I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 911 Troublemakers
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Chapter 911 Troublemakers

As they exited the tea house, Abigail and Sean settled into the car. Suddenly, Abigail felt a surge ofnervousness. "What if we ruin it?"

"Mr. Norris is renowned for his powerful scripts, especially his adaptations of suspense dramas thatboast high ratings. It's just the romantic aspect that worries me. I fear he might not handle it well,but as long as the drama serves its promotional purpose," Sean reassured her in a soothing tone.

Lando's intention to film Sean and Abigail's experiences was swiftly uncovered by the HintonFamily.

Early one morning, Max escorted Callen to Pearson Residence, where they sat respectfully in theliving room.

Max addressed Lawrence, "My daughter has visited Mr. Graham numerous times, displayingsincerity. He mentioned his reluctance to adapt the story to protect his family, a decision werespected. However, now he has concealed it from us and sold his experiences to Mr. Norris. Aren'tyou being unfair?"

Pearson Group had recently become the subject of an investigation, and Lawrence had alreadydiscerned the hand of the Hinton Family behind it.

However, lacking concrete evidence, he refrained from making direct accusations.

Lawrence maintained a pleasant smile as he spoke, "While Ms. Hinton has indeed helmed severalsuccessful dramas, Sean's decision to collaborate with Mr. Norris suggests his confidence in Mr.Norris' ability to portray his experiences effectively."

One should be courteous; hence, he decided against replying spitefully despite the unpleasant tonein Max's voice.

"So, are you suggesting that my daughter lacks the competence to direct TV dramas, hence whyMr. Graham shared his experiences with Mr. Norris and not her?" Max's courteous demeanorfaltered at Lawrence's implication.

With an arched eyebrow and a genial smile, Lawrence replied, "Isn't it the case? Eight-point score isthe best result of your daughter's directed production whereas others hovered around seven points.While acceptable, compared to shows scoring above eight points and even one with a remarkable9.7 directed by Mr. Norris, the difference is apparent."

Callen, unable to contain her agitation, interjected coldly, "At the time, Sean expressed a desire tokeep his past private, hence his reluctance for adaptation. What has changed now?"

This change left Callen visibly angered.

What further fueled her anger was the discovery that Abigail was not only pregnant but evenmarried to Sean. What had been the purpose of all her efforts?

What was the point of everything she had done?

"This matter should be addressed by yourselves, shouldn't it?" Lawrence's tone carried a touch ofchill.

The Hinton Family had someone pose as an official to interrogate Sean, and Sean even had tomaintain a smile while greeting her. How shameless could they be?

"I demand to see Sean in person!" Callen rose from her seat.

As soon as Abigail came out of her room, she caught wind of her statement.

"Dad, why are you entertaining these irrelevant individuals?" she questioned while leaning againstthe second-floor corridor with a hint of disdain in her voice.

While they were having issues with Harold, the Hinton Family suddenly began causing acommotion.

"They already came knocking at our door. It wouldn't be right to turn them away, would it?"Lawrence's tone was gentle and accommodating.

Scarlett, who was bustling in the kitchen, heard Abigail's voice and hurried out. "Abby, why are youup? The dessert I'm making for you isn't done yet!"

"I took a long nap, so I felt like getting some fresh air," Abigail explained as she made her way to theelevator.

Soon, she came out of the elevator.

Callen noticed her slightly fuller cheeks and deduced she had been well cared for lately.

Despite facing challenges with Danielle, L.Moon's luck shifted at the exhibition. The two designersfrom L.Moon headed the team, and the garments adorned with the Phoenix element drew a wave ofvisitors back to the brand.

Undeniably, she admired Abigail's work ability.

Upon the debut of the Phoenix outfit, it immediately formed partnerships with gaming and officialmedia outlets to promote traditional culture, greatly enhancing L.Moon's reputation.

"Ms. Hinton, if you've come for the adaptation rights to Sean's story, kindly leave. He has alreadygiven authorization to Mr. Norris, who's handling the script," Abigail calmly declared before returningto the kitchen.

Callen took a deep breath, grabbed her bag, and left, followed swiftly by Max.

Once they were back in the car, Callen tossed her bag aside, crossed her arms, and asked, "Whydid you try to talk sense into him? Why didn't you just threaten him? If necessary, just get rid of herchild to put her in her place!"

"Doesn't your uncle know about the situation? You can also adapt the story," Max suggested with asinister tone. "Once you start filming it, what can Mr. Norris do?"

Upon hearing Max's suggestion, Callen paused to consider for a moment.

After a prolonged silence, a smile gradually spread across her face. "Sounds feasible. Anyway, I gotthe story from the police. What does it have to do with Sean, right?"

Days passed in an orderly manner.

Since Luna resumed her work routine, her health has steadied, yet she began to notice an increasein weight attributed to the medication.

With Independence Day approaching, Leap Gaming Technology commenced sending out variouspromotional materials.novelbin

Luna was so occupied that she even brought Abigail to the company.

Abigail, now four months pregnant, had a visibly protruding belly, so she opted for loose clothing.

"The recent influx of orders is overwhelming. I was thinking, maybe you could assist me with a fewdesigns?" Luna's spirits were lifted, no longer as subdued as before.

Observing Luna's improved mood, Abigail readily agreed, "Of course. Just send me thespecifications, and I'll work on them from home. There are too many computers in the office. Seanwould be anxious if he saw me working here."

"You're four months along the pregnancy now. Shouldn't you be allowed to use the computer?"Luna suggested, sounding somewhat resigned.

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