I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 671 I Am Your Uncle Vincent
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Chapter 671 I Am Your Uncle Vincent

Abigail couldn't help but miss him, but she felt even more guilty towards Sean.

Over the past month, she had kept too many things from him, especially her fear of him finding outabout Larry.

She hoped that nothing would happen in the next two years and that Luna would remembereverything and recognize Larry as her own.

"Yes, I do," she replied, her guilt making her words lack confidence.

Despite Sean sensing her distraction, he swiftly dismissed any feeling of loss, reassured by theknowledge that she would be back soon.

"I'll wait for you at the airport. If you're too tired, you can take a nap on the plane," Sean said, hisvoice carrying a hint of laughter.

"Okay," Abigail tried to lift her spirits.

She hadn't done anything wrong to Sean. The child belonged to Luna, not her.

After convincing herself of this, Abigail felt much better.


Back in Capitalis, as Abigail walked out of the airport, she saw Sean and Xavien.

He seemed to be saying something to Xavien, who nodded in response.

When Xavien saw Abigail, he immediately pointed towards her.

Sean looked in her direction.

And in that moment, Abigail suddenly felt an indescribable emotion. She quickly walked towardsSean.

"I'm back," Abigail said, standing in front of Sean with a faint smile in her eyes.

Xavien stepped forward to help her with her luggage.

Sean couldn't hold back any longer and reached out to hold her hand, wanting to embrace her. Butknowing that Abigail was always reserved, he could only gently stroke the back of her hand. "Youlook tired. Is work exhausting?"

"It's okay. Should we go to a restaurant first, or should I go back and take a shower and changeclothes?" Abigail noticed that many people were watching them, and she felt a bit embarrassed.

"Let's go back first. You can take a shower and rest for half an hour before going out again," Seansuggested, realizing that Abigail was much more tired than he had imagined.

"Okay," Abigail nodded.

When they arrived back at Pearson Residence, Lawrence and Scarlett were overjoyed.

After Abigail finished showering, she sat on the couch watching a drama and eating. Lawrence satbeside her, looking at her with a gentle expression. "Sean has been eagerly waiting for you to comeback. Finally, he has you back."

"There was a sudden issue at work; I couldn't help it," Abigail replied, looking at Sean and lifting herchin slightly. "Shall we go home tomorrow to visit Grandma and Grandpa?"

"Sure." Sean nodded. Although he spent a lot of time in Pendorf, Abigail hadn't come back for amonth due to work, so she must be missing Analise a lot.

Scarlett served juice to Abigail and Sean. She sat next to the couch, hesitant to speak.

"What do you want to say?" Abigail sensed it and immediately asked. Sean took a sip of juice andremained silent.

"Has Luna been in touch with you recently?" Scarlett asked cautiously.

Abigail's eyelid twitched, and she accidentally crushed the grapes in her hand.

"What's wrong?" Lawrence noticed her abnormality and immediately became worried.

"Hasn't she contacted you guys? I've been busy with work for the past month and don't know what'sgoing on with her. Did something happen to her?" Abigail tried to divert attention and turn the tables.Lawrence and Scarlett sighed in unison.

"If she had reached out to us, would I still be asking you? Josh is struggling to move forward, andwe've been contemplating whether letting Luna meet him could potentially help the situation."Scarlett expressed her genuine concern.

Abigail stuffed the grapes into her mouth and calmly said, "Breaking up is not a big deal. It's beenso long. Why can't he let go?"

Sean silently watched her, his eyes filled with deep thoughts.

"Josh is the one who can't move on. Luna has been gone for so long, but he still refuses to let go,"Lawrence said helplessly.

"I'll go out for dinner and talk to him when I come back," Abigail said, taking a few sips of juice tocalm her racing heart.

It was the perfect opportunity. She could use this chance to ask if Josh had met Luna before shebecame pregnant.

"Okay, you're the only one who can reason with him. We've tried everything," Lawrence nodded,feeling relieved now that Abigail had returned.

After all, Abigail was the most straightforward and rational person in this family.

As Abigail and Sean were getting ready to go out for dinner, Vincent unexpectedly returned withPatricia.

The two couples crossed paths at the doorway.

Upon seeing Abigail, Vincent quickly put on a fake smile. "Abigail, you're back. Why are you goingout so late?"

Unimpressed, Abigail coldly retorted, "Do we know each other? It's none of your business."

"I'm your uncle. How can we not know each other?" Vincent proclaimed proudly.

Noticing Vincent's attitude, Abigail began to suspect that he might have information about Luna andherself.

Looking disdainfully at Abigail, Patricia remarked in a displeased tone, "Such an ill-manneredperson."

Abigail simply pursed her lips, choosing not to dignify Patricia's comment with a response.

Instead, she shot Vincent a fierce and hateful gaze.

"Manners are about how you treat people, aren't they?" Sean retorted to Patricia, holding Abigail'shand.

Suppressing her anger, Abigail slowly backed away.

Despite her intense emotions, she recognized that exploding at this moment would not beproductive.novelbin

She needed to maintain composure and devise a plan to expose the person behind the scenes, allin pursuit of justice for Luna.

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