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Chapter 258

Chapter 258 She’s Too Young After All

The meaning behind her words was clear. She would handle this situation rationally for the sake of L.M

oon’s development, but she wouldn’t allow his past kindness toward her to put the company in danger.

Compared to him, her own career was more important.

Upon realizing this, Eric suddenly felt a tightness in his chest. Unbeknownst to Abigail, his feelings for h

er didn’t stem from their interactions in Ragos. In reality, he had committed her to memory when he first

saw her at his friend’s place and heard her phone ring. It was just that she was secretly married

to Sean at the time, so he had no way of knowing her whereabouts; all he knew was that her stage na

me was Alana. “Sorry.” His voice was strained with an almost imperceptible quaver in it.

“There’s no need to apologize. I know you didn’t mean it.” Abigail offered him a way out, not wanting to

embarra*s him too much.

“Thank you. I’ll take care of it without putting you in a tight spot,” said Eric awkwardly before hanging up


Sean shifted his gaze toward Abigail. From her words, he roughly figured out what they had said to eac

h other. At least he doesn’t act like he never existed. Well, I’ll just wait and see how he’s going to take care of this.

Abigail, her mood somewhat affected, looked out the car window and let out a soft sigh with her phone i

n hand. How much simpler things would’ve been if we were just ordinary friends. Why did he suddenly have to cross the Rubicon like that?

After they had breakfast, Ronaldo drove them to the airport. “Babe, call me anytime if you ever want an

y seafood,” he said, sounding reluctant to part ways with her.

Abigail’s l*ps curled into a smile. “Sure! Thank you for taking care of us these past few days.”

Kevin teased, “Mr. Fernandez, don’t treat us differently. Can any of us call you if we want to have seafo


“Of course,” replied Ronaldo generously.

Seeing that he had no intention of leaving, Abigail couldn’t help but urge. “You should go back first. We

still have to wait here for over an hour before the plane arrives. You can’t leave matters aside and keep

waiting with us.” She felt awkward having him stay with them any longer.



After Ronaldo left, she went to the waiting area with Sean and

Kevin. After they seated themselves, Kevin went shopping at the stores in the airport on the excuse of

buying local specialty products from Ragos, leaving Abigail and Sean alone.

The two of them were usually close, and Sean never felt any pressure when communicating with her. T

oday, however, he furrowed his brow, unable to find a suitable topic despite rehearsing countless times

in his mind. “You and Ronaldo-”

Just when he finally began to speak, Abigail’s phone rang.

Sean immediately bit his l*p.

Abigail darted a look at him before taking out the phone. Seeing that it was a call from Luna, she prom

ptly answered it.

“Abby, how did you discuss the situation with Eric? His talent agency just called me, and I think they wanovelbin

nt both sides to discuss this together. We can’t clarify the situation unilaterally; they said it wouldn’t do u

s any good to damage Eric’s reputation either,” explained Luna to Abigail in a

serious tone.

“Eric seems to disagree with his agency because of this. What about you? How do you think we should

deal with this?” Abigail suddenly felt somewhat irritable. This incident is an undeserved misfortune for me. Why do I have to consider so many things?

“If we insist on dealing with this in our way, we might indeed offend Eric’s agency-

“What are you doing?”

Before Luna could finish speaking, Abigail’s phone was snatched by Sean. “Now that L.Moon has gaine

d some international reputation, offending someone like Eric won’t be a big deal. And besides, his agen

cy is pretty much nothing to me. I sent flowers when L.Moon was trending on Instagram. Do they not kn

ow who is behind L.Moon?” he said to Luna in a calm voice, implying that he could also back L.Moon u


“Mr. Graham, I appreciate your willingness to help us, but as the saying goes, relying on oneself is alwa

ys better than relying on others. If we offend Eric and his company based on your advice today, what if

you have another lady friend in the future, and she’s unhappy with L.Moon for some reason? Who can

L.Moon rely on, then?” Luna’s voice sounded polite, but her words carried a sarcastic undertone.

“So, you’re planning to let Abigail suffer?” Sean’s voice grew colder at once.

“Give me back my phone!” Abigail was starting to get upset.


“L.Moon’s affairs should be

discussed between Abby and me. There’s no need for involvement, Mr. Graham. I appreciate your kind

ness in providing me with the surveillance footage, and I’ll send you a thank–

you gift for that. However, I don’t want you meddling in L.Moon’s affairs,” said Luna firmly. She didn’t tru

st Scan. Abby has submitted to humiliation in the past for L.Moon’s sake and her grandmother, but now, she doesn’t need to do so anymore. L.Moon has slowly gained confidence. No matter how tough it get

s, we no longer need help from the person who hurts Abby the


Abigail grabbed her phone back and stood up, heading toward the ladies‘ restroom. “We’ll take our time

discussing this, so don’t worry,” she whispered to Luna.

Sean leaned back in his seat, his eyes extremely cold. He had only himself to blame for Luna’s strong

opposition toward him now. He was willing to accept being disliked as part of the consequences, but th

e situation was far from as simple as Luna and Abigail thought. Eric might not have ill intentions, but wh

at about the people around him? Wouldn’t they try to harm Abigail and L.Moon to protect his reputation


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