I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 733 Important News
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Chapter 733 Important News

Abigail spent two hours with Andrew and played games with him for a while. Compared to theprevious few days, his mood was much better.

While she was preparing lunch, he also helped out in the kitchen. They made a mess, and it tookthem a while to finish the meal.

When Martin came downstairs, he heard that Andrew already made plans with Abigail to preparedinner together.

"What can you do?" Martin sat at the dining table and asked with a deliberately stern face, "Don'tcause trouble for her. Cooking is already hard enough."

Immediately, Andrew turned to her.

"It's okay. He can do a lot of things. Look at how well he slices the vegetables. Each piece is soneat," Abigail said to Martin, pointing to a plate of purple cabbage.

"That's really impressive." Martin noticed that Abigail was intentionally or unintentionally teachingAndrew some life skills.

Under his care, Andrew had lived as a dependent person for over twenty years. If it weren't for themedications he researched, he would have been sedentary all day, with muscles atrophying andorgans failing, and would have died long ago.

Abigail looked at Andrew, and her lips curved into a smile. "He's very intelligent, and his brain worksexceptionally well. He understands things as soon as they are explained."

Martin nodded, a loving gaze appearing in his eyes as he looked at Andrew. "As long as he'shappy."

After finishing the meal, he took Andrew for their usual walk. They watched the fountain, andAndrew whispered, "She's really nice."

Martin looked at him and said, "I have a lot of photos of you two interacting. If you really like her, Ican take care of Sean for you."

"No need for now. It's enough for me to see her smile," Andrew replied, no longer the naive andchildish boy he used to be.

"In that case, I won't go the extra mile," Martin said, guiding him back home.

Lately, Martin had been busy, unlike before when he had plenty of time to take him out for walks andhelp him with his muscles.

Back at home, Martin hesitantly asked Abigail, "Will you massage his legs for me? I might needyour help for the next month because I'm at a critical point in my research."

"What about Larry?" Abigail asked, rocking the cradle with a somewhat reluctant expression on herface.

There were only three people in the entire research lab, and she had to shoulder so muchresponsibility. Now, she even had to massage Andrew, who was tall and muscular, every day. Couldshe handle it?

"Just for a month," Martin replied awkwardly. "I'm working on Larry's medicine, and it will beeffective in a couple of days. Once that happens, I'll let the people outside know, and you can takeLarry to the hospital for confirmation, alright?"

Upon hearing the possibility of going out, Abigail reluctantly agreed, "Fine, just let me know twodays in advance when I can go out. I'll have to make arrangements to take Larry with me." As forher, she had to meet Sean.

Martin was well aware of her intentions, but considering the contributions she had made to him andtheir son recently, he decided to turn a blind eye. He was nearing the end of his life, and there wasno need to be too demanding of her.

One day, if he died in the study, there would be no one to take care of Andrew. Maybe Abigail wouldbe kind enough to take care of his disabled son.

"I'll help you ask for two days off when that happens. Take good care of yourself and stay safe,"Martin advised before turning and walking toward the stairs.

"Thank you, Mr. Colleen," Abigail thanked with a joyful smile.

It seemed that Martin was a good person after all, and he would give her time to go on a date withSean.

Upon seeing Abigail's radiant happiness, Andrew felt a pang of sadness in his heart. "Are you goingto meet your fiancé again?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Abigail openly admitted.

Since Larry was fast asleep, she decided to give Andrew a leg massage while she had theopportunity. Guiding him back into the room, she helped him onto the bed and sat beside him tomassage his legs.

Andrew gazed out the window and, after a while, murmured, "If my father passes away, will youtake care of me?"

Taken aback, Abigail looked at him and replied, "Your father is still healthy. Don't dwell on suchthoughts."novelbin

"People eventually pass away, and he is already quite old," Andrew softly pointed out. Having livedwith his father for many years, how could he not be aware of his father's emotional fluctuations?

"It's a natural part of life. If that day comes, I will take care of you. I have a brother, and adding onemore person won't be a problem," Abigail calmly assured him.

Andrew nodded and slowly closed his eyes. After finishing the massage, Abigail felt sore all over.She returned to her room and leaned against the windowsill, lost in thought.

Life, aging, illness, and death? When Luna unexpectedly departed, Abigail wasn't as composed asshe seemed and harbored resentment and anger, even to this day.

However, she didn't even know who her adversary was. All her current efforts were dedicated touncovering the mastermind behind Luna's death. Even if it meant traveling to the farthest corners ofthe earth, she would find a way to seek justice for Luna.

"Luna, in another six months, Larry will be fine. By then, I will know who his father is. I promise you,your death won't be in vain," Abigail softly murmured.

Lately, she hadn't had much time to indulge in idle thoughts. Ironically, discussing life and deathtoday had brought her a sense of tranquility.

Indeed, being occupied could help one forget many negative emotions. Just as her heart was filledwith longing, her phone rang.

Whisking out her phone, she saw a text from an unfamiliar number.

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