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Chapter 55


Chapter 55 Chapter Fifty Five


I rushed after the nurses as they wheeled her inside the hospital with a stretcher. There had beenno help when I called for it after Bella started bleeding but immediately I got downstairs, theambulance had arrived. Immediately, I got into the ambulance and held her hand. I called her nameseveral times and hoped she would wake up but her eyes just remained shut.

The doctor burst out of a corner, his stethoscope carelessly hung around his n*eck. As we bothbriskly walked after the nurses pushing the stretcher, I explained what had happened to him. “I thinkhe must have hit her, because she just suddenly started bleeding”

The doctor nodded and stepped into the ward where they had taken her. She was already placedon a hospital bed. I was not allowed inside the ward, so I stayed outside the door and watchedthrough translucent glass in the door.

The doctor shook his head as he examined her. Then he said something to the nurses with him.They nodded and rushed out of the room.

“Excuse me sir,” they both muttered and I moved away to let them pass by.

Just then, the doctor came out too. He immediately said to me, “Her condition is critical so sheneeds to be operated on immediately. We will transfer her to the operating room now.” Then headded and started to walk ahead. “Come with me so you can sign the required documents so wewill begin the operation as soon as possible.”

I hurried after him.

In a whirlwind, I signed documents on her behalf and as a witness.

Then she was cleaned and prepared for surgery. The double operating room doors also had atranslucent panel that I could look through but I was not allowed close to it so I had no choice. but towait outside the operating room, restlessly pacing back and forth.

I suddenly wished Sydney was with me. I wished she was here to offer me comfort and tell me thatBella would be fine. My senses registered the weight of my phone in my hands and I thought ofcalling her. Would she even bother to make it here? Since the day that I met her, I had not beenvery nice to her. Bella was even the worst so I doubt she would be willing to rush, here for either ofus. No matter how kind–hearted she is. So I determinedly tucked my phone into my pocket.

I left the front of the operating room and walked to the reception where I paced again. I tried to takemy mind off it a little bit and called my driver to bring my car to the hospital. After the call. ended, Isent him the address where he would pick the car from.

But I just couldn’t bring myself to relax. I kept glancing at my watch and it was as if time was noteven moving; each second was a torture as I waited for the operating door to open as I wonderedwhat was going on in there.

Just as I was going out of my mind with worry, the door to the operating room was pushed open. Iran the short distance between me and the doctor who was taking off his nose mask. “How is she?”My eyes darted behind him to the door, “Has the surgery ended already?” The doctor’s gaze settledon me and it was unfathomable. Finally, he spoke up. “Mr Mark, the surgery was successful and thepatient is out of danger, but…” I held my breath as the doctor took a dramatic pause, taking histime. His ch*st rose as he sighed, “Unfortunately, due to severe. injuries, we couldn’t save herchild.”

I felt rooted to the spot and I just stared at the doctor, taking in and processing this information thathe had just dumped on me. Even though I now know that the pregnancy isn’t mine, knowing that

she had lost a child really touched my heart. Especially since she once had at stillborn. I wonderedhow much mental stress she must be going through right now. Yes, she had been horrible but noone deserved a fate like that, no one deserved to lose a pregnancy they have been nurturing andgrown to love. Bells had moved the child in her; it was the only thing

Chapter 55 Chapter Fifty Five

she ever talked about whenever she got the chance.

“Is she awake? Can I see her now?” I was finally able to make my vocals work.

The doctor shook his head. “She is still asleep from the anesthesia she was administered. She willbe transferred to a ward room now. Wait for a couple of minutes, she should be awake.”

“Thank you.” novelbin

The doctor nodded, then he walked away.

I was in the reception, trying to remain patient as I waited for Bella to wake up when a nurse walkedup to me, “Mr Mark. The woman you brought has been moved to a room and she is awake. If youare ready to see her now, I will take you to her ward.”

I stood up and shook my head, “Take me there.” She led the way and I followed her. We passedseveral other rooms before the doctor stopped before a door.

She opened the door. “Here’s her ward, sir.”

I entered the ward and teg nurse left. Bella’s head was turned to the other side. She had worn thehospital’s gown and her hair was scoped into a shower cap. I imagined that she was sobbingsilently with her head turned away.

“Bella,” I softly called out her name and she turned immediately. Her face was ashen and her eyeswere red rimmed. I assumed she had been crying or maybe just quietly letting her tears slide downher face because when her gaze landed on me, she burst out into tears.

“Mark…” she cried and I closed up the space between us. I perched on the edge of the bed. Shegot into a sitting positio

and clutched to me, her shoulders shook as she buried her face in the. crook of my n*eck. My armswent around her and I embraced her.

I wordlessly rubbed her back, allowing her to let out her pain through her tears.

“I’m sorry, Mark.”

I frowned. Why was she apologizing? I was about to ask and also tell her that she didn’t need toapologize and that it wasn’t her fault but her next words stopped me.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect our child,” I felt the trembling of her voice that was rough from crying onmy shoulder.

