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Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Chapter Fifty One

“Sydney, you really look like a lovestruck teenager, Grace teased as she walked into the living roomwith a bowl filled with strawberries, munching on some of them.

“I don’t know, Grace,” I spinned my phone between my fingertips, my l*ps jutting out in worry,“Should I call him? Should I not call him?”

After the whole brouhaha with Mark and Lucas at the party, my time to properly reunite with Lucashad been cut short. He had opted to drop me off at my place but he seemed to be in a hurry. But hemade sure we exchanged phone numbers before he hurriedly drove off. And since then, I haven’tbeen able to get him out of my mind or my head. I have been unable to concentrate on workbecause Lucas was all I could think about.

Grace rolled her eyes to the ceiling as she took a seat on the bean bag that had replaced the tablein the middle of the room. She stretched the bowl of strawberries toward me, “Want some?” Shebriefly closed her eyes and sighed dramatically, “They’re really juicy.”

I shook my head and she tutted in disapproval. “You’re rejecting good food just because you can’tstop worrying if you should call your long lost crush that you’ve just reunited with. Just call him,babe. Why else did you guys exchange contacts on the first place?”

“But he hasn’t called me!” I threw my hands on the couch and faked a cry. I dug my fingers in myhair again – I had been doing that since I’ve been deliberating on whether to call him or not. Rightnow, as Grace had teased me a lot of times, my hair was a mess on top of my head, and

hair not a beautiful mess like the messy bun I took to Doris’ birthday party. In Grace’s words; mywas now a luxurious bird’s nest.

Grace glanced my way then her face shifted up to my hair and she bursted out with laughter. “God,the sight of your hair keeps cracking me up,” when I glared at her she covered her m*uth to try andstop herself from laughing. “Sorry, I just can’t stop seeing birds nursing their eggs. it.” Then sheerupted in another fit of giggles.


I rolled my eyes then I let my shoulders droop and my pout deepened. “Don’t make fun of me,”

I said in resignation then I turned to her with a smirk, “Have you forgotten your own heartaches?You took ice cream like it was water.”

She made a face at me and threw a half eaten strawberry my way. I caught it accurately andpopped it into my m*uth.

“I knew you were going to mention that.” She shrugged, “But before Mr Right comes along, wealways have to meet one or two jerks and maybe even mistake them for Mr Right, right? Just let –those guys go like fart and that’s what I have done.”


I could not hold back my laughter, “Brilliant analogy, ma’am. I got on my feet, “Now, can you me golike fart too?” I looked out the window, “The weather is so nice today, and I am sure the flowers inthe park will be blooming. One of the perfect spots for inspiration and turns out that I need to findsome design inspiration. No matter how lovesick I am, I can’t neglect my work, can I?”

Since Lucas wasn’t calling and I couldn’t bring myself to call him, I should perhaps make good useof my time instead of sulking like a baby.

Grace smiled and nodded, “I like that attitude. Go on, what are you waiting for? Go create designthat would yield millions!” She pumped her fist in the air.

I laughed lightly, “It’s always money for you.”

“Hey, I love my job!” Grace hollered after me as I made my way to my room to get changed.

I put on a short red sundress, thoroughly combed and oiled my hair then I packed it back into a highand tight ponytail. I put on a white light–weight sneakers. Then I grabbed a backpack and stuffed itwith my sketch papers, pens, l*pgloss and a bottle of water. I slung it over one of my shoulder andleft the room.

“M’kay, I’m off, I hollered out to Grace who now had her head buried in another fashion.


“Hmm, you look cute.”

“Thank you,” I called out as I stepped out of the house.

The walk to the park wasn’t a long one. Just a few miles from the estate houses. As I walked there,my earpods plugged in my ears, I tried to put Lucas out of my mind. I concentrated on the BillieEillish songs that I had out on shuffle and the nature that surrounded me. novelbin

I took a light calming stroll around the park for a while before choosing a bench that wasn’toccupied to sit on.

