I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 697 Everything Depends On Human Effort
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Chapter 697 Everything Depends On Human Effort

Abigail gazed at the dark sky, searching for stars but finding none. She couldn't help but sigh.

"Doesn't everything depend on human effort?" she murmured softly.

If Josh sided with Luna, would things turn out differently?

Josh didn't respond to Abigail, but his grip on the handle of his suitcase tightened slightly.

"By the way, I heard something while I was out this time. Ronaldo even asked me for advice, but Ididn't know what to suggest," Abigail said, trying to sound casual.

"What did you hear?" Josh gathered his thoughts and looked at her.

"Ronaldo has a close friend who is still in love with a girl despite breaking up because of anaccident. He's reluctant to let go and wants to reconcile, but then the girl becomes pregnant. Theproblem is, no one knows who the father is," Abigail explained slowly, improvising a story on thespot.

"So, his friend is unsure whether he should get back together with the girl?" Josh quickly graspedthe situation.

"No, his friend doesn't even know that the girl was taken advantage of and became pregnant. Whatdo you think? If we tell his friend, would he still choose to be with the girl and accept the child?"Abigail asked, feeling like she had just set a trap by suggesting that Josh go find Luna.

"I believe any decent man wouldn't accept this situation. If the child is aborted, that's a differentstory. Of course, I'm not advocating for abortion. The man responsible for getting her pregnantshould take responsibility." Josh calmly expressed his opinion.

Abigail felt uneasy upon hearing his words.

She shouldn't have said that. Who would want to be the second choice?

"But if I were in his friend's shoes, I would confront the man who took advantage of the girl and seehow she handles the situation. I think that would be the best solution," Josh added, consideringAbigail's feelings. As a woman, she would naturally sympathize with the girl in this situation.

"In that case, let's not tell his friend. If they've already broken up, it's best to leave it at that," Abigailsuggested.

Now, she hoped that Josh wouldn't go looking for Luna; even if he did, he wouldn't be able to findher.

After returning home, Abigail took a shower and came downstairs to find Sean sitting in the livingroom, organizing several documents.

Sensing someone's gaze, he looked up and met Abigail's eyes.

"You didn't even inform me when you returned." He put down the documents, wearing a reproachfulexpression.

Abigail walked over and sat down next to him, smiling. "I wanted to surprise you. Did someone tellyou I was back?"

"Yes." Sean held her hand and quickly assessed her appearance before expressing hisunhappiness. "You've lost a lot of weight. Weren't you supposed to buy those Marimora pearls?Couldn't Ronaldo even take care of your meals?"

"That's not his fault. I just haven't had much of an appetite lately," Abigail explained hurriedly. Shelooked at herself in the mirror every day and didn't think she had lost weight.

"Do you feel unwell? Let's go for a check-up tomorrow." Sean immediately became concerned.

"No, it's probably because I'm not accustomed to the food. I'll be fine once I settle back in," Abigailreassured Sean while leaning against him. She glanced at the documents on the coffee table andrealized they were from her company. Awkwardly, she picked them up and asked, "What arethese?"

"We've hired some new designers. These are their new contracts. Take a look." Sean leaned backon the couch, watching Abigail with a smile in his eyes.novelbin

He had missed Abigail a lot.

Abigail picked up the contracts and found them to be quite strict. Anyone caught plagiarizing wouldface severe consequences.

"You would have been a great ruler in ancient times!" Abigail couldn't help but comment afterreading the contracts.

"If the top management is not firm, individuals with even a slight talent would consider engaging inunethical practices. Your previous contracts were too lenient; plagiarism only resulted in a reportand a small fine. By making those who plagiarize lose everything and have no future in the industry,they would think twice before engaging in plagiarism," Sean explained.

He was always generous to his employees. However, his contracts were also strict, ensuring thathis company never had employees who betrayed or harmed its interests.

"The contracts are excellent. I agree with your approach," Abigail said, placing the contracts down.

"How long will you be staying this time?" Sean held her hand, looking at her expectantly.

"I plan to stay for a while. I will return to the company tomorrow," Abigail replied. She couldn't go toLuna's side right now. Moreover, dealing with Sean was challenging. If she ran away again, Seanwould investigate things.

On the other hand, Simond had asked her to stay away from Luna for a while to see if there wereany new developments.

"Aren't you overworking yourself?" Sean couldn't help but ask.

"I have worked hard to get where I am today. It wouldn't make sense if I weren't busy. Do you wantme to quit?" Abigail narrowed her eyes suspiciously, looking at him.

"How could that be possible? I wouldn't want to quit my job, so why should you?" Sean had nointention of confining her to the house as a stay-at-home wife.

However, he always felt that there needed to be a balance. Otherwise, once they got married andhad a family, the children wouldn't be happy if they did not spend time with them.

"I will only be busy for a year or two, and things won't be as hectic," Abigail replied. She was indeedfeeling exhausted from work.

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