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Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Chapter Seventy Three


The days after Grandma was declared to be in coma passed like a blur. Business was booming.Lucas and I got closer than ever, everything was going well or so it seemed.

Mark and Sandra announced their engagement and it was to be scheduled today. Sandra had notbeen able to stop talking about it all over the net.

“I wonder how Steven and Sandra feel about this, Grace was watching one of many of Sandra’spre–wedding reels when she absentmindedly said it.

I only raised my brows and said nothing. She hadn’t looked up for a response so I didn’t think shewas expecting a response. Besides. I didn’t care how the both of them felt to know what to respond.Maybe I do care about how Mark felt but that was only because after Doris made me promise, Isometimes feel responsible for him. My heart grew heavy at the thought of Grandma. With Mark’scontinuously booming financial status, Sandra’s strict and luxurious demands were all met.

If I was being very honest, the whole thing was like a business transaction rather than the union of aman and woman who tried to portray themselves as couples that were in love. Atleast, from Mark’sactions, it looked like it was all business as usual. I would have been happy for him if he was happyfor himself.

Just last night, the to–be–bride dropped a video of the champagne collection for her wedding. thatarrived. She had imported top–tier champagne from France. Fresh beautiful tul*ps were air-freighted from the Netherlands. World renowned chefs from across the world were brought togetherto prepare the wedding meal.

The wedding was the talk of town, to be more specific, it was the talk of the whole country.Everyone wanted to attend and have a taste of these rare luxuries that would be made available atthe event but Sandra burst their bubbles and got a few haters who were green with envy when sheannounced her list of attendees.

She had carefully selected her guests. The guest lists only had names of her family members, herhusband’s–to–be family members, business partners from both of the couple’s side, family friendsand influential figures. I had opened my m*uth when Grace showed me the list that. Sandra posted;Famous actors and actresses – her favorites. Musicians and music bands, politicians andentertainers, comedians and footballers, designers, even members of royal families. I swear, the listof these dignitaries was endless..

Well, Grace and I were excited to attend their wedding because it was a foolproof opportunity tomeet with dignitaries and make worthwhile connections. Thank goodness we were business.associates of GT Group.

The people who were not invited, I quote, “could watch the wedding live from behind their


There were also snippets of her customized wedding fireworks that matched her uniquepreferences. Who knew there could be customized fireworks for a wedding? The wedding venue,even I would agree that it was stunning. The venue looked ethereal. It would be as if we wereattending a wedding even though the bride is a devil. Ha! A devil in heaven.

The venue and event was prepared and planned by world famous wedding planners who havespent years in the industry. There would also be live performances by trending pop singers of all herfavorite music genres and from several countries. The top tier photography team she hired knewtheir beans because all of the behind the scenes videos and pictures she’s been posting were

taken by them and trust me when I say the quality and angles at which these pictures were takenwas unbeatable.

Her wedding ring especially garnered a lot of attention, including mine. As a professional in jewelrymaking, I could tell that a lot of time and money was spent in the carefully crafted 10- carat diamondjewelry set. They were custom made by another famous jewelry brand.

Chapter 73 Chapter Seventy Three

Grace had rolled her eyes at her wedding dress. Sandra had gone for her fitting so she decided. todrop a picture of the half made dress to keep us on our toes. Her makeup artists and stylists. werewalking talents. Gosh, her pre–wedding pictures with Mark were so exquisite.

Even as much as I disliked the girl, I would give it to her that she had great taste. Well, she had aunique taste in insanely expensive things

This morning, she wowed every netizen who had been following her wedding preparations whenshe announced the arrival of her wedding gifts. She captioned the videos and pictures onInstagram, “Come, you all, and leave bathed in heaven.”

“Huh?” My coco pops filled spoon froze in the air after I read the caption. It didn’t make sense untilthe videos finished loading and I saw what the wedding gifts were.

Clive Christian, on her demand, had created a limited perfume with her favorite flavors named. afterher. They made thousands of these for her as the gifts she would share to her wedding guests.

“Okay, this is crazy!” I exclaimed and dropped my spoon in my cup. novelbin

“What’s that?” Grace briefly looked up from the garment bag.

I turned my phone for Grace to see and she chuckled. “Spoilt brat. She works for nothing yet shespends so much, Grace said as she packaged Mark’s wedding suit in a garment bag.

Unlike the bride, the groom had simply requested for a customized suit from Luxe Vogue. Gracehad spent her sweet time designing and making his suit. It was a black three–piece suit, with thesoftest and smoothest texture. I wondered how long it had taken her to embroider the intricatepatterns on the collar and cuffs; they made the suit stand out and also align with Mark’s demeanor.

Mark also added to his investment in Luxe Vogue which officially made him the largest investor inour company. So asking for a personally tailored suit was not too much, right? Except he has askedme to personally deliver the suit to him. It wasn’t too much but it made my stomach

churn with unease.

It was his goddamn wedding, why do I have to be the one to deliver it to him?

I scooped the rest of the cereal and quickly washed the cup. Then I picked up my bag and thegarment bag that Grace had prepared for me.

“Let me get my purse, I’m coming with you,” Grace said and left



I sighed as I watched her leave but I waited as she had instructed. She had been insisting that shewould come with me since Mark also insisted that I bring the suit to him.

At first, Grace hadn’t seen anything wrong with it until she remembered the incident at the auctionin the restroom that I told her. She had been very concerned about leaving the both of us alone.

“Okay! I’m set,” she beamed and together we left the house and drove together to Mark’s house.His housekeeper opened the door for us. He was coming down the stairs with a small smile on hisl*ps but when his gaze fell on Grace, his smile faded and his expression turned sour.

When he stopped before us, he openly scowled at Grace, “You’re not needed here. Sydney isenough. Then he nodded toward the door, “Why don’t you go to Sandra’s and see if she needs.

extra hands.”

Grace hesitated, her gaze sliding to me. For one, I was surprised that she wasn’t retorting back atsnarky response but then I shouldn’t be. Since she had declared him her hero, she had noticeablygone soft on him.

I managed a smile. “It’s fine. I’ll be quick and come find you later.”

She nodded and hugged. “Call me if anything happens, she whispered into my ear as she pulled.


I nodded and watched her leave.

Mark’s expression softened a bit after Grace was ou

me, Welcome. How’re you?”

Chapter 78 Chapter Seventy Three

the door and out of his sight. He turned to

I shrugged, I’m fine. Congratulations.”

He nodded with a small smile and led me to his dressing room.

I looked around the room, at the boring pale colors, rigid furniture and stiff curtains. Earlier on in ourmarriage, I had intended to refurbish the room and breathe life into it but… well, things didn’t workout. Many times, I had begrudgingly dressed him in this room; helped him pack his file and iron hisoutfit and helped him into his jacket like every wife should.


put on his trousers and shirt in the restroom. When he came out, he simply stood in the middle ofthe room and spread his arms.

I sighed and walked up to him. We’re really doing this, aren’t we? I thought to myself.

I automatically helped him into the waist coat then I put his suit on him like I used to do. The actionsfelt natural, as if I never stopped doing them.

All the while, he remained silent but I could feel his eyes on me. They followed my every


I was buttoning the suit when he broke the tense silence. “Did you ever love me during our threeyears of marriage?”

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