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Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Thirty Six

The car screeched noisily on the tarred road and I felt myself slightly thrown for- ward as I suddenlystepped on the brake and the car came to an abrupt halt.

I turned to my side to see Bella squatting in front of the Torres mansion’s gate. What a pity, Bellacouldn’t get in without Mark’s approval.

She must have noticed that I was the one in the car because she straightened up and stompedtoward the car. She slapped her palm on the b*dy of the car. “Get out of the car!” She shouted and Ialmost burst out laughing.

What right was she trying to exercise now? Or was it authority?

Even though Rose hated me so much and I was getting a divorce, I doubted Bel- la had any chancewith Mark unless she’d continue to be in the shadows of who- ever he marries next. Rose woulddefinitely and equally look down on Bella just as she had done with me since we came from thesame background. Besides, I trusted Doris, after seeing that video, I was sure Bella alreadydisgusts her. If Mark ever made any attempt to wed Bella, Doris would be highly against it.

The Torres family and mine were two worlds apart. Theirs was in a higher rank and my family wasready to do anything to climb to theirs. I fleetingly wondered the shock that my divorce would bringto them since it was their only connec-

tion to the Torres family.

If only Bella had not taken Mark for granted. Three years ago, Mark had truly fall- en in love withBella, overlooking the glaring fact that she didn’t come from a family as wealthy as his. Mark’s

family, as expected, had highly disapproved of Bella but Mark didn’t give up on their love. He hadfought for a long time and made many concessions before his family finally agreed to their union.

Unfortunately, Bella seemed to have given up long before. Or maybe there was nothing to evengive up in the first place. She had not cherished Mark’s effort, in- stead she chose to fly away withsome lover. She flung away an opportunity as golden as that without thinking twice and now shewanted in again? I shook my



Chapter 36 Thirty Six

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head, what she didn’t know was that opportunities like that only came once.

“Are you deaf!” Bella’s grating voice pulled me out of my slight sympathy for her. “I said get downfrom the car. Why are you shaking your head?”

The guts! If I were a bystander, I would really admire Bella’s confidence.

I looked at her. She must have, somehow, gotten a whiff that we were finally di- vorcing. She washere to confirm it herself but she couldn’t even get to the door. Why didn’t she just call Mark instead,I wondered.

I took a deep breath. I opened the door and stepped down from the car, decid- ing to let everythinggo for the moment. All the anger, the contempt for making me take her place, I put it all aside. Nomatter how horrible she might be, she was still my sister. If not for the hate that was always drivingthe both of us, I would never sit back and watch my sister go astray.

Now, I stood by the car, ready to treat and speak sense into her head like a sis- ter would do to asister that they care for. I wanted to make her see reality, and

open her eyes to the doom that was right before her.

“What?!” She yelled before I could even get a word out, her eyes filled with re-

sentment for me, “Did you divorce Mark yet?”

I rolled my eyes and tried to tame the sizzling annoyance in me but it was hard.

Of course, that was why she was here.

“What?” I said nonchalantly, “Can you not contact him?” I pointed to the gate, “Or

perhaps go in there and ask him? Why squat before gates to waylay me and in-

terrogate me?”

She swallowed and her lashes fluttered as she looked away for a brief second.

I smirked, I had hit the nail on the head, huh? She didn’t want to admit that the se-

curity wouldn’t let her in unless Mark ordered them to.

“Look,” she licked her l*ps and faced me, “I want to know from you.” She lied

dumbly, “Just tell me, are you guys done with all the divorce processes?”

I scoffed as I gazed at her. It didn’t even take a lot for her to mellow and go



Chapter 36 Thirty Six

+30 Vouchers

soft. I smirked as a bulb abruptly turned on in my head. “Give me a penny, and I’ll tell you.”

At first she just gaped at me, probably waiting for me to burst out in giggles and announce that Iwas joking. “A penny!”

“Yes, a penny. Come on, hand it over,” I opened my palm to her.

Her eyes sized me up. Then she rolled her eyes, took out a hundred dollars and slapped it on myopen palm. “Take it, no need to give change.” With her chin and nose up in the air and hershoulders suddenly high, she said it as though she had just gifted me a hundred thousand dollars.

I took it from her hands and observed it. I waved my hands in the air and hand- ed it to her, “Nah. Ijust want a penny.”

She laughed, “Sydney, take it. I’m giving you the whole thing. You might need it.”

“Nope, I only need a penny because the disgusting love between you and Mark is only worth apenny.”

Her smile froze on her face. Slowly, her face started to twist with anger.

I smirked, enjoying the thrill of having successfully made her feel belittled and

mocked. “If you don’t give it, I’ll leave. I am sure there are other competitors will- ing to spend thispenny to buy the latest news about Mark.”

Bella furiously snatched the money from me, almost clawing my palm with her

nails. She sipped her hundred dollars inside her purse and ransacked it for a penny. Her head cameup, sweat starting to coat on her creased brows.

“I don’t think I have a penny! Just take a dollar.”

“Nope. I’m only taking what the love between you and Mark is worth.”

“Damn you, Sydney! Damn you!” Her face was so red with anger and she sound-

ed like she would burst in tears any second.

Standing there, she looked so pathetic and hilarious that I couldn’t even bring

myself to be mad at her.



Chapter 36 Thirty Sir

+30 Vouchers

Since she had no choice but to find a penny. She continued to impatiently search her purse, someof her things fell on the floor and she would pick them up only for another one to fall. Finally, shefound a penny.

She angrily threw it at me. There’s your damned penny!”

I caught it with a smile, further annoying her. I looked up at her and told her what she badly wantedto hear. “Mark and I will get divorced tomorrow.”

Her shoulders seemed to fall in relief and her anger morphed into triumph and

happiness. Her l*ps stretched into a satisfied smile, That’s good.”

I sneered, “I bet you, I don’t even need to do anything, and you won’t

e able to

marry Mark. Just like him and I, you two have always been people of different caliber. It won’t bepossible, Bella, move on.”

She rolled her eyes, “You wait and see. He once fought for me, he would do it


I scoffed but I didn’t bother to say anything else to her. She wouldn’t listen. She

never has. I got back in the car and she stepped away as I started the car.

I waved at her, “I’ve told you the news and I’ve told you the truth. You think about it yourself and dowith it whatever you wish.” I told her sincerely, with no

anger or contempt.

She didn’t even wave back, she just rolled her eyes. Then she bent down and started to pick someof the things that dropped from her purse.

As I passed the turn, I slowed down. There was a man in tattered clothes rifling through the wastebin there. I threw the penny for the man. I couldn’t hold the laughter that bubbled up my throat when

the penny fell on the car floor as the beggar threw it back.

I stuck my head out of the car’s window, and hollered out to Bella. “Hey, Bella!”

She looked up and I said in a derisive tone, “Look, even a beggar despises the pa-

thetic love between you and Mark!”

Without looking back again, I continued to sing along to my music and casually

12:30 novelbin


Chapter 36 Thirty Six

flicked the penny into the sewer as I drove away.

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