I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 681 Sudden Change Of Plans
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Chapter 681 Sudden Change Of Plans

Sean quietly walked to a chair and sat down, leaning back with a dark mood that mirrored the night,filled with a sense of loss.

Meanwhile, Abigail remained unaware of his departure as she furrowed her brow while textingRonaldo.

'Can you take him to Alice?'

'If we take him to Alice, Sean will find out. Are you okay with that?'

Abigail paused as she read the message, feeling annoyed and powerless in that moment.

From the very beginning, Larry's genes had been problematic. If the best hospital in town couldn'tprovide any help, she might have to consider other options.

'I'll come over. We'll figure something out.'

Abigail had promised Luna that she would take good care of Larry. If Luna were to be gone in thefuture, Larry would be all she had left.

Putting away her phone, Abigail realized that Sean was no longer there. She looked around andsaw him sitting on the chair. She walked over and sat next to him, taking his hand.

"What's wrong?" Sean looked at her with a smile.

"I have something important to attend to and must leave for a few days. Can you... Can you takecare of them for me?" After Abigail finished speaking, she bit her lower lip and hesitatedmomentarily before continuing, "It's crucial. I have to go."

"Okay. Go ahead." Sean agreed immediately.

Abigail hugged him and whispered in his ear, "Sean, I can't imagine my life without you. AlthoughI'm currently busy with work, I'll let go of everything once I'm done in two years. We'll get married,and I'll prioritize our family."

Sean raised his hand and gently stroked her hair. He closed his eyes and pressed his cheek againsthers as he spoke softly, "Okay. I won't think about anything other than what you said today." Despitefeeling uneasy, he didn't want to pry into her affairs.

Abigail was always a person of integrity. If she encountered something she couldn't handle, shewould surely inform him.

"Thank you," Abigail whispered.

"When are you leaving?" Sean tried to keep his tone light.

"I have to leave right away. Rest well tonight. I'll be back as soon as I'm finished." Abigail let go ofhim. After a moment of hesitation, she leaned in and kissed him.

Afterward, she hurriedly got up.

Sean watched her rush back into the house and could only sigh in the end.

Upon returning to her room, Abigail packed her luggage and booked a flight to Eastbay. Afterpacking everything, she dragged her suitcase out of the Grahams. Seeing the driver waiting for her,she couldn't help but turn around to glance at Sean's room on the second floor.

Although the curtains were drawn, the light was on.

In that split second, a sudden sadness surged in Abigail's heart.

"Ms. Quinn, shall we get in the car?" the driver asked.

Abigail withdrew her gaze and got into the car. She once couldn't comprehend the unspokenconnection between Sean and Joan, but now she seemed to have become a part of his past.

At that moment, she wondered if she could earn his forgiveness if she had the chance to explaineverything she was doing after resolving the issue.


Around midnight, Abigail arrived at the airport in Eastbay. At the same time, Ronaldo anxiouslyawaited her arrival.

When he saw her exit the airport, he quickly approached her and said, "Larry's fever won't go down.The doctor says he's naturally immune to the medicine. What should we do?"

"What about the traditional medicine doctor? Can they help?" Abigail asked.

"We've already consulted a traditional medicine doctor, but finding a good one so quickly is difficult."Ronaldo followed Abigail, his anxiety surpassing hers.

Hearing his words, Abigail frowned. After a moment of silence, she looked at him and decisivelysaid, "I'll take Larry to see Alice."

"Tell me the truth. Where did you find this child?" Ronaldo felt that Abigail was being too kind to thechild.

"Don't ask. All you need to know is that this is very important," Abigail replied.

"Alright. Let's go find Alice then." Ronaldo didn't inquire further.

"Mr. Fernandez..."

"Miss Quinn." Ronaldo interrupted Abigail unhappily. "We now share the same secret. I don't thinkit's appropriate for you to call me by my last name anymore, right?"

"What should I call you then?" Abigail asked.

Ronaldo pondered for a moment and said, "Call me Ronaldo."

"Do I really have to call you that?" Abigail asked in a feigned, unhappy tone.

Ronaldo smiled and said, "You're Alana. It's an honor for me to call you my friend."

Abigail nodded. "Alright, Ronaldo."

When they arrived at the hospital, Abigail took Larry's test results and left with Ronaldo, carryingLarry.novelbin

Larry was almost a month old, but he still appeared small. Thankfully, with the nourishment of thebest formula, his complexion had become fair instead of pink.

As Abigail sat in the car, she playfully reached out and touched Larry.

Larry's cheeks turned pink. His eyes were closed, and he would occasionally let out uncomfortablewhimpers.

"You're holding him incorrectly!" Ronaldo reminded her from the side.

Abigail looked at him, and Ronaldo demonstrated the proper way to hold a child. "Like this. This isthe correct way. You're holding him as if he were an animal. It's not good for the child."

"Then you hold him." Abigail handed Larry to him.

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