath and sighed. Since no one was ready to show up, I would have to takeresponsibility for Mark’s care until Rose shows up. Again, for Doris‘ sake.

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