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Chapter 63

Chapter 68 Sixty Three


As expected of a company as large as GT Group, the executive office quickly prepared thecontracts and proposals and brought it for Mark to review.

I watched the man who brought the documents stand beside Mark and explained some things tohim. “This is the termination of the acquisition proposal. We need your signature here,” he pointedto somewhere in the paper, “and there.”

Mark nodded, as he went through them first. One in a while, he would squint his eyes and ask thatsomething be explained and why it was done in a certain way and the man would explain everythingto him then Mark would nod, seeming impressed.

I was quite surprised when he claimed that he didn’t know that I co–owned Luxe Vogue and AtelierStudios with Grace. If I was not raving mad, I would have burst out with laughter at the expressionon his face when he tried to piece everything together.

I had merely stormed here with the thought that he was doing all he was doing to cripple ourcompany and buy it cheap because he knew I co–owned it. But surprisingly he hadn’t. I stillwondered why he had wanted to acquire the company but it was the least of the things on my mindright now. I was still trying to grasp that he was really going to invest that much in our company.

At long last, he sighed. “Good job. This is accurate, just the way I want it.” Then he raised his gazefrom the documents and fixed it on me, “I am fine with it, you should ch*ck it out too.” He slid thedocuments toward me.

I took the documents and opened each one. My eyes took in the words and figures as Ipainstakingly read through. I didn’t want to miss anything.

Just as Mark had said, everything was as it should be. I was impressed too but not very surprised.Mark took the company and his job seriously. It was only expected of his employees to do the


I faced both of them and nodded. I dropped it on the desk. I’m fine with it too but I will need todiscuss this with my partner first.”

Mark smiled as he opened his arms and said warmly, “Of course, take your time and let me knowonce you’ve made a decision.”

Why was he

I resisted the urge to cast him another suspicious glance. Why was he doing this? w being so nice?He seemed so determined to acquire our company. What has changed? “If you can send me a softcopy of the documents, I would really appreciate it.”

He turned to the man by his side. “You heard her. Go send her the soft copy. Send it to the samebusiness mail you sent the atquisition request proposal.”

“Yes sir,” the man said and walked out of the office.

I avoided his gaze as I picked up my bag. I could barely contain my excitement as I walked out ofhis office. It was really happening! We were getting a ten million dollars investment from a veryprestigious company!

The mere mention that GT Group was acquainted with our company would have more. companiesrushing at us in multifolds.

The moment I was at the rooftop, I jumped and screamed in excitement. Then I received anotification on my phone. It was an email notification from GT Group. They just sent the soft copiesof the documents. I tried to relax as I went through it again to be very sure. Everything was just theway they were in the hard copy.

My hands shook as I dialed Grace’s number. She didn’t pick up on the first dial so I had to redial hernumber. She picked up on the third ring.

“Hey..” her voice sounded somber. “I had the volume up as I attempted to drown myself in some

Chapter 63 Sixty Three novelbin

romcom since I couldn’t stop thinking about what would become of us after our company crumblesso I didn’t hear the phone ring. Sorry. What’s up? Were you able to see Mark?”

“I wasn’t just able to see him, I was able to bag a big investor!”

“Are you for real?!” Grace practically yelled the question.

“Trust me, we’ve gotten a new investment. A whooping one at that. The soft copy has been sent tothe business email”

“Oh My God! You’re serious. This is good news,” I assumed she was moving because the pitch ofher voice started to rise up and down and she sounded like she was on the verge of weeping inhappiness. “So who’s this insightful investor?” I could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke. “Youwouldn’t believe it. It’s Mark’s company, GT Group.”

There was a pause then she blurted out, “Why?!”

I chuckled, “There are so many why’s? Which of the why’s?”

I heard Grace take a deep breath. “First, why is he investing so much? I’m looking at the proposalright now. Secondly, why did he want to acquire the company in the first place?”

“He initially didn’t know that I co–owned the company with you and I have no idea why he isinvesting so much, babe. I’m shocked and most importantly, I am happy! So who cares why?”“Hmm, Grace hummed, “The ex–wife’s influence is still strong!” She joked and I could imagine herwiggling her brows.

“Stop it,” I said as I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, since you’ve received the soft copy of the

proposal. Check it out, if there are any issues, let me know ASAP. I’ll drop my ou contract


and once I get confirmation from my lawyer, you should sign your part on the soft copies, okay?Later, you will sign the hard copies.”

“Alright, I’m already flitting through but I will carefully look at them right now,” she said. “I’ll get backto you as soon as I’m done.”

“Okay, I will be waiting for your response,” I said, then hung up and instantly called my lawyer. I hada long discussion with my lawyer to confirm that there were no issues with the contract. He assuredme that everything there was as it should be and that there are no means of manipulation or thelikes.


I smiled in relief as his assurance. I had somehow had it at the back of my mind that Mark might beup to some mishap or so. But everything was as it should be.

Just then, Grace’s call came in. I quickly picked it up. “I’ve looked it over,” Grace said the moment Ipicked up. “And the proposal and contract is solid. Very beneficial to the company in the long andthe short run. I say we should accept it, Grace rushed out excitedly.

“That’s great, then. I just got off the phone with my lawyer too. He said the same.” I smiled, feelinggiddy with excitement. I’ll go sign the contract now. Get your signature where it should be too.”

“Of course. Come on, hurry back to them, our company’s future and even our personal futuredepends on this contract, she said, half serious. “Go for it.”

I chuckled lightly at what she said. It might seem like a joke but she was right. All aspects of ourfuture actually depended on the contract we just got.

After I hung up, I made my way back to Mark’s office. I took a deep breath, erasing all forms ofoverexcitement and desperation from my features, before I pushed his door open..

On hearing the door open, he looked up and when his eyes landed on me, his l*ps stretched into asmile. “Have you spoken with your partner?”

I nodded, my gaze fixed on the documents arranged before him on the desk. I sat in the seat I hadbeen occupying before I left. The documents were now in duplicates.

“All ready.” Mark gestured at the array of duplicate documents. “What have you decided?”

“Where do I sign?” I didn’t miss the smirk on Mark’s face as I picked up the pen before him. The GTGroup’s corporate seal was already stamped onto the documents, only my signature was needed.

Chapter 63 Sixty Three


As my eyes grazed the contract terms again, I first toyed with the idea then I dared to ask. I lookedup at him, “Can’t you increase the investment a bit more?”

Mark’s l*ps tilted in a half–smile as he regarded me. Then he stood up and took his sweet time towalk over to the other side of the desk where I was seated.

The chair I sat

in was a swivel chair, so he easily turned me to face away from the desk and face him. He leanedforward and placed his hands on both sides of the chair, trapping me enveloping me within hisarms.

I drew back as much as the chair would allow and frowned as he intently looked into my eyes. I’m abusinessman, Sydney,” his hoarse yet smooth voice sweetly swept over me. “If my initial investmentproves effective, naturally, I will increase it.”

He smirked as his face moved even closer and if it wasn’t for his strong grip on the chair, the forcewith which I pressed my head to the back of the chair would have wheeled it back.

“If you want me to increase the investment now, it’s not impossible; for instance…

I swallowed and held his gaze, “For instance, what?”

Mark smirk widened even more as he blurted out the last words I had expected to hear from him,“For instance, having a one–night stand with me would make that possible.”

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