I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 878 A Gentle Reminder To Be Courteous
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Chapter 878 A Gentle Reminder To Be Courteous

Whenever Abigail encountered Simond, the outcome was always unfavorable.

Simond turned to face Abigail, arching an eyebrow with an expression of indifference. "Long time nosee," he commented.

Abigail cautiously approached the bedside, observing him with wariness. "What is the purpose ofyour visit?"

"Allegations regarding the Simpson Family's connection to Sean are circulating online. Why was Inot informed?" Simond upheld his aloof and authoritative demeanor.

"Why not directly address the individual who made the post on Instagram but seeking Sean here?"The intensity of Abigail's hatred towards him was unmistakable.

Experiencing a slight sensation of unease, Simond furrowed his brow while observing her. After abrief pause, he let out a soft sigh. "I approached Mr. Graham to inquire about the situation. Heassisted me previously, and now that he needs help. I cannot ignore his situation."

Abigail desired to voice her thoughts. She thought, Returning to Eswadia does not eliminateeverything that has transpired between us. Nonetheless, there are merely two days left until thecommencement of Sean's retrial.

Sean gently squeezed Abigail's hand and provided reassurance. "It is acceptable. There is no needto be concerned."

Abigail sat down and quietly opened the lunch box.

"Mr. Graham, it seems that Callen's family wields significant influence. Why not contemplate thepossibility of reaching a compromise with them?" Simond made a witty remark with a smile.

Sean observed him with a cold demeanor. "Are you implying that I should act as a pawn?"

Observing the coldness in Sean's gaze, Simond became aware that he had touched upon asensitive issue. Reflecting on Jonell's destiny, he restrained his smile. "Very well, I wish you successthen."

Sean desired to seek retribution against individuals both inside and outside of Eswadia.

"What are your current intentions?" Abigail presented him with the lunch box, her countenancedisplaying seriousness.

"I am determined to hold accountable those individuals who attempt to incriminate me falsely." Seanresponded stoically as he accepted the lunch box.

Abigail regarded him with apprehension. "Will you not be creating an excessive number ofadversaries?"

"Abby, if you show fear, they will see you as weak." Sean conveyed a cherished truth. Whenconfronted by bullies, individuals should assert themselves. Similar to schoolyard bullies, avoidanceonly served to encourage them. Such individuals exhibited inherent characteristics.

Abigail locked eyes with him, her gaze becoming determined. "I will stand by your side."

"Very well." Sean nodded.

"Let consume your meal expeditiously." Abigail urged, then added with a sense of anxiety. "You stillneed to attend the trial."

"Abby, the trial is voluntary for me. I suspect that the individuals accusing me lack legitimateauthority. Nevertheless, I must continue. I can manage the situation as long as your safety is

ensured." He did not fear them in the slightest. Upon facing intimidation, he resolved to eliminatethem once he comprehended the situation.

"I am unharmed, but I detest witnessing your suffering," Abigail confessed tensely.

"It is incumbent upon men to confront challenges. Do not worry." Sean smiled reassuringly.

Abigail exhaled deeply, alleviating her tension.

As Xavien arrived to attend to Sean, Abigail took the lunch box and prepared to return to the office.Just as she departed from the hospital, a vehicle approached her. It came to a stop mere inchesfrom her vehicle.

Abigail exited her vehicle angrily, proceeded to the opposite side of the car, and forcefully knockedon the door.

A man clad in a suit and gleaming shoes appeared, standing tall above Abigail. "Ms. Quinn, ourmadam requests a meeting with you."

Before he could complete his statement, Abigail grabbed his collar and responded coldly. "Is this theappropriate manner in which to extend an invitation?"

The man averted his eyes, showing no consideration for Abigail. "Miss, we cordially extend aninvitation to you. Avoid displaying ingratitude."

Abigail displayed a smirk. "And how is this behavior classified as polite?" After releasing the man,she took two steps back to return to the car.

The man seized her shoulder.novelbin

Abigail grasped his hand in retaliation, executed a shoulder throw, and pressed her high heel ontohis face while he vocalized his distress. "Who is displaying impoliteness now? Who is your madam?If you wish to extend an invitation to me, please demonstrate a level of respect."

The man experienced severe pain as a result of the bloody imprint left on his face by Abigail's highheel. She delivered a kick to his stomach before swiftly turning and driving away.

The individuals at the hospital entrance exhibited a sense of astonishment. The individuals hadexpressed concerns regarding the possibility of Abigail being subjected to bullying. However, shedemonstrated resilience and strength in the situation.

Shortly after her return to the company, Sean called Abigail.

She thought, It pertained to the incident at the hospital entrance. However, I was experiencinganger at that particular moment and found it challenging to manage my emotions. I do not reactangrily if the individual is polite while leaving the car.

"Are you okay?" Sean expressed significant concern regarding the possibility that she hadexperienced bullying.

"I'm doing well. I underwent training under Simond for a few months. When he requested youretrieve the chip, I engaged in daily sparring sessions with him and Sage, which resulted insignificant learning experiences." Abigail responded warmly.

"Your statement exacerbates my negative emotions." Sean expressed a sigh.

"Sean, I have always been forward-thinking, and so have you. Possessing these skills isadvantageous. When faced with bullying, individuals are compelled to reconsider their actions."Abigail made a nonchalant remark.

"Ensure your well-being." Sean provided a gentle reminder.

"Don't worry," Abigail responded casually.

She thought, I have no reason to fear, as Sean has the resilience to withstand all those challenges.Regardless of the type of lady who seeks me out, her lack of etiquette knowledge, and the numberof people she brings, I will emerge victorious against them.

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