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Chapter 624

Chapter 624 It’s Already A Lost Cause

The comments on the post all turned into concerns about whether Sean would break up with Alana.

Abigail found it quite strange. When did I announce my relationship with Sean? They were still in the ge

tting–to–know–cach–other stage, so these rumors were too far–fetched.

She closed the webpage and decided to call Xavien

Soon, Xavien answered the call.

“What’s the deal with Lily? Is it related to you guys?” Abigail asked directly.

The public relations department did indeed contact the police, and the Pearsons

would. eventually inform the police as well. Now that this matter had spread online, the police could not

ignore it.


is not related. She did come to the company to cause trouble for Mr. Graham, but we didn’t pay any att

ention to her, Xavien replied calmly.

“But the Pearsons said they saw you getting into her car. What’s going on?” Abigail’s voice became ser

ious. “The police will get involved soon, so you guys better not do anything illegal.”novelbin

“Why would we? I did get into her car, but it was just to give her a ride to a restaurant. I’ve already expl

ained everything to the police,” Xavien answered Abigail in a gentle tone.

Abigail breathed a sigh of relief. “As long as you didn’t do anything wrong.”

“No, I’m a law–abiding citizen, Xavien joked with a smile.

After ending the call with him, Abigail furrowed her brows.

She didn’t really believe Xavien’s words. Lily went missing in Pendorf, and the only people she had con

tact with were Xavien and Sean. Now, they were saying her disappearance had nothing to do with Sea

n and Xavien. Abigail did not believe it one bit.

Of course, this wasn’t something she needed to worry about.

Sean and Xavien almost lost their lives in the Golden Triangle because of Vincent.

They mainly controlled Lily, so it was impossible for Vincent to use her to get involved with the Davidso

n Family.

By dragging it out, evidence would eventually be found against Vincent.

Now, it seemed that Lily’s disappearance wasn’t a bad thing.

If we were to say that the Pearson Family of three were all villains, it was just unfortunate that


Chapter 624 It’s Already A…

+10 pearl’s

there was no evidence to arrest them directly. Otherwise, with what

the Pearsons had done, they would have been thrown into prison a long time ago.

A week after Lily’s disappearance. Vincent couldn’t sit still.

“This useless thing, can’t she be more cautious? What’s wrong with her brain?! She even went abroad!

” Vincent pointed at Martha’s nose and cursed.

Martha had been hiding at her parents‘ house because of Abigail’s incident. If it weren’t for Lily’s situati

on, she would still be there.

After being scolded by Vincent, her expression fell. “You’ve been watching her lately. How many illegal t

hings have I done for your plan? Is it useful for you to scold me now?”

Vincent looked at her coldly, stunned.

Martha glared at him and continued, “You know why I married you and helped you with all this. It was to

get revenge on Scarlett for taking Lawrence away. I’ve been pretending to love you for over twenty yea

rs in front of you, and honestly, it’s been exhausting.”

“Are you trying to burn bridges?‘ Vincent’s voice turned cold.

Martha sat down and looked at Vincent. “Haven’t you seen the reality yet? The

odds are against us. Sean is holding Lily hostage to drag us down. Now we either give up Lily and leav

e quickly or wait for the police to come and arrest us together.”

“My mother will protect me. There must be a way out of this. I’ve already ordered a thorough search for

Lily’s whereabouts, Vincent said unwillingly. He didn’t want to leave like a coward and be criticized by e

veryone behind his back..

What he wanted was to launder the money he had obtained and then prove to Lawrence that he was n

o worse than him!

“Vincent, do you really think your mother can protect you from going to jail? I’ve been thinking a lot latel

y, and I’ve come to realize that we can’t beat Sean. Kelly and Lily, they’re all under his spell. Maybe thi

s plan was wrong from the beginning.” Martha resigned herself to that fact.

Not only was she no match for Scarlett, but she couldn’t even compare to her own daughter or even Ly


Vincent erupted in anger. He grabbed Martha by the throat, his eyes filled with malice. “It’s 100 late for

you to back out now. When I did all this back then, you didn’t stop me. You were with me. We’re in the

same boat. I just don’t understand, though. What’s so great about Lawrence that you’ve been obsesse

d with him for over twenty years?!”

“He’s not great at all. He just happened to be the person I liked at first sight. But Vincent, we’ve been

married for over twenty years. Even if I didn’t like you at first, I’ve grown to love you now. We need to pl

an for our future. If we can’t save Lily, we should give up. We’re still young and we


Chapter 624 It’s Already A…

+10 pearls

can have another child in the future. Lily is already a lost cause. Even if we save her, it won’t make a di

fference.” Martha’s eyes were filled with coldness..

Compared to Vincent, who was driven by extreme self–interest, Martha’s cold demeanor made him feel a chill.

“Y–You’re willing to give up on your own daughter?” Vincent asked in disbelief.

“Yes, we did all this not for her but for ourselves, don’t you think?” Martha said indifferently. “We gave h

er everything, from studying abroad to never lacking in money, but what has she become? She’s not ev

en comparable to Lynette!”


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