I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 785 She’s Too Ruthless
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Chapter 785 She's Too Ruthless

The rope was thick, and they needed to cut it slowly.

Andrew started cutting the rope while Abigail took a break.

If only they could get hold of a gun at that moment.

She suspected that Stephen was already deceased, and these assailants had attacked under thecover of night, catching Stephen off guard and ending his life.

She was unsure of the identities or motives of those who wanted Stephen dead.

Nearly twenty-four hours had passed since the incident.

During the late hours of the night, Abigail was in a drowsy state when a loud explosion rocked thehouse, causing the beams to creak.

The three of them were jolted awake, and Larry began to cry immediately.

His cries mingled with the sounds of explosions and gunfire.

Andrew had spent the entire day cutting the rope, and upon hearing the commotion, he swiftlyremoved the rope from his body.

Although he had already cut it, he had kept hold of it.

Martin stood up abruptly after his rope was loosened. Then, he said, "Untie her. I'll fetch someweapons."

Andrew crawled over to Abigail, his body covered in blood and well-concealed.

Just as Abigail's rope was untied, a man burst in through the door, cursing, "D*mn it—ah!"

Before he could finish his curse, Martin, who had been hiding by the door, sprayed a dissolvingagent directly onto his face.

His features immediately became bloody, and he fell to the ground, screaming in agony.

Abigail rushed forward, dragged him inside, seized the gun, and removed the handgun from hiswaist. She handed it to Andrew. "Use this to defend yourself. I taught you how to use it before."

When Simond had taught her, she had secretly instructed Martin and Andrew.

The three of them took advantage of the chaos and engaged in combat with several individuals.

Abigail took a life for the first time. She transitioned from fear to numbness.

Andrew sat in a wheelchair, pushed by Martin, while Abigail protected them.

The three of them exited through another door and fled towards a street lined with houses.

The gunfire behind them was incessant, and the bombardment never ceased, just like scenes fromwartime.

However, Abigail dared not look back. She assisted Martin in pushing Andrew, and they swiftlyreached a street with numerous houses.

Spotting a clothing store, Abigail exchanged glances with Martin, who had a plan in mind.

She kept watch at the door as Martin approached and melted the store lock. Once inside, theypromptly changed their attire.

After changing clothes, they procured food and baby formula from a store and made their waytowards the port.

After some consideration, they selected the most secluded port.

Although there were numerous ships at the port, they possessed nothing. Abigail concealed thefirearms in a backpack and approached a ship with a handgun.

The ship's captain was asleep on board. Upon seeing someone boarding, he immediately haltedthem. "What are you doing?"

Abigail smiled at him and approached, grasping his shoulder. "We wish to board the ship. Howmuch for the three of us?"

"Three individuals boarding the ship? No way. Wait until nine in the morning—ah!" Before he couldfinish, Abigail had already pressed the gun against his throat. "Will you set sail or not?"

"Alright!" The ship's captain was terrified, swallowing nervously and trembling. "We'll requireadditional crew members."

"Don't even think about deceiving me. I will not hesitate to end you!" Abigail threatened deliberately,her eyes filled with determination.

The captain gazed at her, swallowing nervously.

How could such a lovely girl be so ruthless?

The captain summoned four crew members, and they set sail.

Watching the island nation grow distant, Abigail breathed a sigh of relief.

Martin tended to Andrew's wound as Andrew had already drifted off to sleep.

Abigail stayed awake until early morning, at which point Martin woke up to relieve her of her duties.

"Keep a close watch on him. If he dares to entertain any malicious thoughts, do not hesitate to useyour medicine to incapacitate him immediately," Abigail declared, fixing her gaze on the captain.

The captain trembled in fear.

Martin dripped some medicine onto the ship's deck, causing thick smoke to billow up, making thecaptain's legs go weak.

"I... I also need to take a break..." the captain murmured in protest.

Martin glanced at Abigail.

"Have one of your crew members who can navigate the ship take over," Abigail stated coldly.novelbin


"If not, you will face dire consequences," she said indifferently.

Upon waking up, she was uncertain who might catch up to them.

Regardless of who caught up with them, it would not bode well for them. She had long beenrepulsed by Simond, and returning with him was out of the question.

The ship continued to sail steadily ahead.

Abigail felt reassured and decided to rest.

During her nap, she slept until sunset.

Feeling quite hungry but reluctant to sleep again, she rose, touched her empty stomach, and left theroom.

Martin and Andrew compelled the crew members to prepare dinner—a simple dish of fish cookedwith various ingredients, emitting a pleasant aroma but lacking in taste.

Abigail ate some plain food.

Andrew stood guard and watched the ship while Abigail led Martin to a discussion.

"We must figure out a way to earn some money to purchase a phone once we dock. Otherwise, wewill be without identification cards or funds, rendering us unable to do anything," Abigail and Martinagreed.

"Perou is in turmoil. We have some weapons at our disposal, and we could return and target someindividuals to rob for a few nights. What do you think?" Martin proposed in a hushed tone.

Abigail considered it feasible. "I am nimble. You all can keep watch on the ship. I will handle it."

"Be cautious. I will provide you with some medicine." Martin expressed great concern for Abigail,given that she was a woman.

"Do not worry. I will be fine," Abigail reassured him, patting his shoulder.

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