I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 748 Yet Another Farewell
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Chapter 748 Yet Another Farewell

"If that's the case, then forget it. I've already lost over ten of my men before we could even startworking together. What good would it bring?" Simond refused, wanting to keep Abigail's plan asecret.

While working with Sean would be great, he also needed to look out for her.

"If you don't want to work with me, then forget it. No need for all that talk." Sean's expression turnedcold in an instant.

Unable to hold back, Abigail spoke up, "Are we just going to spend the day in the hotel?"novelbin

The investigation wasn't making any progress, and dragging it out like this wasn't a good idea.

"They can go back," Sean calmly said. Today was his date with Abigail, so why should they stayhere and be third wheels?

Simond was only here to see the progress, and now that Sean had given the order to leave, hedidn't stay for long either. Moreover, he was worried about staying and exposing himself to the wayKevin was behaving.

After Simond left with Kevin, Sean immediately turned his attention back to Abigail. "What do youwant to eat, honey?"

Abigail handed him the hotel menu. "Take a look and see if there's anything you like."

Yesterday, she had specifically asked the hotel for ingredients and personally cooked, but today,she no longer had the enthusiasm for it.

As Sean carefully looked through the menu, her phone rang.

Sean looked at her. "Busy again?"

Abigail had saved the number under a client's name, but she remembered it was from Martin.

"I'm not sure. Let me take this call first. Choose something for me while I'm gone," she said, pickingup her phone and walking into the corridor.

Sean continued to look at the menu, deep in thought. Both Kevin and Abigail seemed off just now,and the strangest thing was that Simond came with Kevin. If Kevin could bring Simond to theairport, wouldn't it mean that Simond had been here earlier and had come with Abigail? Clearly,they were connected in a way that he didn't know about.

Simultaneously, Abigail warily kept a lookout for Sean in case he suddenly left the room whilewhispering to Martin, "What is it?"

"Oh, I wanted to know when you would come back," Martin asked with concern.

Abigail felt that she should explain to him who exactly arrived at the John Research Institute, butshe realized that it might not be a convenient time for him, so she could only answer, "Is everythingokay on your end?"

"What could be the problem? Andrew wants to eat the food you make again," Martin said with achuckle.

"Okay, I should be back tomorrow." Abigail felt sorry that she couldn't spend more time with Sean.

After she hung up, she felt her head ache at the thought of telling Sean. Taking a deep breathsilently, she turned and went back into the house.

Sean had already ordered their meal.


Martin hung up the phone, holding it in his hand without moving it for a long time.

"I won't allow you to do this," Andrew spoke up, anger evident on his face and his hand on thewheelchair handle tightened.

"But if we don't do this, there's no way for us to leave here. Our research has been stuck in abottleneck for a long time, and the people above have already noticed. Andrew, this is our onlychance to leave here safely. Abigail is just someone we happened to meet by chance. Why shouldwe give up our own desire for freedom because of her?" Martin put down his phone and walked upto Andrew, looking at him earnestly.

Andrew shook his head. "I would rather be trapped here for the rest of my life... As I've said before, Iwant her to live a happy life."

"You're too emotional. Everything I've done has been for your own good. I may be older now, andbeing trapped here may not matter to me, but you're still young. No matter what it takes, I will find away to get you out of here!" Martin firmly held his hand, his tone resolute. "I won't change my mind."

"Dad, you don't know the true intentions of those people. You're working with them, but manypeople will sever ties once their plans succeed. You always prioritize immediate gains withoutrealizing that working with Abigail would be a better option."

Andrew didn't initially intend to say these things. He had been living here for a few years and hadgrown accustomed to it. Hence, whether he could leave or not was irrelevant. Martin always usedhim as an excuse, but did he ever seek his opinion?

"You always believe that this arrangement is for my own good, but is it really?" Andrew finishedspeaking and lowered his gaze. "Yes, I haven't had any contact with the outside world, and there

are many things you haven't taught me that I don't know. However, I do know that collaborating withbad people never ends well."

"What do you want then? Are you so infatuated with Abigail that you're behaving irrationally?"Martin became angry. "I am your father. If I'm not looking out for your best interests, then whoseinterests am I looking out for?!"

"I just want you to be safe with me and not harm Abigail, okay?" Andrew pleaded, looking at him."We can find a way to negotiate with her. What if Larry really needs you? She would have to protectyou. She has the Pearsons and the Grahams behind her, two powerful families. Are the people whocame today any less capable?"

Martin remained silent, his expression stern.

"We don't even know anything about the people who came today. Perhaps it's best not tocollaborate," Andrew tightly held Martin's hand, his lips trembling. "I only know that working withgood people will never lead to a negative outcome. Even if the partnership doesn't work out in theend, it won't have a detrimental ending. After all, she is from Eswadia, and her values differ fromours in Perou."

At the very least, Andrew understood that good people from Eswadia had their limitations.

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