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Chapter 3

After the school day was mostly over, I met up with Tori again. "Hey, hottie," she greeted me, and Ireturned the hello. "Katy and I are going to the mall, so whenever you finish with detention then feelfree to join us."

"I totally would, but I just remembered I have that photo shoot," I said, shoving my books into my locker.

This detention was only making this day even harder.

I looked at the slip I’d been given and frowned. "Shoot! It starts at the exact time detention lets out," Isaid, looking at Tori, feeling slightly nervous. If I showed up late to work because of detention, Marywould kill me.

"It's okay. Usually, the teacher, Mr. Ollie, falls asleep or forgets about detention duty, so you can easilysneak out, but don't forget to sign your name on the sheet in the front of the room or else you'll getanother detention," Tori warned, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I'm not even going to ask how you know that." I shook my head in amusement.

"Forget your homework like I do all the time. Trust me, that's where you'll spend your day." She quietlysquealed, as though she just remembered something. "I can't believe it, Clover Thompson is going todo something exciting in school, something bad." She bounced on her heels, the movement causingme to roll my eyes.

"It's leaving detention five minutes early. It's really not that big of a deal," I said, waving her off as sheslammed my locker shut.

"Please, you won't even want to leave once you see the guys in there. They're all incredibly hot," shegushed.

I lightly pushed her shoulder while laughing. "Okay, well, I have to go before I'm late for those hotguys."

She stuck her tongue out at me before pulling her bag higher on her shoulder.

I shook my head at her, a small smile playing on my lips. "I'll text you later, after the photoshoot," I toldher and she gave me a side hug.

"Okay, bye, girl!" Tori said, waving, as I headed off to detention. I checked the slip: Room 218. I quicklyrushed off to the room, with only three minutes to get there. Once I walked in, I frowned, seeing onlyone group of guys in the back corner.

These must be the guys she was talking about. I signed my name before taking a seat on the oppositeside of the room.

I glanced over at them again, and recognition finally set in. Andrew Carter. Now, I didn't know muchabout him, but from what Katy had told me, him and Stacey were constantly on and off. Plus, he wasapparently the one who threw all the school parties. And I won't lie, I have heard a rumor that he wasthe one who went to juvie his whole freshman year of high school. I'm not even sure how he made it tosenior year. We’ve only had one or two classes together in the past, but never any to really force us totalk. I’d be surprised if he even knew my name.

Andrew seemed to notice my attention and smirked, turning his chair around, so the back was facingme. He sat on it and rested his arms on the top of the chair. "Heya, boys. Look what we have here,Stacey described her new conquest of the week to me earlier and it looks like this one fits herdescription perfectly. You're the so-called freak who messed with her this morning, right?"

I gulped. Okay, so I really didn't want to be beaten to a pulp by this so-called delinquent, AndrewCarter.

"Awe, babes, did Stace cut off your tongue?" he asked, standing up and moving directly beside me.

I couldn't help but smell the cologne coming off him, giving him the scent of citrus and cigarettes andsomething else I couldn't put my finger on.

"Can you please just leave me alone?" I asked.

He ran his hand down the side of my face before stumbling slightly, almost falling over the side of mydesk. "Ah, does the freak have a name?" he asked curiously, reaching to grab my glasses off my face. Iquick turned my head to the side and pushed his hand out of my face.

I stood up and moved to the next seat over.

"Baby, no need to get all mad. I mean I'm on your side," Andrew said and I scrunched up my nose indisgust as he stumbled over to the seat near his friends. "Stacey's a slut."

"It's like you two are made for each other then," I said before quickly covering my mouth.

Okay, that was definitely the wrong thing to say.

I quickly changed the subject before he could process anything I just said, "So, how did you make it allday without the cops picking you up? I mean you reek of booze."

His friends all chuckled.

"Carter here is a big boy. He knows how to convince the big lady here to just keep him in detention forthe day," his friend, Zach, said.

I sent him a look of disgust. Who talks about the principal like that?

"Wait, they got it in on? I mean, she's like dinosaur," Jack said.

Andrew stood up on the desk in the front of the room, almost falling over as he tried to balance on onefoot. "She's not that bad. She's like forty." He let out a disgusting burp, almost falling over. I watched ashe leaned against the chalkboard, looking completely ridiculous. His hair was messy, with pieces fallingonto his forehead.

"You do realize how incredibly stupid you're being right now, right? I mean, you're completely drunk andtrying to balance on a desk at school when any minute the teacher could come in," I said withoutthinking, once again drawing their attention to me.

"Oh, should I be doing something else? Something down and dirty with a certain brunette in here?"Andrew asked. "I do have a thing for you brown-haired girls. Although, your face kind of ruins the wholething."

How priceless. This guy seriously thinks I would ever be into him.

"Sorry to disappoint," I said sarcastically.

Andrew lifted his shoulders up into a shrug. "Oh, well. I mean I've seen worse."

How does this guy even get girls?

"Yeah, remember that one redhead? I mean, if she got that double chin, braces, and glasses takenaway then she'd probably be hot," said the third one in his group, Michael.

"You're a pig, you know that?" I said with clenched teeth.novelbin

"I prefer the name donkey or jackass, but whatever works for you, Princess," Michael responded.

Andrew stumbled over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "So, conquest of the week, whatexactly is your name, babe?" he whispered in my ear, in what I'm guessing was supposed to be aseductive tone.

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