My hand automatically stopped parting her and I clenched my teeth. All the pity I felt for her abruptlydrained, evaporated, replaced by the anger I had set aside.

She must have noticed my sudden stiffness because she pulled away. Her eyes roamed my face,taking in my expression. “Mark” she sniffed, “Are you okay?”

As I looked at her, I wondered if I would ever be able to ignite the love I once had for this woman. Ididn’t even want to because sitting before me was a completely different person. I had fallen in lovewith whom she made me believe she was, not the one who toyed with my emotions and tookadvantage of my love.

“Why are you still lying?” I bit out. Her hand was grabbing the sides of my shirt; I pulled it away androughly set them on her lap. “Are you not tired? You just lost your pregnancy for f**k’s sake yet youstill intend to keep up with your deceit and lies.”

She blinked. Then she sniffed and licked her l*ps. “What do you mean? What are you say-

I leapt out of the bed and stood before her, “Stop it, Bella. Stop it. I know everything…” I pausedand took in her reaction. Her eyes widened a fraction and that was it. I continued, “I know about youand Isaac. I know the pregnancy was not mine.”

She looked away. She was quiet for a moment then she snapped her head to face me. Suddenly,the grieving woman was gone. Her frown was deep; coupled with her red eyes from crying, shelooked like a desperate crackhead. One that would do anything to get what she wants.

“Was it Sydney?” She asked furiously, her loud voice bounced off the room’s walls. “It was thatb**ch, wasn’t it? She told you all of this nonsense. Don’t believe her! She’s only trying to drive awedge between us. As you know, she is single and unhappy. She wants to make us miserable likeher

So Sydney knew all about this? She knew all this, yet she stayed in the marriage and endured all

Chapter 55 Chapter Fifty Five

the misunderstandings, the blames, the mistreatments. She accepted it all without complating Yet,when Bella came back without any form of appreciation or remorse for what her selfishness had

put her sister in Sydney still held onto her secret. Any other person would tame been des with rageand blurted out her secret to me but she didn’t. Instead, she quietly left. I wondered who else knew.Or maybe I was even the only one in the dark

A wave of anger surged through me, on behalf of Sydney, on behalf of myself I looked at her withdisdain. There is no need to blame Sydney like you’ve always done or cover up your hes by makingher look bad because it has nothing to do with her. I haven’t even been in contact with her for a longtime, since the divorce, infact. So keep her out of this

“Believe me, ever since Sydn-”

I closed my eyes and grounded my teeth together. I was trying to put a rein on my anger butt shewas making it difficult. Just shut up, Bella. I don’t need to hear any of your cooked anymore. I haveheard enough


“You should rest,” I shut her up again. Tm leaving I will reach out to Michael and Clarissa so theycan come for you?

Blood seemed to drain from Bella’s face. Her eyes were wide with panic and the screamed, hervoice and b*dy trembled. “Are you breaking up with me?”

I raised my brows. Were we ever together? We never made anything official. You came back fromyour trip and just came into my arms without any words and then you trapped me with a pregnancythat wasn’t mine. I have been with you because you made me

“How can you say this, Ma-”

“But if that is how you see it, then yes, I am breaking up with you. Whatever we had, it’s over

I didn’t wait for her next response that I knew she would scream out. I turned and walked out of thedoor.

There were eyes on me as I walked through the reception – they must have heard her screamedresponses. The moment I stepped out of the hospital main entrance, I found myself in a swarm ofreporters.

“Mr Mark, we heard you personally brought a pregnant woman to the hospital. What’s yourrelationship with this woman? Is she okay?

They didn’t hesitate to utilize the opportunity they had and they threw questions at me.

I sighed deeply. I dug my sunglasses out of my pocket and put them on.

I could have easily told the whole thing to the reporters. That was the sort of news they would love. Icould tell them that Bella’s pregnancy was never mine in the first place but for a man named Isaacbut I could not bring myself to do it.

Even though the had been despicable, the fact that I had once devoted my whole heart into lovingher could be denied and I didn’t want to cause her more pain. She just lost a child she cherished, if Ishould tell the public, it would only subject her to more pain and public scrutiny. “She was attacked,and unfortunately lost the child. I’m very saddened by this.”


you have an idea who did this? The reporters scribbled down my words as they asked morequestions. Their cameras followed me closely, “Was it a coincidence or is it someone that has athing against you?” They threw more questions at me.

I will do my best and assist the police to catch the attacker as soon as possible. That’s all I have tosay.” I said simply and made my way to my car without another comment. The driver quickly got outand opened the door to the passenger’s back seat…

“Was the woman’s child yours?”

“What is your relationship with her?”

“Is the woman Bella Michael?”

“Will you marry her?

“Are you still with her?”

Chapter 55 Chapter Fifty FivE

had deceived me and toyed with the love I had for her.

My driver pressed hard on the car’s horn. The reporters cleared out the way and he drove the carout of the hospital.

Chapter 55 Chapter Fifty Five

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