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Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Chapter Sixty Five



“GT Group is really optimistic about Luxe Vogue,” the reporter shook his head as the other oneenunciated about the turn of events for Luxe Vogue. “It seems the company still has a promisingfuture!”

“Of course,” the other man said enthusiastically, “GT Group has invested a huge sum in thecompany and have you seen the rapid rise of their stock in just a few days? It’s crazy, I tell you?”Then he turned to the screen, “The men’s clothing line of the Luxe Vogue is the new big fish.Investors are rushing at it, companies want to partner with it and their stock price keeps rising bythe minute!”

My gaze shifted from my laptop’s screen to my office door that was just banged open. Grace burstinto my office, her face alight with joy, “Sydney! Have you seen this?” She had her iPad in hergrasp.

“I’m currently watching it,” I laughed, my insides bursting with joy.

She set her iPad on my desk as she took a seat on the other side. “Girl! Our company is the talk ofthe city. We’ve done it; we’re really amazing.”

“Aren’t we?” I shifted my laptop away and reclined in my seat, “But it wouldn’t have been possible ifGT Group hadn’t intervened, you know.”

“Yeah. Their Goodwill did wonders. But we worked too. I’m just glad that all that work didn’t go towaste and our company wouldn’t be history.”

“I know right,” I said, “The power of Z Group is indeed formidable!”

“It is, she agreed. Then she started to wiggle her brows and I knew she was about to tease meagain. “And it’s all thanks to your ex–husband, Mark

I rolled my eyes, “Oh please. He’s getting returns on the investment.”

d him to

“Whatever,” Grace waved her hair in the air dismissively, “He’s my hero now; I now find be the mosthandsome man in the whole wide world. I’ll never speak ill of him again.” I laughed and said amidstlaughter, “What an opportunist.”

Grace laughed at herself too. “Call me whatever. It’s how I see him now.” She sighed happily andlightly scrolled on her screen. “Gosh. The men’s clothing line is doing so well. I’m immenselysurprised.”

I nodded, “That’s the power of an indomitable goodwill”

After the investment with GT Group was finalized, we relaunched the men’s clothing line and. hadour social media manager create another page for it. We started to post strictly plagiarism- freepictures and videos to push the line to many internet users. GT Group also shared and posted acongratulatory message on the launch of the men’s clothing line after which their alliance andinvestment in our company was announced and aired.

This announcement brought a wave of investors and companies wanting to invest and partner withus.

In just a matter of days, a lot of changes had been seen. Social medias buzzed with excitement atthe launch of our men’s clothing and Luxe Vogue gained a new wave of attention and the fans whohadn’t kosed hope on us cheered us on..

Our reputation has been elevated, sales has significantly increased, especially that of the new linewe just launched. Our old investors publicly apologized and came back to us. Some of theshareholders that left were now waiting for us to declare our shares on sale again but unfortunately,Grace and I had agreed that we would hold on before selling our shares again. “I don’t just think wecan ever thank him enough,” Grace said.

I nodded, “You’re right. But you shouldn’t let it seem that way. We didn’t beg for the investment.Chapter 65 Chapter Sixty Five

after all-

The vibration of my phone interrupted me. I turned the screen of my phone up to ch*ck the caller’sID. I rolled my eyes.

“Who is it?” Grace asked.

“Mark,” I simply said. “He has probably called to boast of his company’s name

e again!

Grace shook her head and laughed, “I would do the same if I were in his shoes.”

I snorted, “So you’re supporting him now, huh.

She raised her hand. “I already told you. He’s my hero.”

The call ended before I could pick it up but my phone lit up immediately again.

“Have you seen the data growth for Luxe Vogue today?”

“Of course. You’re called to gloat again.”

His deep voice boomed through my phone’s speaker Ashe chuckled, “Come on, it’s a win win.Nothing to gloat about.”

“Hmm, I bummed.

