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Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

As I pulled up to dad’s mansion, I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the inevitableconfrontation. I knew he wouldn’t be pleased with me showing up without Mark; he always wantsme to scurry after Mark like some lost pup- py. For a while, I’d admit, I had actually scurried afterhim. I had practically changed my life to satisfy them. I took a deep breath and stepped out of thecar.

I made the short walk to the mansion’s courtyard; the courtyard faced the well kept garden. I hadadmired the garden when I first came. It was where I pre- ferred to spend my time whenever theywere fawning over Bella. The garden looked even more beautiful and we’ll tend to. I was sure mummust have gone

bunkers as she instructed the household gardeners on how to trim it right.

The area was already bustling with activities. The servants were already up and down attending tothe guests young and old that were seated around ta- bles, each person clad in luxurious outfits andjewelry. Some young girls stood

by the colorful shrubs, wine glasses in their delicate grip. They picked at the

flowers as they chatted, lightly covering their m*uths as they laughed.

I spotted dad chatting with some of the guests, his patronizing smile on dis- play. The moment hiseyes landed on me, his smile faltered. He said something to his guests and walked over to me. Icould feel his disapproval in his gaze, his strides… it was wafting off him in multifolds.

I met him halfway but he passed by me, gritting out, “Follow me.”

I rolled my eyes and did as he asked. He walked ahead a bit more and stopped a good feet awayfrom any of his guest’s earshot.

The moment he stopped and faced me, he went straight to the point, throwing

his obvious question at me. “Why did you come alone?” His voice was stern and sharp, cuttingthrough the festive air like a knife.

I met his gaze with defiance, refusing to let his cold tone pull me down like it used to when I firstfound them. “I didn’t feel like chasing after Mark today,” I re-



Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

torted, my tone laced with indifference. The world won’t end just because I did n’t cower behind myhusband at your party.”

He regarded me for a while, clearly surprised at my response. His brow fur- rowed in frustration andhe took a deep breath, “What’s with Mark’s assistant

calling around looking for you last time?”

I shrugged, not bothering to offer an explanation. “I don’t know,” I replied fl*p- pantly, my browsraised, “Why don’t you ask who called you? Or better still ask

Mark himself.”

His eyes narrowed, obviously mad at my demeanor and also wondering why I was suddenly beingrude. But I didn’t care what he thought. I was tired of con- stantly trying to please everyone,

especially when it came to them. novelbin

“Since the last time we spoke, your line hasn’t been going through. Why is that?”

We spoke? I tried to recall when he had called and we spoke. He usually just

called, barked orders and then hung up.

“Oh really?” I pretended to look shocked then I fished out my phone from my bag; with my browspulled down, I fiddled with it. “What might have happened?”

“Cut the bullshit, Sydney. You blocked his number,” mum appeared by his side, glaring at me. SinceI reunited with my parents, I didn’t think mum had ever

smiled at me. Oh, she did. On my wedding day.

“Oh really?”

Mum’s m*uth opened and she took a step forward but dad stopped her. “Don’t

sweat it, Clarissa. We don’t have time for that besides,” his eyes swept the

crowd, “not here or now.”

“Where’s Mark?” He faced me and repeated his question from earlier.

Just then, the sound as a car pulled over drifted to us. Even though we were all

looking towards the car, I pointed at it. “There’s your almighty Mark.”

Mark stepped out of the backseat,his head raised high as he feebly dusted on

his jacket.



Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

After him, a blonde head emerged beside him. She wore a huge grin and clung

to Mark.

I watched them, just like everyone else in the courtyard. Yes, they commanded the attention. Withtheir arms linked and a grin on Bella’s face, they looked like the real formidable couple. The perfectone.

“Aww,” my voice dripped with contempt, “Don’t they look good together? Confi- dently waltzing inwith his mistress.”

“Keep your voice down, lady!” I turned to dad and found his gaze on me. “Don’t

yap nonsense. There are a lot of guests here. Don’t embarrass me.”

He turned back to them and I could see his eyes darting about. “Goodness. What are these twothinking?” He murmured, if he could will the both of them

apart, I was sure he’d have.

“What nonsense?” I arched a brow. They must have sensed the edge in my

tone because mum and dad turned to me. “Telling everyone that your beloved

Bella eloped with someone else on her wedding day,” my arched brow rode high-

er, “That nonsense?”

