I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 890 Embraced By An Idol
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Chapter 890 Embraced By An Idol

This netizen went by the user ID of "Cindy’s Boring Day."

Abigail switched to another account and checked out her profile, only to find out she's a huge fan ofL.Moon.

After skimming through her bio, she quickly exited.

It turned out she had some serious backup!

Callen didn't reply to her comment.

But within just thirty minutes, Cindy tagged Callen again on Instagram.

"Hey @SlowMelody, quit f*cking bombarding me with messages and calls. Who do you think youare? Want to grab tea? You were so confident about suing me, so go ahead, I'm waiting for you."

Netizens were all watching the drama unfold.

Abigail couldn't help but sigh. Having some serious backup definitely gives you an edge.

She closed Instagram and got back to work.

At noon, Garrett rushed in and whispered, "Cin wants to make an appointment with you for lunch."

Abigail was taken aback but agreed, "Sure, I'll head downstairs first. Let Selena know to tidy up thetable."

Downstairs, she spotted a well-dressed girl in the reception area. She approached her and asked,"Cin?"

"Oh, don't use that online nickname. My real name is Cindy York. Just call me Cin," Cindy repliedwarmly.

"Thank you, Cin," Abigail said gratefully.

"Yeah, Callen is really pushing it, but let's save the talk for later. Come on, let's head to therestaurant," Cindy suggested and linked her arm with Abigail's.

As they walked, Abigail noticed Cindy's arm trembling slightly. She turned to her and asked, "Areyou alright? Feeling unwell?"

"Oh... no... I'm fine!" Cindy assured her quickly.novelbin

Abigail cleared her throat and asked concernedly, "You seem to be shaking."

Cindy abruptly let go of her arm and nervously glanced around. "It's just that it's my first timemeeting my idol, so I'm feeling a bit nervous!"

Abigail couldn't help but chuckle. "You're keeping it together pretty well."

"Oh, really... Let's just go!" Cindy's legs were on the verge of giving out beneath her.

She had summoned all her courage to confront her idol today, so she couldn't afford to make a foolof herself in front of him now.

"Alright." Abigail trailed behind her.

Upon approaching the steps, Cindy's legs finally betrayed her, causing her to stumble forwarduncontrollably.

"Ah!" A cry escaped her lips as she teetered on the brink of falling, only to be caught around thewaist at the last moment.

Abigail pulled her back just in time.

Cindy found herself leaning into Abigail's embrace, her gaze fixed on her face and her cheeksablaze with embarrassment as if she were about to faint.

Her mind felt starved of oxygen, and her legs were utterly devoid of strength.

It was like her idol, Abigail, had dealt her a knockout blow with her charm!

"Hey, are you alright?" Abigail's concern was palpable as she noticed Cindy leaning heavily againsther, her breath coming in short gasps.

Cindy squeezed her eyes shut and her voice trembled as she replied, "I'm... I'm okay. I just feel a bitlightheaded from low blood sugar. I just need a moment."

At that moment, she felt happier than 99% of the population!

Abigail effortlessly scooped her up and carried her like she was a princess.

Cindy's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, you're really strong!"

"Well, I've just been hitting the gym a bit. Where's the car? You lead the way, and I'll carry youthere," Abigail said as she handled the situation with ease.

"It's over there. Not too far," Cindy responded, her cheeks flushed as she covered them with herhand.

She couldn't believe she, a mere fan, was being carried like a princess by her idol!

Feeling a mix of embarrassment at her own weakness and overwhelming happiness, Cindy's joyskyrocketed from 99% to 200%! She was the happiest fan in the world!

Abigail carried her to the car while the nearby bodyguard respectfully held the door open.

After Cindy settled into the car seat, she couldn't shake the feeling of pure bliss that still envelopedher.

The driver couldn't help but crack a smile as he watched Cindy.

Abigail was once again called upon by Mary to visit their restaurant. She figured it was the go-tospot for anyone with a bit of clout in Capitalis. It had decent prices and yet still carried that air ofsophistication.

Upon stepping into the private room, Abigail's eyes landed not just on an unfamiliar middle-agedman but also on Max.

As she approached the table, Max swiftly stood and pulled out a chair for her. "Ms. Quinn, Igenuinely had no clue about the mess Callen stirred up in the entertainment scene. She wasinfluenced by her friends. No malice intended."

Cindy, looking a tad displeased, chimed in, "Where is she?!"

"Mind your manners with Mr. Hinton," the middle-aged man reminded Cindy.

Cindy pouted. She settled beside him and playfully stated, "She oughta say sorry in person. It's notcool to bully people like that!"

"Ms. Quinn, I'm Cindy's dad, Harold York. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out." Hepulled out his phone and wanted to exchange contact numbers with Abigail.

Cindy could barely contain her excitement and eagerly awaited Abigail's response.

Without skipping a beat, Abigail retrieved her phone and shared her number. "Thank you, Mr. York."

"Don't mention it. Whatever comes your way here, the Hinton Family's got your back. Take a seat,grab a bite," Harold said before tucking away his phone in his pocket.

Cindy slid into a seat next to Abigail while being engrossed in her phone.

Her bodyguard flooded her with snapshots of Abigail holding her tight.

Cindy struggled to contain her excitement as she covered her mouth with her hand. She wasbursting with joy.

Truly, their family's bodyguard was top-notch!

It was time for a well-deserved raise!

Once Abigail settled in, she politely turned to Harold. "Mr. York, there's something I can't quite wrapmy head around. Mind if I ask?"

"Of course, Ms. Quinn. Do ask," Harold responded warmly.

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