I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 688 Not Plastic Sisters
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Chapter 688 Not Plastic Sisters

Abigail was unaware that Luna had fallen ill immediately after her departure.

While at the airport, she called Simond.

"I'll be gone for half a day. Can you keep an eye on Luna for me? Let me know if anythinghappens," Abigail said as she sat in the waiting area, waiting for her ticket to be checked.

"There's already an issue. She's been crying alone in her room for half an hour," Simond informedher. "She's more dependent on you than you think. Is it necessary for you to go back?"

Abigail stood up, gazing at the exit, wishing she could return to Luna immediately.

"I've already made an appointment with the client." She started to feel a headache. If she hadknown, she wouldn't have agreed to meet the client so hastily. There must be other ways!

"In that case, you should go back. It's not a big deal. Finish your business as soon as possible andcome back. I'll take care of her. Besides, her illness won't improve overnight. You can't always dothis; you need to learn to prioritize," Simond calmly advised Abigail.

Abigail felt as if her legs weighed a thousand pounds.

Just then, the airport announced that it was time for ticket checking.

After she ended the call, Abigail held her ticket tightly. After a moment, she tore it up and turnedtowards the exit.

She hailed a cab and returned to Luna's place.

As she stood by the door, she saw Luna sitting in the living room, crying and making bracelets. Shequickly walked up to her and embraced Luna as she said, "I'm still very concerned about you. Don't

cry, okay?"

"Did I hold you back?" Luna asked through her tears.

"No, you are the most important person to me. Everything else can wait," Abigail assured her. Evenif the client became angry and Garrett resigned, she couldn't leave Luna in this state.

Luna sobbed quietly. "I want to be stronger, but... I can't control my emotions. I really hate myself forbeing like this and always causing trouble for you."

"How could that be? We are best friends, and your well-being is the most important thing," Abigailcomforted her as she patted her back.

Luna hugged Abigail and whispered, "I really like it when you're here with me. When I'm alone, itfeels like a cage, and I'm afraid to go out... It's really contradictory."novelbin

"It's okay; I'll be with you. I'll always be with you," Abigail reassured her and wiped away her tears.

Luna's gloomy heart seemed to warm up at that moment because of Abigail.

As she looked at Abigail's familiar face, she felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Abigail wiped her tears and said softly, "You continue making bracelets. I'll contact the client, okay?"

"Okay!" Luna nodded vigorously.

In a nearby building, Simond put away his telescope. He turned to Zack beside him and remarked,"I didn't expect her illness to be genuine. Abigail truly has a strong bond with her. Their friendship ismore genuine than gold. People often say that girls have fake friendships, but theirs is moreauthentic than anyone else's."

"Fake friendships are the exception. You're biased against girls," Zack laughed. "I told you before,Luna truly has depression. No one can fake it so convincingly. There's no light in her eyes."

"But I still feel like she doesn't belong," Simond expressed. "I've met countless people, and Iabsolutely trust my intuition."

"Your intuition is right. Only time will reveal what's wrong," Zack calmly replied.

Simond made a face and remained silent.

Abigail contacted the client. She took a deep breath and apologized, "I'm truly sorry, but I can'tcome back today. My friend really needs me."

The client was speechless.

After some time, the client finally spoke up, "Miss Quinn, how long have we been working together?We started collaborating when L.Moon was just starting out. Now, it seems like you no longer valueclients like us, am I right?"

Abigail immediately responded, "If I didn't care, I wouldn't have been working with you all this time.Your words really hurt my feelings."

"Miss Quinn..."

"Let's make a deal. I'm willing to give you a 1% profit. We can arrange a video conference toaddress any concerns. Do you think my sincerity is sufficient?" Abigail interrupted the client.

The client was taken aback by her sudden offer to sacrifice profit and fell silent.

After a moment, the client awkwardly said, "If you really can't make it, I won't force you to meet.However, your new design has been accused of plagiarism... It's causing a delay in our new productlaunch. If you could personally create a design... I heard that's how you made up for Charm."

Abigail furrowed her brow. "Which designer's work was accused of plagiarism? Have we conductedan investigation? Is it confirmed?"

"It's confirmed. Your designer has already apologized," the client informed her.

Abigail pursed her lips and felt slightly irritated. "I don't have the time. Can you find anotherdesigner?"

"There's no need for compromises. If you're truly busy, I won't take advantage of your situation.We've been working together for so long; it wouldn't be fair for me to exploit you. You can simplycreate a design yourself as compensation." The client chuckled.

In the end, they still wanted her designs.

Her designs now started at eight million each. Once they were mass-produced, they would sell likehotcakes. These people were all shrewd, and they knew exactly how to maximize their profits.

As for L.Moon... It seemed like she needed to seek Sean's help again to properly resolve theseissues. They kept causing her trouble every other day.

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