I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 730 There’s a Man in Your Room
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Chapter 730 There's a Man in Your Room

Martin had ulterior motives from the beginning, but Abigail's gaze was too sincere. After observingher for a while, he nodded and asked, "Will you tell me what it is about?"

"I don't know who Larry's father is, and I need to determine it through genetics." Abigail hesitated tomention that his father might be involved in money laundering.

She trusted Alice, but that didn't mean she trusted Martin now. After spending time together, shefound him to be unpredictable.

Perhaps the young Martin was a good person, someone Alice could trust, but time flies, and peoplechange.

Martin replied, "Don't worry about that. As long as his father's genes are in the genetic database, wecan find out once Larry's genes stabilize."

Abigail stood up and said, "Thank you."

As she was about to leave, Martin couldn't help but ask, "Was this child born out of wedlock?"

"The situation is a bit complicated, and I can't disclose it," Abigail answered.

He nodded and didn't inquire further. However, he started to ponder, A woman who is at thepinnacle of the design world is here to take care of me and my son despite the danger and hardshipjust to find out who the child's father was. It appears that… this child is quite extraordinary.

Initially, Martin had no interest in Abigail's affairs, but after spending time with her, he found herquite intriguing, especially since Andrew liked her. As a father, he had to put his son intoconsideration.

Meanwhile, Abigail returned to her room and messaged Sean. 'Are you busy?' Due to the timedifference, she often messaged him at this time.

'I'm available if you need me,' he replied. After he sent the message, she called him, and when heanswered the call, her voice was filled with exhaustion. "I'm so tired. Will you comfort me?"novelbin

Sean chuckled softly. "Tired because of drawing design sketches?"

"Yes, and I'm not accustomed to the food here. I have to cook for myself and miss the meals youused to make," Abigail said warmly.

Andrew overheard their flirtatious conversation through the audio surveillance. Although he didn'tknow why he cared about Abigail's relationship with someone else, he often wanted to eavesdropon her and find out what she was doing.

Abigail would occasionally contact Sean, who—according to Martin—was Abigail's fiancé, and theirrelationship was profound.

Abigail fell asleep while chatting with Sean. Listening to her shallow breathing, Sean found itendearing, but he heard a faint sound from her end.

Listening attentively, he soon realized that it was a man's heavy breathing on the other side. Hisblood ran cold, and he shouted into the phone, "Who are you? Why are you in Abigail's room?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Who are you?" Sean asked again.

The next second, Abigail's phone was abruptly disconnected.

Sean stood up abruptly and said to Xavien, "Find out where Abigail is!"

"What's wrong?" Xavien asked but immediately began searching.

"There's a man in her room!" Sean's breathing was unsteady, and he was so anxious that hewanted to go to Abigail's side immediately.

Xavien had never seen him so frantic that his voice was cracking from anxiety.


Abigail was startled awake by Sean's angry shout. Then, she saw Andrew in her room. Immediately,she ended the call and scolded Andrew, "Why did you come into my room without knocking? Howdid you get in?" She didn't know how to explain it to Sean.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were on the phone, and I saw you sleeping without a blanket—"

"Andrew, did you know that you violated my privacy by entering my room without permission?"Abigail angrily interrupted him.

Andrew fell silent for a moment and said, "I apologize."

He was disgusted by the affection and intimacy between Abigail and Sean during their phone call,which made him feel an urge to destroy something.

Abigail's chest rose and fell unevenly. "Please leave immediately, will you?"

Silently, Andrew pushed the wheelchair out of her room, and she immediately called Sean.

The phone was answered almost instantly. "Abby, are you okay?!" Sean was as anxious as a cat ona hot tin roof.

The anger in Abigail's chest immediately turned into a hint of sadness, but she held it back and justsmiled. "I'm fine. I accidentally fell asleep just now, and the hotel staff came to clean the room. I just

sent him away."

"Abby, it's not safe for you to stay in a hotel. Shouldn't you consider renting a house? I'm reallyworried about you like this!" Sean's tone was urgent. "Where are you? I'll come to you right away."

"No need, it was just an accident. Please don't worry. You really scared me," Abigail reassured in agentle voice.

"Abby, I was really worried about you just now." Sean's voice sounded a bit tired.

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