I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 695 Fear Of Losing Control
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Chapter 695 Fear Of Losing Control

Luna's expression changed, her brow furrowing with discontent.

"I want you to know that I don't intend to harm you," Abigail reassured, busying herself with clearingthe remnants on the tea table.

"Just when I finally have an appetite, you're telling me I can't eat too much..." Luna sighed,frustration evident in her voice.

"If you were consistently having proper meals, do you think I would stop you? Luna, I understandyou're not feeling well, but it's crucial for you to maintain a healthy diet. Neglecting your body'sneeds could have consequences for your future, especially considering your disrupted sleeppatterns," Abigail carefully arranged the snacks in the lower layer of the coffee table before risingand making her way to the kitchen.

Luna frowned, watching the television with a displeased expression. After a while, she turned it off.novelbin

While Abigail was sulking in the kitchen, she heard Luna slam her bedroom door shut.

At that moment, it felt as if Abigail's emotional defenses had crumbled.

She let out a sigh of frustration, tears welling up in her eyes. She truly wanted to cry and tell Lunathat she was also exhausted, but she knew she had no right to do so.

Luna behaves this way because of me. If Vincent hadn't taken Luna to the Golden Triangle, shewouldn't be in this situation. What right do I have to complain to Luna?

After preparing the meal, Abigail knocked on Luna's door.

Luna's room remained silent.

"Luna, if you don't want me to take care of you, I'll go back to Capitalis after this meal. There'ssomething at the company that I need to attend to," she calmly stated from the doorway.

Luna still didn't respond.

"I've already contacted Dr. Mason. He'll make sure you take your medication. I've also found ananny to take care of your daily needs, so you don't have to worry about meals or cleanliness,"Abigail finished, then turned to go to the living room to eat.

As Simond had mentioned, Luna didn't appreciate anything she was doing at the moment.

If she stayed here, their relationship would only deteriorate. Even though Luna's actions wereinfluenced by her illness, she wasn't making an effort to improve. It seemed more like a punishmentfor both of them.

Abigail had barely started eating when Luna opened her door. She stood in the doorway, her eyesfilled with tears. "Do you find me annoying?"

"Your current situation is because of me, and I feel guilty and remorseful. I've been taking care ofyou for so long, hoping that you would get better, but... Have you ever thought about movingforward?" Abigail asked bluntly, sitting at the dining table.

Luna was taken aback.

"Luna, if you're tired of me taking care of you and want to continue being friends, I'll go back toCapitalis and let someone else take care of you for a while," Abigail finished, then lowered her headto eat.

"Do you think that what I'm doing is hurting you? Do you think that because you've done all this forme, I should strive to get better, to live?" Luna walked over to her and continued to question.

"Luna, how many times have I told you not to eat so many snacks? Have you ever counted?"Abigail stood up, looking directly at Luna. "Are you so engrossed in the TV that you can't hear me,or do you resent me?"

Luna looked at her, her lips trembling slightly.

"I understand that you're sick. But do you think it's right to ignore me even when I've called you overa dozen times to stop eating snacks? If you're doing this on purpose because you blame me, I'llaccept it," Abigail said, then sat down and sighed quietly. "If you hate me, I'll stay away from you."

"I don't hate you... Can you please not leave?" Luna grabbed her hand.

Abigail gazed at Luna and spoke sincerely, "You requested that I conceal the fact that you areexpecting a baby, register the baby under my name, and keep it a secret from everyone. I followedyour instructions faithfully. You mentioned that you would recover in two years and thenacknowledge Larry, but have you been demonstrating a genuine desire to get better?"

She continued, "If my presence here is not beneficial to you, then let's find someone who can help. Ifeel guilty and remorseful. I believe that my actions have had an impact on you, which onlystrengthens my determination to save you by any means necessary," Abigail concluded, thenaverted her gaze.

Luna opened her mouth, but no words escaped. Eventually, she settled into a seat, appearingsomewhat hurt.

After lunch, Zack arrived with a nanny who had a very serious expression.

The moment Luna laid eyes on them, she quickly reached out and grabbed Abigail's hand."Abigail... Can you please not leave? I won't ignore you anymore."

"I need to return to handle the company's affairs. Moreover, if I stay here for too long, Sean willbecome suspicious. Once he grows suspicious, he will uncover everything with a little investigation,"Abigail spoke softly, providing rational reasons.

While Luna understood Abigail's explanation, she couldn't bear the thought of Abigail departing.

"I'm sorry... I truly realize that I was wrong. I will listen to you," Luna said earnestly, tightly clutchingAbigail's hand.

Abigail also felt a reluctance to part ways, but her responsibilities compelled her to return.

After spending nearly a month in Saraville, she observed no signs of improvement in Luna'scondition. There were moments when Luna's actions nearly pushed her to the brink of emotionalcollapse.

Furthermore, Luna seemed increasingly resistant to Abigail's advice in recent days, which added toAbigail's distress.

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