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Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Chapter Forty Six

After I officially divorced Sydney, Doris transferred her remaining shares to me. I became the largestshareholder and the de facto person in charge as I now held 46% of GT group’s shares.

Due to the new development, the shareholder resume was officially updated and as expected, mynetworth soared. The public caught a whiff of it and I re- ceived a wave of interview reviews from TVstations, newspaper publishers and journalists always were always on the standby for wheneverthey would catch

me outside.

My position in GT group was now grounded and was not tied to anyone but I

knew I still needed to be careful and watch out for those who might come to-

gether and to sell their sticks to one person among them just to watch me go.


When the requests would not stop coming in, I finally instructed my assistant to respond to one ofthe interview requests and inform them that I had accept- ed the request. I chose the most famouseconomic TV channel. That way, every- one will get a bit of what they wanted to know.

I also gave them a condition, I made it crystal clear that I would not accept any question about mypersonal life. If they dared to try it then their TV was going to go into oblivion. They accepted mycondition and I gave them the date of the day that I would have a chance to take time out for theinterview.

it was a

I prepared for the interview and finally, the D–day began. live session with the host and theaudience. The audience consisted of several other news

TV channels, papers and journalists.

The interview began. I was introduced and I gave my greetings and expressed my pleasure at beinghosted by them. Just the usual pleasantries to show the public that I was not an asshole.

The first question the host asked me was, “Mr Mark Torres, would you like to



Chapter 46 Chapter Forty Six.

give us a snippet of your future plans and goals of GT group?”

30 Vouchers

“My goal for Gt group is greater heights. I plan to lead GT group to an even greater height than it isnow and the shareholders would benefit more from our

group,” I answered succinctly.

The host nodded. “Are there any specific plans you’ve got laid out?”

I shook my head, “Of course. Nothing can be achieved without a plan.”

There murmurs from the audience. The host also nodded, “You’re right.” Then he asked with asmile, “Do you mind sharing some of these plans?”

With a lopsided grin, I wagged a finger at the host. “I see where you’re going,


The audience and the host burst into laughter at my response.

“That’s our business secret though, I can not reveal that,” I said after everyone

had sobered up. “But one thing I can reveal and tell you is that you might want to buy more of ourgroup’s stocks before it skyrockets,” I announced confident-

1. ly.

The room was filled with another bout of laughter from the audience and the

host shook his head.

“So, Mr Mark, what advice would you give to those looking to invest?”

I smiled at the crowd, “I will advise anyone looking to invest to do their re-

search, understand the company and the industry – whichever company or indus-

try it may be. Understand what you’re about to pour your hard earned money into You see, investingis a long–term endeavor and it requires patience and determi-

nation.” I spread out my arms, “Of course, I would also suggest investing in our company, as Ibelieve our group can bring a new future to our shareholders.”

The audience applauded me admirably as they laughed. Amid the laughter and applause, the hostand I concluded the interview.

“Thank you so much, Mr Mark Torres,” he shook my hands. “Thank you for grac- ing our newschannel with your presence.” novelbin



Chapter 46 Chapter Forty Six

“It’s my utmost pleasure,” I grinned.

“Any last word for the audience?”

+30 Vouchers.

I mused on his question for a while before I decided on my last words. “No mat-

ter what it is, never take anything for granted.” The audience remained silent so I added, “Thatinvestment you made with very little, even if it’s a dollar, don’t take it for granted. It might becomeyour most profitable investment in the far or

near future.”

They erupted in cheers and applause as the camera was turned off. The host

shook my hands again, a huge grin on his face. As I left the conference hall, my assistant andb*dyguard in tow, some fangirls came for autographs while

some journalists dared to ask about my marriage.

“No comments,” my assistant kept saying strictly to them while I signed some

of the girl’s shirts, books, phone pouches…whatever they brought.

The moment I got in the car, my face sagged, all my grins and smiles tucked away as I roughlyloosened my tie. “Godammit, my face hurt from smiling so


My assistant smiled and turned back. “You did well though. The crowd absolute- ly loved you.”

“As they should.” Despite my aching cheeks, I couldn’t help but smile at the suc- cess of theinterview and the exposure it would further bring to GT Group.

“By the way,” my assistant fully turned to me from the front seat where he sat,

“The medical report you requested is here.”

My grin instantly dimmed. I nodded and stretched my hand for it. He placed it in my palm.

I just looked at it for a while. What exactly was I expecting? That she really did have a heart diseaseor that she had been lying to me all these years?

The answers eluded me so I just ripped the sealed envelope apart and unfold-

ed the crispy clean paper in it.



Chapter 46 Chapter Forty

46 Chapter Forty Six

My hands clenched as I held the edges of the paper. My eyes went over the re- port again. As I hadsuspected, Bella was perfectly healthy and did not have any form of heart issue, let alone a heartdisease.

I felt my jaw clench in anger. If she does not have any heart issue, why, then, was she absent onour wedding day? Did she get cold feet and thought the best thing to do was to abscond? Whatexactly did she go abroad to do?

I felt like a fool. Like a first class moron. Shouldn’t I have known? It was obvious

While we courted, she was perfectly fine, her parents also mentioned nothing about it to my parent.Suddenly, their child became sick with a heart disease. For a brief moment, I wondered if herparents were also in on this? Or perhaps,

she deceived her parents just as she had deceived me.

All this time, I had let her lead me around, listening to her deceitful tongue con-

stantly lie to me. I paused. Does Sydney know too? She probably doesn’t. The

poor girl was either forced into the marriage or she agreed just to save her fami-

ly’s face yet I treated her with so much contempt.

I closed my eyes, damning myself for the nth time for how I treated her. She

had been a kind woman, a perfect wife until I pushed her to the wall.

Now this liar might be my wife soon and if she doesn’t become my wife, noth-

ing could change the fact that she was carrying my child. I clenched my fists.

and I looked down when I felt the paper tear.

The sound as the journalists and camera men clicked away on their phones.

and cameras brought me out of my misery.

I smoothed the paper, folded it and placed it by my side. Then I looked up, smiled weakly outsidethe window before I rolled up the window.

“Drive faster,” I ordered the driver. I wanted to be out of here as soon as I could.

The driver increased the rate at which he honked to get people out of the car’s way and before Iknew it, he had driven past them and onto the expressway.

After my driver drove my car out of the crowd of cameras, I said sternly to my




Find a provare insediator to follow her, see what else she’s hiding from met gritted out “Also, I wantto know everything about her movements when she was abroad?


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