“Sydney!” Dad’s teeth were clenched as he glared. Mum’s palm came on his


“I ask, dad, what nonsense?” I continued, unstoppable. “That your darling Mark

got dumped by his lover and fiancée on the day they were to be made man and


Mum’s eyes widened and she glanced behind her. “Sydney. Stop it!”

I took a step forward. I cocked my head and frowned. “Or is it the nonsense that your little princessBella is a slut who seduces her brother–in–law?” I enunci-

ated the word ‘slut‘ and made sure it stuck.

The look that crossed their faces would have worried me a little if we were

alone because then, I was sure one of their palms would have connected with

my cheeks but not here, there were far too many people – too many of their elite

society and they cared too much about their image to do anything.



Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

The day I prepared to come back to my parents had been one of the happiest days of my life. Eventhough while growing up, I felt abandoned by them, I had still yearned to meet them someday. I hadbeen disappointed. I had felt unwant ed especially with Bella around.

Then the wedding bells rang and Bella didn’t seem excited like I had expected. It wasn’t veryshocking when, on the day of the wedding, she fled. She had left a letter. I had been the one to findit and I read it before taking the letter mum and dad. She wrote – Mum, dad, I’ve met my true loveand I’m leaving with him. Don’t bother to find me.

Spoilt brat! I thought.

It had first sounded like a joke to be honest but we couldn’t find Bella and time was drawing near. Iremember pitying the man she was to marry; he fell in love with a woman who didn’t want him. Ipitied my parents too. I wondered how they’d break the news to the man.

Up until they asked me to take her place. At first, they pleaded and made count- less promises withthe sweetest smiles. I had refused. I couldn’t deceive a man

on the day that was to be one of the happiest of his days. Then they had started to threaten me.Dad had torn my dress from my b*dy and mom threw Bella’s

wedding dress at me.

The staff that were supposed to dress Bella up were called into the room.

“Dress her up as fast as you can. There’s no time,” dad had ordered with a sneer.

“At least, you’d be useful,” mom spat, her sweet smile long gone and both of

them left the room.

I couldn’t stop the tears from pouring down my face until I was fully dressed.

The makeup artist had to redo my makeup thrice.

Before Mark and I walked into the hall, I heard dad from outside – announce

solemnly. “It’s both a joyous and sad day for my family.” There was a dramatic

pause before he continued, “One of my daughters is getting married to the love

of her life today, while the other has flown out of the country for a heart




Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

Of course, the crowd was swayed and they felt sorry for Mr and Mrs Michael and their daughters.

“How dare you say such a thing about your sister!” I was thrown out of my remi- nisce and in a blur,Isaw mum’s hand fly towards me. I took a quick step back and caught her arm.

I held it and met her blazing gaze. “Try to touch me one more time and I’ll spill the whole truth toMark.” I threw her arms away from me. “Think of what will hap- pen then.”

“Michael,” with a polite smile, Mark shook hands with dad. “Happy birthday.”

Dad cleared his voice, “Thank you, Mark.”

“Happy birthday, dad!” Bella’s ever sweet voice rang out, probably unaware of the tension in the airwhile Mark was looking between me, dad and mum.

Mum closed the space between her and Mark and they hugged. “Thank you for showing up, Mark.”Her smile shone as if her face hadn’t just been red from


She sidestepped and pulled Bella into a hug. Her voice softened. “Sweetheart, how are you?”

“I’m fine, mum.” Then she moved to dad too, plainly ignoring me

I took a few steps back and allowed them to finish with their pleasantries be- fore I made my ownannouncement. All the while, as I watched them, I felt

Marks gaze on me.

Finally, I clapped my hands, putting on the sweetest smile I could conjure up. “Attention everyone!”

Dad’s head whipped to turn to me as everyone present turned too. “Don’t you

dare!” Dad’s voice was a low growl.

I ignored him and turned to the guests. “I have some good news to announce.” I paused, gaugingeveryone’s reaction. Some murmured amongst themselves

while some had their gaze fixated on me in curiosity.



Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

With a smirk, and gushy feeling coursing through me, I made my announce- ment. “I’m getting adivorce from Mark Torres!”

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