I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 832 The Worst Luck
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Chapter 832 The Worst Luck

Abigail's flight ended with her collapsing as she was losing consciousness due to the excessiveblood loss. She rose to her feet in determination with her gun in hand and continued with herescape.

Even though she rolled down into the river, Abigail, who was drained by exhaustion, forced herselfup with her arms and tried to regain her balance. However, the river's muddy grasp provedrelentless, thwarting her attempts to escape.

Finally, she found herself face-to-face with Simond, who was close to crushing her hand with hisfoot and causing her to be in agony.

"Only if you did not catch me at the fortress. Only if you understood where I'm coming from, Simond.I won't forgive the one who killed me… even if it is you." Hatred and defiance flared in her eyes asshe faced him.

Simond lifted his foot off her hand and helped her up from the ground. "No matter how tough youact, it's futile. You and Sean are alike, inherently deceitful. You can fabricate any lie for survival, forprofit."

As he had spent considerable time with Abigail, he understood her well.

She was capable of anything to achieve her goals, so lying was nothing to her.

Abigail, fueled by rage, fired a shot, piercing Simond's abdomen. In shock, he staggered back,clutching his wound.

Abigail, tearful and defiant, demanded her freedom. "You laid a hand on me first. Simond, you heldme against my will, and now, you're saying untrue things about me? You deserve to die! Let me go!I want to be with Sean!"

Her voice quivered as her breath was heavy. "You're such an *sshole! Every time I encounter you, Ihave the worst luck!"

Simond, wounded and furious, collapsed.

Sage had heard what transpired between those two and stormed over, only to notice the never-ending blood flow from Simond's abdomen. She delivered a blow across Abigail's face, whichresulted in Abigail rolling into the muddy river.

She lacked the strength to get back up.

Despite Sage's anger, she intervened and yanked Abigail from the watery depths of the tributary.

Sparks flew in the air back at the mansion when Sage tended to Abigail's wounds. After havingAbigail restrained, Sage's anger burned through Abigail each time Abigail was treated.

"If Simond is dead, I won't let you off the hook," Sage said angrily while she applied the medicine.

Abigail's defiance met Sage's fury head-on. "He's still alive? He won't be this lucky next time," sheretorted.

With a slap, Sage glared at her menacingly as she threatened, "I beg your pardon?"

"End me now if you dare." Although Abigail's mouth was bloody, she was defiant.

Sage raised her hand but slowly lowered it under Abigail's hateful gaze. "You're still valuable."

Abigail chuckled. "No guts to kill me, huh? But you have no way out either. Since you kidnapped meand committed battery on my person, I'll never let you off the hook if I can make it."

Sage felt the urge to end her life but managed to restrain herself. "Do you even gain something bycontinuously provoking me?" she asked coldly.

"For one, you shouldn't have taken me hostage." Abigail was stoic in her reply. "Do you think Iappreciate what Simond has done? He made use of me from the start, for which I despise him.Luckily he never returned that day, or I'd ended him on the spot."

Sage's throat tightened, unsure of what to say at that moment. In her mind, however, there was aturmoil.

Due to his growing affection, Simond has been rather accommodating to Abigail. Yet, it's alsobecause of that, Stephen perished, and our two younger brothers snatched the fortress while wewere in a dire situation, hiding on the run like subway rats.

The mission was not completed, and we still found ourselves living in the dark.

While Abigai? She was living such a happy life after returning to her parents, who loved her. EvenSean is helping her rescue her friend despite what happened between them.

However, what about us?

"Harm Simond, and an execution awaits you." Sage dropped those words with such frigidity beforeshe left the scene.

After being bound for half a month, the wounds on Abigail's hands began to heal.novelbin

Simond also managed to survive.

However, one thing had changed—they were sworn enemies.

Yet, they had now become true adversaries.

That day, Sage finally reached out to Sean.

"Abigail is in our custody. If you want to spare her from our torment, do not attempt a rescue justyet. I have a condition. Do as I say, and she will be returned to you," Sage stated coldly in front ofAbigail.

Despite Abigail's less-than-cooperative attitude over the past few weeks, there was a glimmer ofhope in her when she noticed Sage contact Sean.

During their phone call, Sean listened and then requested, "I need to hear her voice."

Sage held the phone to Abigail's ear and prompted, "Speak!"

There was a moment's worth of hesitation on Abigail's part. "Decline if it's a risky move. Our priorityis Luna's life."

Sean's emotions eased after hearing Abigail. As he steadied himself, he responded with calmness,"I'm not leaving you this time. No matter what, you're coming back. Alive."

There were tears in Abigail's eyes. Her lips shook as she blurted, "Save Luna and Eric. I imploreyou, Sean. I'm fine. I'm strong."

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