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Chapter 264

Chapter 264 Running Out of Plan

Neither the Davidsons nor the Pearsons would harm their family members. Moreover, Abigail was the

only outsider involved in this matter. Thus, to have Eric learn his lesson, she would have to bear the bru


“Keep an eye on the internet for now. I’ll handle the rest,” said Sean.

In theory, Abigail should not have any dirt about her when being Alana. However, there was still a possi

bility that the others would fake rumors about her.

“Alright. Make sure to look after your grandma. The only disadvantage for Abigail now is that she hadn’t

gotten a divorce from you yet when she was in Ragos. They may use this as a point and label her a ho

mewrecker.” Kevin, being a seasoned entertainment industry insider, knew just how ruthless people wit

hin the industry could be.

Sean hummed and nodded in agreement. As they talked, his phone rang abruptly. It was Cameron. He

answered the phone and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Joan wants to meet you,” said Cameron, his voice tense.

In that split second, Sean’s face turned cold, and he replied coldly, “Let her wait. I’m busy right now.” Wi

th that, he hung up the call

Kevin said sarcastically, “Joan still hasn’t changed after she’s out of prison. She’s still trying to gaslight

you, treating you like a pushover.”novelbin

“Let her be for now,” Sean responded calmly.

If Joan were smarter, she would have chosen a better path to walk. Unfortunately, she was too greedy.

“Want her to get desperate?” Kevin asked.

Sean lowered his gaze and took a sip of his drink without answering.

Once again rejected by Sean, Joan tossed her phone angrily onto the bed. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her breathing was rapid. “Sean! How dare you treat me like this!” Tears rolled down from her eyes, a

nd her resentful gaze slowly turned into a sinister one. “Since to show me mercy, don’t blame

me for being ruthless either!” Then, she sobbed on the bed.

you refused

After a long time, she got up and went to the bathroom with red and puffy eyes. Half an hour later, she l

eft her apartment, looking fresh

and vibrant as she made her way to the entrance of the residential building.

Ever since she was released from the police station, she had been staying at her apartment. This was t

he first time she had stepped outside.

She hailed a cab and would occasionally glance at her phone.

Soon, she arrived at a bar. As she entered, she eagerly wore her wireless earphones and walked throu

gh the bustling crowd. “I’m here..Are you sure Sean’s men won’t find out?” she asked in a low


“They won’t,” the person replied.

Then, Joan entered a private room. She was the only one there and had ordered many drinks, pretendi

ng to be there to drown her sorrows.

“The only way to make Sean back down is to go after his grandma.” The man’s husky voice sounded d

eviously cunning through the earphones.

Hearing his words, she pursed her l*ps and hesitated. “If we fail this time, we’ll have no way out.” After

all, she knew that Sean seemed to have spared her once for hurting Abigail. However, laying a finger o

n Lina might cost her her life.

“Do you think we still have a way out? Your brother is detained right now, and we have no idea how mu

ch evidence Abigail has handed to the court for his prosecution. If he gets sentenced, it’ll be a second–

time offense, and the punishment will be severe. Hence, your brother can’t go to prison! Joan, the only

way to get your brother out now is to force Sean to pressure Abigail into withdrawing her lawsuit and ca

lling it a misunderstanding.” The man’s tone was cunning.

Joan clenched her teeth and

said nothing. To be honest, she did not care what would happen to Kingston. The reason for her freque

nt contact with Sean was simply an attempt to have him keep on supporting her. Without Sean, she ha

d nothing to maintain her life. She did not know how to do anything and lacked a talent like Abigail. Mor

eover, the 4.5 million he had given her now left over 1.5 million, insufficient to cover her expenses!

“I’ve got a plan for you. Just do as I say, and it’ll work. I guarantee it!” The man did not notice her emoti

ons and continued discussing with her.

“Tell me what to do,” she replied, acting obedient and attentive, even though she was

absent- minded. If his plan fails, I’ll come up with my plan. Kingston had indeed committed a crime. Instead of wasting my opportunities on him and offending Sean, it’s best to find a way that benefits me without displeasing Sean. Once the misunderstanding between us cleared up, he would treat me like normal, and I would support Kingston after his release.

“I’ve done my research. Sean has moved out of the Graham Estate for some time. Old Mrs. Graham w

ould visit and

cook for him three times a week. All we need to do is to avoid Sean and approach Old Mrs. Graham to

gain her trust. Later, we can resort to the same trick. We’ll abduct her. When that happens, he will undo

ubtedly force Abigail to withdraw the lawsuit to protect his grandmother,” the man explained in detail.


Joan hummed in response and asked, “When do we start?”

“She’ll be leaving tomorrow. I’ll let you know the route. It’s up to you whether you can gain her trust,” th

e man replied.

She hummed but suddenly added, “I have an idea.

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