I placed my backpack on my lap and closed my eyes. The sounds of birds chirping in the distance,the gentle blow of the breeze and the sound of kids giggling and muffled conversation swirledaround me as I inhaled the earthy smell of the fresh and damp grass.

I opened my eyes with a smile. Gone were thoughts of Lucas and back were my inspiration andcreative juice. I brought out my sketch papers and pen. My brows furrowed in concentration as Isketched down the ideas I was getting. In between, I would grab my bottle of water and take a

refreshing sip then I would stretch my arm forward and hold out the design I had sketched on thepaper before me and squint at what I had created.

As usual, they looked intentional, not as if I had just quickly scribbled some cheap design on paper.

By the time I got out of my creative world and glanced around me, it was already getting dark andthere were now very few people around. I packed up, carefully arranging my used sketch papers inmy backpack. I placed it beside me then I picked up my bottle and took another swig from it andplaced it on the other side of me.

I removed my shoes and wiggled my toes, a break from the confines of the sneakers then I putthem back on and tied the ropes. I stood up and stretched my limbs, letting out a content sigh. Iturned to carry my backpack and head home but was taken aback to see the seat empty, save for

my bottle of water. Confused, I looked up and my eyes bulged when I saw someone briskly walkaway with

my b

“Damned thief!” I screamed, “Give back my bag!” I grabbed my bottle and immediately sprinted afterhim when he picked a race on hearing my shout. Thank God for the sneakers I had chosen to wear,I was quickly closing in on him. “Stop right there, you thief!”

The thief suddenly picked up pace and I found myself far behind. I hauled the bottle water in myhand at him but it missed him, falling on the floor several feet away from where he was.

I quickened my steps too but not for long. My thighs started to hurt and I slowed down, eventuallycoming to a halt. I sucked in air, trying to catch my breath as I bent over and clutched my knees withmy hands.

I looked ahead and helplessly watched the thief’s back as he turned to his left and disappearedaround the corner.

I dropped my head in defeat and a great sense of loss coursed through me. If only I hadn’t put mydesigns in there yet.

I suddenly sprang up as a loud bell resounded in my head. My phone! Damnit! My phone was alsoin the bag. I felt like crying. I couldn’t believe I just lost my phone and recent designs to a pettythief.

“Shit!” I furiously undid my ponytail in frustration and ran my fingers through it.

Suddenly, I heard a honk as a sports car stopped beside me. I frowned at it as the tinted windowrolled down. I raised my brows as Luigi’s face came to view. He flashed me a smile and winked,“Get in, I’ll help you chase the thief.”

I briefly wondered how he knew I was chasing a thief but it didn’t matter. Without hesitation, Irushed forward and opened the back door. I let out a yelp as I turned after closing the car doorbehind me. There was someone else in the car but I wouldn’t be staring in awe and shock if it wassome random stranger I had never seen before.

Right beside me on the car seat was the least man I expected to see Luigi hanging out with.

Chapter 51 Chapter Fifty Ong


There was a dazzling smile on his l*ps as he looked back at me.

I blinked and pulled myself out of my shocked state. “Lucas…” I breathed.

What was he doing here? And why was he with Luig.

My thoughts trailed off as everything began to click together. My eyes widened as my gaze flittedbetween Luigi and Lucas. I felt like I had just completed a tasking puzzle.

“So, you were the one that sent Luigi to protect me?!” I blurted out.

Lucas nodded with a smile. Then he started to lean over and I held my breath. I almost pouted indisappointment as his head dropped and he fastened my seatbelt in swift motion then he sat back.“Sit tight, Luigi drives fast.

I felt my face burn hot as I looked away from Lucas. Gosh, what was I thinking?

I looked up and my eyes clashed with Luigi’s teasing gaze. I instinctively raised my middle. finger athim. Embarrassment washed over me as I was suddenly aware of Lucas‘ gaze on me then I foldedmy l*ps as I slowly lowered my hand.

“Drive, Luigi, we’ve lost sight of the thief! We need to catch him!” I said irritably to him, yet I darednot to look at Lucas.

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