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Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Thirty Nine

After ensuring that Richie had been taken away, I called a mini meeting with all of the employeesand gave a stern warning to all of them. If they knew they weren’t ready to work then they hadbetter turn in their resignation letters. Since I wasn’t stuck in a marriage anymore, the era wherethere was no strict and con- sistent supervision was now history. Then I instructed the HR team tostart to carry out the recruitment process from within the company for the most suit- able person tooccupy Richie’s position.

After the meeting, I rushed to the hospital. It was finally the day Grace would get discharged.Finally, she would get out of that uncomfortable hospital bed.

On my way out, I met with the head of security and instructed him to still keep the place tightlysecure. Who knows how many of Bran’s type Richie had?

I drove to the hospital, getting some groceries and veggies on the way so that I would make somehome cooked meals for Grace. She has had enough of those hospital meals. She needs somethingspecially made for her. I also got some good wine to celebrate my divorce with Mark. It would havebeen way fun to go to a bar, probably visit Luigi’s bar but I couldn’t risk it with Grace’s health.

When I got to the hospital, I made sure to find a good parking spot close to the entrance of thehospital so that Grace wouldn’t have to walk too much before

she reached the car.

I made my way inside. I returned the smile the receptionist threw at me, “Hel- lo.” Then I walked toGrace’s ward. My steps slowed and my brows creased as I took in the people by her ward. Therewas an average sized man dressed in a suit, his face morphed in a sneer as his gaze fell from onepart of the hospital in- terior to another in a condescending manner. Behind him were two hefty men

in a spandex t–shirt that clung to their muscled shirts and their butts were clad in equally tightslacks. The expressions on their faces would scare anyone from approaching them but they werestanding where they shouldn’t, someone



Chapter 39 Thirty Nine

had to stand up to them.

+30 Vouchers

“Excuse me, who are you and why are you huddled here? There are seats in the reception areawhere you can simply wait. Your presence here would be disturb- ing the patients.” I blurted out,mybrows furrowing even more. And why would the doctor’s allow them to just stay before a ward likethis? My gaze shifted from them to the door. I hoped Grace was fine.

The man in suit seemed to be the one in lead. He stepped forward and the two burly men behindhim mirrored his movement. The man took his time to eye me from my head to my toes and back upagain.

“We’re not just huddled here. We are here to visit Miss Grace.”

I looked them up and down just like the man did to me now. None of their faces looked familiar sowhat business do they have with Grace? Did Joel and Sandra send them to finish the job theystarted? Or perhaps, I lifted one of my brows, they were government officials? Had Sandra run toreport to daddy?

“And you are?”


He blatantly ignored my question, acting as though whatever I had to say was ir- novelbin

relevant. “We got information that this is the ward where she was admitted but they would not let usin without her guardian’s permission.” His gaze went up and down my b*dy again, “Perhaps, youare her guardian?”

“I am,” I answered in a cl*pped tone. He could ask me questions but he would-

n’t even answer mine.

“Okay that’s good then.” Then he smoothed his hands over his jacket and

smiled, forcibly, the corners of his eyes looked strained as she forced the smile

to remain. “Is Miss Grace in? We need to speak with her.“E

I felt a tightening in my heart. Why were they in search of her when she hadn’t

even done anything. I tried to remain calm though and my growing irritation.

with the man was helping a lot. “She’s not here. If you have any business with her, you can just tellme, I will relay it to her.”

The man’s smile faltered, “I really would prefer to directly speak with Miss



Chapter 39 Thirty Nine

Grace. It’s pretty confidential and personal.”

+30 Vouchers

“I’ve told you, you can tell it to me. I have the authority to handle it on her be-


He managed to keep his smile that looked more like a scowl on. “Very well, then. We want to have agood talk with Miss Grace about the charges she had filed against Miss Sandra. Can you make adecision concerning that too?”

When I didn’t say anything, he added. “We are hoping she will come to have a healthy conversationwith Miss Grace.”

These ones were definitely doing Sandra’s father’s bidding. I nodded. “I see,” then I took athreatening step forward. “I’d like to ask you though,, what meth- ods do you plan to use to dropcharges against her will? Threats? Intimidation? Or perhaps you have a bag filled with money thatyou intend to use to bribe her.”

