I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 751 Because You Are a Good Person
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Chapter 751 Because You Are a Good Person

Abigail's eyes flickered as she observed Martin and silently watched his every move. She softlysaid, "If I could, I would take you with me. Don't consider sacrificing yourself. Survival is instinctual,and you mustn't forget that."

Martin paused. He stopped in his actions as he remained silent.

"Perhaps you believe that you are old and don't need to live much longer, but that's not true. Youhaven't reached that point yet. Striving to live is what you should be doing," Abigail calmly advisedhim. "I have a vast network of contacts. If I can assist you, I most certainly will."

Suddenly, he felt reassured by Andrew's decision. He gazed at her, and his heart rate graduallyincreased. "Alright."

"Let's have a meal first," Abigail suggested. Afterward, I can make plans. Martin is a talentedindividual. It would be a waste if he were to disappear just like that.

Once they finished their meal, Abigail asked Martin, "May I visit your laboratory?"

"Uh, sure." Martin didn't object to her visit.

However, Abigail was known for her strict discipline.

He accompanied her to the second-floor laboratory. It was only at that moment that she realized thatit wasn't just an ordinary laboratory but a biochemical one. Numerous animals are immersed inliquid tanks. Looking at them makes me unsettled.

"There's a special room you shouldn't enter as people are inside. However, they were donated orpurchased with money," Martin explained in a gentle tone.

Abigail appeared surprised. "People?"

"Yes," Martin confirmed and led Abigail into his cultivation room. The room was filled with variousplants and animals.

No wonder he can't leave this place. A significant amount of funding must be required to achievethis level. "If you were out there, your reputation would be renowned. Alice was in a similar situationand was retreating to the mountains. If she had been out there, she would have become aninternationally acclaimed traditional medicine doctor," Abigail remarked and turned to Martin.Indeed, geniuses attract other geniuses.

Upon hearing Abigail's words, Martin smiled. "You're mistaken. I wouldn't have accomplished all ofthis if I were out there. It's because someone funded me that I could reach this stage. Withoutfinancial research support, even great abilities would gradually fade away." One can only pursuethese endeavors when they are well-fed and nourished.

Abigail nodded in agreement.

"My friend received an injection. She spiraled into depression. Do you think such a medicineexists?" she asked Martin.novelbin

"It certainly exists, but the psychological implication is even more terrifying. People are crushed bypsychological suggestions many times. Let's say that I'm telling you now I've spiked the food youate before and that you'll become gravely ill after a year. You'll eventually die, too," Martin said witha smile. This proposition was also presented by the individuals who approached me. They desire forAbigail to perish quietly, and the condition is finding a way to make me leave this confinement.

"I suppose so," Abigail replied with a nonchalant expression. However, her heart felt somewhatunsettled. When Martin was approached by someone yesterday, did they offer similar conditions?Luckily, Andrew is on my side.

After Abigail concluded her visit, she marveled. "You've invested a substantial amount of money intothis research institute. Perhaps the other party genuinely hopes that you can achieve something."

Her unintentional words ignited a spark within Martin's heart. It has been eight or nine years since Ilast made significant breakthroughs, yet the research institute continues spending money. Ofcourse, there is pressure from higher-ups, but what sets me apart from other research institutes ismy ability to quickly develop medicine whenever a new disease emerges, thus earning a fortune forthe institute. After all, the pharmaceutical industry is lucrative. That's why the research institute iswilling to retain me. As long as I can develop a particular medicine quickly whenever a new diseaseemerges, they will continue to support me.

Now that he reflected on Abigail's words, he realized he had some ability. For the past few years, hehad been feeling down because he hadn't developed any potent medicine. However, Abigail'swords soothed his heart and gradually washed away his frustration and pain over the past fewyears.

Abigail descended the stairs while Martin sat in the research room as he quietly contemplated hispast years.

Andrew had been waiting downstairs for a long time. When he saw Abigail, his eyes brightened."Why haven't you watched my surveillance footage yet?"

"I'll watch it right away." She smiled as she approached him. Then, she carefully observed Andrewbriefly before softly saying, "Although I don't know what you did, I'm grateful to you. Trust me, I'm onyour side."

"It's because you are a good person. I believe in good people but not in bad ones. They havedeceived many individuals, causing them to suffer and lose everything. They lack morals." Andrewlooked back at Abigail with sincerity.

Abigail gazed at Andrew and felt pleased. "What would you like to eat tonight? I can cook for you."

He licked his lips. "I want to eat braised pork! I don't want anything stewed. It's too greasy!"

"Alright. I'll let you indulge once," Abigail said as she guided him toward the room.

She opened the computer and inserted the chip into a USB drive. The surveillance footage shouldhave been recorded on the phone and then transferred to the computer.

Abigail observed several tall men entering before Martin went forward to greet them. Theirconversation confirmed what Martin had said. They want to drug me to make me chronically ill, andthey even give Martin a vial of medicine.

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