I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 888 The Art Of Being Dominant
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Chapter 888 The Art Of Being Dominant

Sean felt a surge of disdain rising within him.

"Sorry, I don't want this. Thanks for your kind intentions," he said coldly.

Callen hesitated and spoke urgently, "Why won't you listen? I finally convinced my mom! If Abigailloves you, she should understand you!"

"Yeah, Mr. Graham, avoiding trial is what matters most. As for the details, we can help youinvestigate slowly," Kadrick also chimed in, trying to persuade.

Sean remained silent and did not say a word.

"Mr. Graham, I really admire you and want to help you. You shouldn't have to endure this kind ofsuffering!" Callen added, urging him on.

"I'll think about it," Sean said calmly.

"I'll try to talk to the higher-ups, at least to buy you a few days," Kadrick immediately offered.

Sean nodded and then yawned. "Thank you both, but I'm tired. Let's call it a day."

Callen motioned for Kadrick to leave first.

"Do you have anything else?" Sean asked coldly.

"Mr. Graham, I really want to help you. I'm truly sorry for jumping the gun and posting on socialmedia earlier. I thought I was sparing you some pain, but now I see it was a mistake. I wanted toapologize to you face-to-face, but Abigail was worried about disturbing you, so she didn't let me in.I'm genuinely sorry," Callen spoke slowly, her sincerity evident.

Sean remained silent as he fixed his gaze on her.

He understood her implication. She was suggesting that Abigail was being overly cautious bypreventing her from apologizing in person.

"It was my decision for her to do so," Sean responded with indifference.

Callen paused for a moment. Her hand trembled slightly at her side before she quickly regained hercomposure and smiled. "It's okay. I realize this situation has caused you harm, and I acted hastily."

Sean simply observed her quietly.

Here is someone with years of experience in the entertainment industry, yet still attempts to portrayherself as innocent and naive.

"I'm tired," he added, his tone weary.

Callen knew that breaking through to him would be challenging, but she wasn't deterred. She hadtime on her side and influential supporters backing her.

There would come a day when Sean would compromise.

As she exited the hospital room, Sean smirked to himself.

Shortly after, Xavien entered the room.

"They had a private meeting with Ms. Quinn yesterday. It was probably to put pressure on her," hereported.

Sean adjusted his earphones and listened to his music quietly before speaking up. "Seems like thisis tied to the Hinton Family. Go find out if Max is in the loop about their schemes."

"Got it."

Once Xavien left, Sean messaged Abigail.


'Honey, have you returned to the office?'

Abigail raised an eyebrow as she read the message, then typed a reply.

'Yes, I'm back at work. I've got a social event later.'

'Going out for a social event this late?'

Abigail smiled as she typed her response.

'Yes, but it's nice to know my husband cares for me even at this hour. I'll be with Shaunee, so don'tworry.'

Shaunee's family still held some influence in Capitalis, so the drama crew should show them a bit ofrespect.

'You're getting sweeter by the minute.'

Abigail glanced at the message, and a subtle grin spread across her face.

'You're feeling sweet too?' she typed back.

'Yeah, sweet as pie. I'll sleep like a log tonight.'

After exchanging a few more messages with him, Shaunee came to pick her up.

She drove a sleek sports car, which looked quite impressive.


Upon arriving at the hotel, Shaunee confidently took the lead. "No need to fret. With me around,you're in safe hands."

Abigail jokingly pushed her assertive friend aside. "You strut like a peacock, all puffed up."

Shaunee was rendered speechless.

How's that like a peacock? It's about owning the room and asserting dominance!

The pair stepped into the hotel's private room.

Abigail took the lead and walked over to greet Oliver. "Mr. Kingsley, I'm truly sorry about whathappened this time. I got here late, so let me take the penalty and have a drink."

"No need for penalties, Miss Quinn. I'm not one for formalities. Please, take a seat." He gesturedand pulled out a chair.

The room felt empty, with only Oliver being present.

He was in his fifties, and his hair was turning gray.

"I understand the immense pressure from the Hinton Family this time, but this situation caught us offguard. Is there really no way out?" Abigail's voice carried a sense of self-blame as she sat besidehim.

"I tried negotiating for you today, but unfortunately, several investors backed out without a secondthought. Losing millions in an instant makes it hard to keep the production going." He sighedheavily.

Losing millions wasn't something Abigail couldn't handle, but... her livelihood depended on thedrama crew, and she couldn't simply make up the shortfall.

"But if you breach the contract, won't you have to pay millions in penalties? Plus, the show must goon, right?" Abigail raised a valid point.

Mr. Kingsley couldn't suppress a sigh. "We're in a tough spot now. We need money, but we don'thave it, and we can't afford to lose your support. That's the most agonizing part."

"How much funding are you lacking? If you can ensure the show's profitability, my boyfriend and Iare willing to invest!" Shaunee chimed in boldly, her tone exuding confidence and ease.

Abigail felt like she couldn't catch her breath.

Whether this show turns a profit or not, it all comes down to luck, she thought.

Even with top-notch quality, some shows just tanked in the ratings, and there was nothing one coulddo about it.

Oliver glanced at Shaunee and studied her carefully. "Are you serious?"

Abigail didn't dare to speak up. Instead, she just smiled and gently tugged at Shaunee's sleeve.

With Abigail's subtle cue, Shaunee mustered up the courage to say, "I... I need you to promise it'llbe a hit."

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