“So how do you plan to thank me?” His voice lowered a few degrees as he asked flirtatiously.“Thank you? Didn’t you just say it’s a win win? GT Group would also enjoy a share of the profits,won’t they?” I retorted.

“Ha, you’re always strictly sticking to talking business. How about dinner tonight? Let’s celebratethis continual growth,” he suggested with an awkward laugh.

I scoffed. “You’re so confusing,you know that? Now you pose as a suitor, sometimes you seemjealous, sometimes passionate, sometimes flirty. Are you trying to make me fall in love with you,only to cruelly dump me and humiliate me after making me have my hopes high?”

There was a long pause then he erupted, “Damn, you caught me. My acting skills are seriouslywaning these days.”

“There was never any skill in the first place. Your acting is as terrible as it has always been.” “Youknow me so well, Sydney.”

I ignored his comment, “Besides, Doris already told me that you’re currently dating the senator’sdaughter, Sandra.”

At the mention of Sandra, Grace’s head that has since been buried in the iPad snapped up.

“Tsk tsk, isn’t Sandra your good friend, Joel’s girlfriend? You guys now date one girl? Perhaps, it’snow the trending thing right?” I smirked at the silence that answered my question on the other “end.“What a messy circle you are in, Mark.

Grace’s eyes were filled with questions as she looked at me and listened to fragments of theconversation on my end.

He sneered, “You’re no better. Aren’t you also dating Lucas? Your ex–husband’s uncle. I could hearthe smirk in his voice as he continued, “Come on, Sydney, we’re evenly matched. Do you not seethat we are really meant for eachother?” There was a pause then he added in a low voice, almost awhisper, “We shouldn’t have divorced.”


I was thinking of the response to give to Mark when I heard Lucas voice. My gaze slid to the glasswall of my office and I saw Lucas speaking with someone, a rose bouquet in his Mark was sayingsomething but obviously I didn’t hear half of it. “Alright, Mr Mark,” 1 interrupted him, “Thisunnecessary phone call will end now; I can’t talk to you anymore. Your favorite uncle, my boyfriend,is here,” I teased.

At this, Grace turned back to look at Lucas. Then she turned to me and wiggled her brows. I threw apen her way and she dodged it, laughing.

There was another pause on Mark’s end then he said. “My favorite uncle

“Hm hm.

you said?”

Then he laughed, “You should leave the company for Grace and take a career as a comedian.”Chapter 65 Chapter Sixty Five

“I will surely give it a thought,” I answered him, my gaze still fixed on Lucas. I could barelyconcentrate on whatever Mark was saying as I admired Lucas from where I sat. The fluidity withwhich he related with my employees, the smile on his face the delicious stretch of his broad

shoulders. The expanse of his ch*st that I so much loved to lay my head on. My fingers twitched asthe feel of my fingers tangling in the soft curls on his head filled my memory…

“What are you guys going to do? I don’t mind joining. Mark said in a playful tone, intruding mythoughts.

nonchalantly said, “What do boyfriends and girlfriends do together? What do you do with. Sandra?”

“Are you that curious? Or would you like me to give my favorite uncle a lesson or two?” He stressedon ‘my favorite uncle‘

“Trust me, you are the one who needs a lesson or two. And let me put my question more precisely,what did you do with Bella behind my back? Of course, you have S*x,” I said nonchalantly andGrace shook her head at my response

I decided to spite him so I added, “You don’t have to worry though, I don’t have the habit ofrecording videos and sending them to other people’s phones. I’m not ill mannered.” novelbin

The silence stretched for a long time this time. I would have hung up but I didn’t. I knew he knewwhat I meant. He understood that I was referencing the time when Linda sent a S*x video of both ofthem to me. Till today, when I have nothing to do of course, I still sometimes wonder why on earthhe had even let her send the video.

I heard him bitterly bite out under his breath, “You’re such a vengeful woman.” Then he hung up.

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