I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 915 Confrontation
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Chapter 915 Confrontation

Kevin's fury erupted as he violently kicked the chair adjacent to the coffee table.

Josh attempted to soothe him, reminding him, "The chair is blameless..."

Sean interjected, "The hotel's surveillance footage was inactive that day, leaving us devoid of anyproof regarding Leon's father's involvement."

Confronting Zeke without evidence seemed like an insurmountable task.

Even Leon found himself powerless against Zeke's tactics.

Zeke's ruthlessness knew no bounds; he was capable of binding his own son even under the threatof death.

Frustration evident, Kevin adjusted his tie hastily, declaring, "I won't be dissuaded. I'm confrontingZeke!"

Persisting down this course would only invite graver repercussions.

"What's your strategy?" Abigail inquired solemnly.

Zeke's actions had crossed all bounds of decency, pulling down someone who had fought hard torise again.

Sean asserted, "I've addressed it. Delaying further would only spell trouble."novelbin

Gratitude flickered in Kevin's glance towards Sean, though he quickly succumbed to self-reproach,murmuring, "Had I intervened during Leon's relationship with Irene, perhaps this tragedy could havebeen averted."

Sean's response was unyielding. "What's done is done. Self-blame achieves naught."

Abigail, too, grappled with guilt as she reflected on her failure to remain vigilant when Leon's momapproached her and Luna.

The same night, Xavien relayed the news of Zeke's apprehension.

"I'll take charge. Whatever the outcome, the responsibility won't fall on your shoulders," Kevinasserted, rising promptly.

Though Zeke's standing in Capitalis might not be towering, his network and determination wereformidable.

"Exercise caution," Sean warned, disinclined to involve himself further.

Kevin's dissatisfaction was palpable. "Your response seems overly fast," he rebuked.

Sean's response was unabashed. "If that's your take, then I'll just retire with my wife. Anyquestions?"

With a silent sigh, Kevin composed himself, patting Sean's shoulder resignedly. "Fine. If I require aidafter your rest, remember to collect my remains."

"Isn't that rather excessive..." Abigail was rendered speechless.

Sean grinned and gently nudged Kevin, saying, "You should go."

The opportunity had been bestowed upon him, and now it rested upon his shoulders to harness it toits fullest potential.

Following Kevin's departure, Abigail couldn't help but cough. She inquired, "Is this endeavor trulyfeasible?"

"Why wouldn't it be feasible? Its efficacy hinges entirely on Kevin's actions." Sean draped his armaround her shoulder as they ascended the stairs.

"You seem quite enamored with the notion of a heroic rescue," Abigail remarked with a sigh.

A smile graced Sean's lips. "The success of this heroic endeavor relies heavily on Irene'sparticipation. I'm merely providing Kevin with an opportunity; the outcome rests on his ability tocapitalize on it."

Abigail turned to him, a query glinting in her gaze. "Admit it. You harbor aspirations for Irene to alignwith Kevin as well. Am I right?"

"I once deemed my thoughts excessively idealistic. It would be ideal if Kevin's family harbored noprejudice." Sean believed it would be beneficial for Irene to have someone to protect her.

In doing so, she would be less susceptible to harassment.

Abigail nodded, opting not to delve further into the matter. Her sole desire was for Irene's welfare,fervently hoping for her safety and unblemished fate.

As the night deepened, Kevin confronted Zeke, bound and shrouded in darkness. He ordered thosepresent, "Remove his blindfold."

Upon catching sight of Kevin, Zeke sneered, "Well, it is you."

Kevin's reputation paled in comparison to Sean's; he was predominantly perceived as a diligentlaborer. Zeke assumed he lacked Sean's prowess.

Had Sean been physically present, Zeke might have harbored some trepidation.

After all, Sean wielded a certain international renown and wasn't easily subdued.

"What? Do you doubt my capability to handle you in Sean's absence? Questioning whether I canmanage without him?" Kevin's lips curved into a cold smile, radiating arrogance.

Before Zeke could retort, Kevin swiftly delivered a blow to his visage.

"Tell me, where have you taken Irene?" Kevin pressed down on Zeke's face, his usual expressivedemeanor replaced by a cold detachment.

Blood trickled from Zeke's mouth and nose as his face was pushed into the ground, his gaze lockedonto Kevin with a sinister grin. "Are you aware of the extent of my influence in Capitalis?"

"I'm aware of your extensive connections, yet I still confronted you without fear. You can't evencontrol your own son, yet you resort to hurting a woman. How can someone as despicable as youhave a spouse?" Kevin stared at him with disdain, as if he were insignificant.

"And what kind of person are you? No wonder Irene, despite knowing that Leon pales incomparison to you, still seeks his favor!" Zeke sneered, his reputation for philandering spreadingfrom Pendorf to Capitalis.

Kevin clenched his teeth, his cheeks tense, his gaze dark and foreboding. "Since when did Irenedevelop feelings for Leon? It's none of your concern whether I'm worthy or not! You're nothing butworthless trash, capable only of mistreating women!"

He took a couple of steps back and addressed the bodyguard beside him, "Is the needle prepared?Pierce his fingertips, one by one, until he speaks. If he faints, revive him by any means necessary. Iwon't go easy on this scoundrel!"

"Kevin, how dare you!" Zeke exclaimed.

Kevin chuckled, "There's nothing I wouldn't dare. I have the support of Graham International, thePearsons, L.Moon, as well as the Copper Family, Willis Family, and numerous other allies. Do you

think I'll be intimidated by a lowly thug like yourself?"

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