The man’s smile fell and his face seemed to harden if you looked closer. She hadn’t expected himto look so close or to be so direct in letting him know her suspicions.

He laughed awkwardly, trying to ease the tension in the air but it was now too late. “Come on,ma’am. We only meant to talk to Grace and see if we can find a solution that benefits both parties.”

I sneered as his eyes looked like they softened for a while. These people would stop at nothing. Icoldly said, “Sorry, I can tell you now that Miss Grace will not drop the lawsuit. You can save yourtime and just leave.”

I took a step back as the door to the ward suddenly creaked open and Grace stepped out. The Manin suit threw me a dirty look before he turned to the hospi- tal…

She faced the man too, “I’m Grace. Please come in for a cup of coffee as you tell me about theterms you are willing to offer.”

My m*uth dropped open as the man’s eyes lit up. He flashed me a triumphant grin and faced Grace.“There will be no need for that, Miss Grace as we don’t have a lot of time on our hands right now.”



Chapter 39 Thirty Nine

+30 Vouchers

Grace nodded,not even looking my way for once! I would have stayed mad at her but I gotdistracted as my eyes took in her appearance. She was already dressed in one of the dresses Ibrought the last time I visited and her skin had regained its color and her l*ps weren’t so dryanymore.

“Very well then, do hint me on your terms.”

And the man did with a full blown smile. “As long as you’re willing to drop the charges against MissSandra, we are willing to fight the maximum government subsidies for your company and the lowesttax rate.”

I coldly interrupted him. What nonsense! “Humph, what bullshit subsidies? Like she hasn’t beenpaying the tax rate.” The man turned to me, his l*ps set in a grim line as he glared at me. “Sorry, Mr.Lower tax rate but we don’t need it. I

just want to take Sandra to court!”

Grace slapped me on my arm and smiled at the man. “Please, don’t mind her, lis-

ten to me. I agree, as long as the preferential policy is implemented, I will drop

the lawsuit.”

The man clearly didn’t expect Grace to agree so quickly. He blinked a couple of times, clearlystunned, then he immediately laughed and said, “That’s great, I’ll handle it as soon as possible.” Hetook her hands and shook it, “Thank you so much for your cooperation.”

“It was my pleasure,” Grace smiled sweetly at them.

And just like that, the man turned, threw me a dirty look and waltzed out of the hospital.

I turned to Grace and erupted, “What the actual hell, Grace?!”

She smiled at me and took my hand. “Relax, Sydney.”

I snatched my hand from her, “Relax! Did you just tell me to relax? How could you agree withthem?”


“Sandra hurt you!” I cut her short, “And she should pay for it! How could you



Chapter 39 Thirty Nine

+30 Vouchers

agree with them and let her go like that?” I was fuming. Did her short time in the hospital affect herbrain or something?

Grace sighed and looked at me. “Will you let me speak?”

I regarded her for a while then I looked away, “Go on.”

“Sydney, business is business. They brought a good deal to us. And I don’t want that jerk, Joel,anymore so why not also get something off him and then we’d throw his trash to Sandra since sheseems to want him so badly. Right now, they’re desperate. Sandra ‘s father is running for statesenator, if Sandra is tak- en to court amidst his campaigns and all, his political opponents will attackhim, they will seize the opportunity and bring him down so he is desperate. This is his weakness, sothey came to negotiate with us. Once this period is over, there won’t be such good opportunitiesanymore, so why wouldn’t I agree?! Be- sides,” she added in a smug smile, “This way, we don’t getto spend even a dime on anything. If we insist on taking them to court, you do know how much we’dspend, don’t you?”

I remained silent as I pondered her words. She was right. This will actually go really well for thecompany concerning the mini crisis Luxe

e was current- ly in.

I pursed my l*ps, holding in my grin as I turned to her. The moment our gaze met, I couldn’t hide mygrin anymore. I looked at Grace and admired her. It was- n’t a surprise that she kept our companystanding for three years all by herself. I pulled her into a hug, “That’s my girl.”


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