I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 885 A Stranger’s Act Of Kindness
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Chapter 885 A Stranger's Act Of Kindness

Irene felt a twinge of discomfort as praise was heaped upon her.

In truth, she didn't quite see herself as capable. If it weren't for pulling strings, she would never havelanded a job at L.Moon.

"You seem troubled. Is the pressure at L.Moon getting to you?" the girl asked in a gentle tone.

Irene shook her head. "There are a bunch of talented designers there. I feel like I'm just a drop inthe ocean compared to them. Honestly, I consider myself lucky to have gotten in. Otherwise, I'd befeeling pretty low."

The girl regarded her earnestly for a moment before speaking again. "Simply making it through thedoor is a stroke of luck. Why do you sell yourself short?"

Irene was taken aback by the girl's words.

"All my friends say that getting into L.Moon is a springboard for growth. Those on the inside oftenfail to appreciate their luck, while outsiders envy them endlessly. You should seize this chance andsoak up as much knowledge as you can in such a prestigious place. There's a wealth of experiencethere that other companies can't offer," she said soothingly.

Her words ignited something within Irene.

Indeed, Abigail was presenting her with a golden opportunity, and Irene had been drowning in self-doubt that she neglected considering the value of this chance.

"Thank you." At that moment, she discovered her purpose.

The girl flashed a gentle smile. "You don't have to thank me. Just keep pushing forward, alright?"

"You too, and good luck with your exams too!" Irene suddenly felt a surge of motivation.

As the afternoon drew to a close and the library prepared to shut its doors, she bid a reluctantfarewell to the girl.

She felt thankful to Abigail for treating her to donuts. When they were both working hard and feelinghungry, she shared half of the donuts with her.

Even though they only met briefly, the mutual encouragement was enough

When she was about to board the bus back, a message from Abigail popped up on her phone.

'Want to join us? It's my friend's birthday today, and everyone's gathering.'

Irene remembered Abigail mentioning her friend's struggles with severe depression. After replyingaffirmatively, she set out to find a suitable gift upon getting off the bus.

After browsing for a while, she bought a beautifully woven Emperor's Coin Bracelet. With the gift inhand, she made her way to the club address provided by Abigail.


Before Abigail could even begin singing, Kevin approached. "Where's everyone?"

"Almost here. Why don't you head downstairs and wait?" she replied, feeling a twinge of irritation.

Can't he give me a moment to relax?

Kevin flashed an "OK" sign. "Thanks, Abigail."

"Just go." Abigail nudged him away.

The private room buzzed with activity. Shaunee was either dragging someone into a duet oranother. Even Luna got roped into singing a song.

After about ten minutes of goofing around, Kevin entered with Irene.

Irene was dressed in plain sportswear. Hence, she looked extremely modest. Amidst a group ofglamorous girls, she seemed excessively plain.

She was a little nervous, and after walking in, she clutched the gift bag tighter.

"Miss Quinn," she greeted Abigail politely as she approached.

Everyone stared at her, making her feel even more self-conscious.

"Just call me Abigail. You don't have to be so nervous. Weren't we friends before? Why the suddenshyness after not seeing each other for a while?" Abigail offered her a warm smile.

"Okay," Irene replied and glanced over at Luna seated on the nearby sofa.

She handed the gift to Luna and stumbled over her words. "Um, it was a bit last minute, so I didn'thave time to prepare something proper. Happy birthday."

"Thank you," Luna replied warmly, and she reached out to take it.

Shaunee, who was dressed in a steampunk-style attire, approached Irene and wrapped an armaround her shoulder.

Irene startled at the sudden embrace.novelbin

"Do you sing?" Shaunee grinned mischievously.

"A birthday song?" Irene felt a bead of sweat forming on her forehead.

"No, just sing whatever you like! Why limit yourself? When you're out having fun, just go with yourinstincts!" Shaunee led her toward the karaoke stage.

Irene felt a mix of excitement and apprehension from Shaunee's enthusiasm.

Abigail noticed her nervousness and glanced at Luna beside her. "She's still getting used to life inCapitalis. It's amazing how much a new environment can affect someone's confidence."

"She'll find her own way to adjust," Luna remarked as she opened the gift box to reveal anEmperor's Coin Bracelet. She was pleasantly surprised by the thoughtful gesture.

Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she held the bracelet and examined it. "As expected of adesign student, you really have an eye for gifts."

Irene caught fragments of what she said and felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

Well, if she likes it, then that's a relief.

"What's ''Goldenkey?" I've never heard of that song." Shaunee's question snapped her back toreality.

Before anyone could answer, Kevin chimed in, "She's your responsibility now. I'm off to play cardswith the guys."

The men moved to another corner of the room.

This private room was unlike any she'd been in before. It was spacious, with enough room for bothmen and women to have fun, and the sound system was top-notch.

"Alright, alright, got it." Shaunee waved it off.

Once Kevin settled in, Shaunee escorted Irene back to the women's section.

Irene was handed a microphone, and Abigail queued up her song to play after Eilane finishedsinging.

Eilane belted out an old tune.

As for Isla, well, she simply couldn't carry a tune. After one song, she called it quits, and nobodypushed her to continue.

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