I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 676 She Is Strange
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Chapter 676 She Is Strange

Daniel couldn't help but cough.

The topic they were discussing was beyond his comprehension, and he felt like an outsider.

"Think carefully about the benefits you want from me, and let me know," Abigail said, looking atDaniel.

"No, I'm not taking advantage of the situation," Daniel said. "I just want to discuss what happened toyou. Can't you stay out of it? Dealing with fraudsters is the job of the police. It's not something youshould be doing."

"The police are also investigating, but I can't delay my friend's situation," Abigail explained to him.

Daniel sighed, "I'm just an ordinary businessman. I'm really concerned about our collaboration inthis situation."

After all, he had partnered with Abigail for the sake of profit. If anything happened to Abigail,L.Moon, Fairy Meadow, and all the companies that collaborated with her would be affected.

"Don't worry, if something happens, I will handle it," Abigail reassured Daniel.

Over the past year and a half, she had also trained two capable assistants who could makeindependent decisions for many things in the company.

"You may have everything arranged, yet it's your enchanting designs that captivate the hearts of allin L. Moon and Fairy Meadow. We, the ones benefiting from your designs, get to enjoy the bestthings. Should an unfortunate event befall you, rendering you unable to continue crafting thesemasterpieces, we would be left bereft of the benefits your designs bring," Daniel said, taking a sip ofcoffee and continuing, "Miss Quinn, there are a thousand words I want to say, but you have to takecare of yourself."

Abigail looked at him and nodded gently after a moment. "I will be careful."

"Don't worry, I don't have anything to do here. If she goes to Saraville, I'll just follow. It'll be fine if Idon't show up," Simond shrugged indifferently.

At this point, Abigail had no choice but to cooperate with Simond.

She was filled with inner conflict. Would Sean be angry if he were to find out?

After leaving the cafe, Abigail went straight back to the Pearson Residence by car.

Scarlett was making snacks at home and was somewhat surprised to see Abigail return, lookingexhausted. "Oh, why did you come back so early?"

"Yeah, the matter is settled. Is Sean still here?" Abigail sat on the couch and absentmindedly turnedon the TV.

"He's not here. He said he had something to do and left." Scarlett brought a small plate of cake andplaced it in front of Abigail. "Try it. Let me know if it's delicious."

Abigail took a bite and nodded. "Hmm, it's pretty good. The sweetness is just right. It's very tasty."

She had a particular fondness for the delicate combination of cream and white chocolate.

Scarlett smiled brightly. "As long as you like it."

Abigail messaged Sean while having dessert.

At that moment, Sean was at L.Moon.

When the general manager, Garrett, heard that Sean was looking for Abigail, he reminded him,"Miss Quinn didn't come to the office today. She told us that she won't be coming for a while."

Sean, holding his coffee, couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you here to discuss business withsomeone?"

"We don't have any business at the moment. Why don't you give her a call?" Garrett didn't fullyunderstand Sean and Abigail's relationship; after all, Sean returned just as Abigail went to Adral.

"It's okay. Here, you can have some coffee," Sean handed Garrett the coffee.

"Thank you." Garrett accepted it immediately.

Sean sighed with a hint of melancholy as he left the L.Moon office building.

Ever since he returned to Capitalis, Abigail had been acting strangely.

He had been trying to convince himself. However, with these strange occurrences happening morefrequently, Sean couldn't help but become concerned. What exactly is happening?

Back in his car, Sean noticed the message Abigail had sent him and promptly replied.

"I'll be back soon. I didn't realize you were out discussing business, so I went to your office to bringyou your favorite coffee."

"Yeah, I was out discussing business. But it didn't go well."

Abigail's response seemed intentional, as if she was trying to justify herself, afraid that he wouldinquire about her company's business.

Holding his phone, Sean remained silent for a moment before turning to Xavien beside him andsaying, "Find out why Abigail went to Adral."

He couldn't bear not knowing anything anymore.

"Understood," Xavien replied, but a sense of unease began to creep into his heart. Why is there asudden need to investigate Ms. Quinn? Could there be a rift in their relationship?

Sean let out a silent sigh as he confided in Xavien, "Lately, she's been acting more and morestrangely. She met Simond in Adral. But if it was just a meeting, I wouldn't mind. I just feel likeSimond treats her differently."novelbin

"The return of the Simpson Family from abroad is also quite peculiar. I couldn't find any informationabout what they do overseas." Xavien's tone was filled with confusion. Normally, if they hadoffended a powerful entity, they would at least know how and why they had offended them. Butthere was no information about any of that.

"I also checked the Simpson Family's financial reports, and there were no issues. If their financesare fine, then what is preventing them from resisting the criminal forces?" Xavien continued.

Sean leaned back in his seat, his brow furrowed. "So, you're suggesting that he likely approachedAbigail from the beginning."

Xavien was about to speak when Sean interrupted, "Did you investigate the website's transactions?Since money is involved, you better make sure to look into it quickly!"

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