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Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight

He looked taken aback as his eyes took in my furious expression. “Sydney,” he reiterated and thesound of his voice repeating my name had seriously started

to irritate me.

“Where is Joel?”

His l*ps seemed to wobble for a while before he was able to get his words out. “How did you gethere?” Then his brows creased and his eyes softened as he took a step forward toward me. Hepointed at the door behind me, “For how long were you behind that door, Sydney?” His eyessearched mine, probing, “What did you hear just now?” He started to stride toward me after heasked the

last question.

I raised my palm in the air to stop him. He instantly halted his strides and con- cern and confusionswirled in his gaze as they met mine.

“Sydne-” he started, but I couldn’t bear to hear my name from his l*ps one more


“Can you stop saying my name and just tell me where the f**k Joel is?” My words burst out hotly,fueled by frustration, anger and hurt.

“Why do you want to see Joel? Is there any problem?” His gaze was soft and his voice was calm,but it grated on my nerves.

Oh God. I wanted to pull my hair tight and scream, to let out all the pent–up emo- tions currentlyclawing at my insides. Or perhaps I should lift one of these wood-

en chairs and hurl it at him.

“I need to see him! Where is he?” My voice was coated with the anger boiling in

1. me.

He regarded me with a steady, assessing gaze and it felt like an eternity before he finally parted hisl*ps to speak in a measured tone. “I believe he should be at the Mili bar right now,” he said thenquickly added, “What do you need from



Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight


+30 Vouchers

I clenched my jaw and I felt the frustration boiling inside me. With deliberate in- tent, I ignored hisquestion and turned on my heel, and the sound of my foot- steps echoed off the polished floors ofthe study. I stormed towards the heavy oak door, my hand trembling with anger as I reached for thehandle. With a quick, forceful motion, I yanked the door open and stormed out. The resoundingslam of the door echoed through the hall.

As I stomped down the hallway, the sound of Rose’s outburst echoed, disrupt- ing the sereneatmosphere of the house. Her voice, loud and whining, carried down the hallway, filled with

resentment. “Mark! Have you seen this now? Did you see the way your wife regarded me?. Did yousee the way she just ignored me? I don’t exist to her. I never have!”

There was a moment of silence and I could catch the muffled sound of Mark’s voice. He wasprobably responding to Rose. But it didn’t last long before Rose’s voice rose again, “I don’t care! Idon’t care, Mark! No matter the reason, you have

to divorce her. No one would dare kick you out of the board. She has to leave novelbin

our family…”

Her words gradually drifted away as I moved farther away from the study.

Why was I even angry? I thought, mad at myself, as I swiftly descended the

stairs. I should’ve known I was being used. Just like how dad and mom had

used me to get into the Torres family when their beloved daughter fled with her lover. I should haveknown Mark also had a reason, apart from his damned repu- tation, for refusing to sign the divorcepapers. He was using me to secure his po- sition in GT Group.

I reached downstairs, walked past the hulky security guard and got into my car, slightly wincing as Islammed the door too hard. I sped off the Torres family. mansion and went straight for the Mili bar. Itwas a good thing it was Luigi’s bar and I already knew where it was located. It would have beendaunting if I had to start asking for directions with the anger boiling within me right now.

1 veered sharply into the cramped space of Mili Bar’s parking lot. The tires



Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight

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screeched against the pavement as my foot hastily slammed down on the brakes and I narrowlyaverted colliding into the car looming behind me.

Even during the day, the bar was packed and I briefly wondered if they were here because theywere jobless. I felt their curious eyes on me as I stopped in the middle of the bar and scanned thearea. None of them looked like the pic- ture I saw on Grace’s phone or the image of Joel I still hadin my memory.

Then it occured to me that someone like Joel, someone in Mark’s circle of friends, wouldn’t be downhere but at the VIP section. I looked up the tinted glass of the section. The heads of the peoplethere leaked out above the rail- ings just beside the entrance.

I rushed past the two bulky men who had permanent scowls on their faces and seemed to bemanning the entrance and up the short stairs. And there he was.

The retarded bastard.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see one of the men. “You’re not al-

lowed here,” he stated simply but moved back to his position after he looked

above my head.

I turned back to Joel who had his arms wrapped around…

I squinted at the lady clinging to his side, a huge smile on her face. I knew her. Sandra. She wasBella’s friend; Bella was always with her. What was she doing with Joel? Well, I didn’t come here for


I stopped when my gaze dropped on her n*eck. But I did come for the n*ecklace on her n*eck. Itwas exactly the one I had custom made for Grace. So she wasn’t just a whore but also a thief. I’llget to her later, first I needed to show this douchebag and bastard called Joel a lesson.

I switched my gaze to the man I was here for. I felt my hand tremble and I clenched it as my angerboiled within me even more when he bent his head and k*ssed Sandra on the l*ps. Then he turnedto me, “Sydney,” he started, his eyes first taking me in my appearance as he eyed me from head totoe, “Why are you here?” He curved a proud brow, “Are you here for Mark?” He paused for my re-sponse but when I gave none, he shrugged, “As you can see, he isn’t here. You

12:28 D

Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight

should’ve called him before you came.”

+30 Vouchers

My ch*st felt tight with anger as I glowered at him, thinking of the best way to rip his tongue out ofhis m*uth and make him gulp it.

He shrugged, “If you don’t mind waiting I could give him a call.” He said noncha- lantly and tippedhis chin at the chair opposite him, “You can sit there while your wait,” he said dismissively andturned to Sandra.

The nerve!

“She’s a bit unusual,” I heard him say to Sandra and she giggled and replied, “I

know, babe.”

I had intended to just give him a big piece of my mind and threaten to report him to the authority ifhe didn’t apologize to Grace but right now, I was too furi- ous to even let out one coherent wordtalkless of conveying a big piece of my mind.

Irritated and further agitated, I furiously looked around me. I stomped to the table nearest to me andthe occupants of the table – two ladies cowered as I ap- proached. I disregarded them andsnatched a beer bottle from the numerous bottles before them.

I strode over to him. His attention was still solely on Sandra. He didn’t even act a tad bit remorseful.He, somehow, scratched my friend’s face and broke her heart. How dare he put my friend in ahospital bed while he is here lounging away with another woman.

“Bastard!” I called. He took his time, smiling at a giggling Sandra and then just as he turned withthat stupid smile on his face, I smashed the bottle on his head.

The content of the bottle smeared his hair and trickled down his face and the broken piecesscattered everywhere. I could hear the gasps and bridled screams in the background as my bloodpulsed through my veins, my grip tight- ened on the lid of the bottle that remained in my grasp.

Every trace of humor wiped from his face as he let out an agonizing shout and


Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight

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slumped on the floor. His hand gripped his head and blood trickled down his temple and mixed withthe beer already in his hair. Sandra’s eyes bulged out as she screamed and held Joel. “You crazy

woman!” Her hair whipped around her face as she jerked her head to look at me, “What the f**k wasthat for?!”

She then scrambled to her feet, her brows deeply creased and she screamed, “I would have youthrown in jail!” Then she turned to the men there, “What are you still doing?! Seize her!”

“Don’t you even dare!”

I blinked as his voice sliced through the tense air, sharp and commanding, causing heads to swivelin the direction the voice had come from. Before I could turn to see who it was, his sturdy stanceand jet–black hair filled my vi- sion as he squarely positioned himself between me and a fumingSandra.


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