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Chapter 228

Chapter 228 Must Not Owe Him

Seeing her happy, Sean smiled but didn’t say anything. Since Abigail didn’t want to bring up the past, he wouldn’t either. He cherished every moment he spent with her now.

Abigail felt thoroughly satisfied after this meal.

As Sean cleared the table, he asked, “You’ve always liked these, haven’t you?”

When she married him, the dietary restrictions at his home were strict, so Abigail rarely had the chance

to eat these kinds of indulgent, heavy foods. She must have missed them.

“Quinn Village is close to the sea, and there are ponds around as well. I grew up playing around in thes

e places. Of course, I like them, My grandmother is very good at making these dishes.” Abigail leaned b

ack in her chair and wiped her hands, which were still faintly scented with oil, with a wet


“I’m glad you like them. If you’re busy, you can go back to your room. I’ll be busy too,” Sean said, headi

ng toward the kitchen.

“Do you need any help?” Abigail stood up, feeling a little embarra*sed to ask. Sean had been the one h

elping her with meals all day. It wasn’t right to let him do all the work.novelbin

“No need, go do your thing.” Sean naturally wanted her to spend more time with him, but pursuing som

eone required patience.

“Alright.” Abigail didn’t insist.

She returned to her room and closed the door She could still hear faint sounds from outside.

Abigail didn’t know how long Sean had been busy preparing the food, but his actions today had put so

me pressure on her.

She realized she should do something tomorrow as she couldn’t let Sean do everything; otherwise, sh

e would end up owing him.

As Abigail returned to her room, about to sit down and continue her work, her phone buzzed, She picke

d it up and saw it was from Luna, so she immediately opened the message,

“Grandma doesn’t want to stay in the hospital. She insisted on going home today. The doctor said she

can recuperate at home, but you know her. There’s no way she’ll obediently go home to rest. You nee

d to call and persuade her.”

Abigail had been planning to give her grandmother a piece of her mind. Her grandmother was really so

mething; she was starting to be disobedient again.

“Alright, I’ll call right away.”

After replying, Abigail immediately dialed Analise’s number.

Thinking they might chat for a while, Abigail held her phone and left her room, heading downstairs.

“Grandma,” she called out as soon as the call was connected.

“Oh, Abigail, I heard you’re on a business trip. How do you have time to call me?” Analise sounded quit

e cheerful.

Hearing her voice, Abigail almost couldn’t bring herself to reprimand her.

“Grandma, Luna said you want to come back to the countryside?” Abigail went straight to the point con

sidering her grandmother’s health.

Upon hearing this, Analise quickly tried to explain, “It’s just too uncomfortable lying in the hospital… My

old bones ache from lying down too much, and my back hurts every day.”

Technically, it had been a month so she could be discharged, but old people’s wounds healed slowly. A

bigail was worried that if she came back too soon, her wound might get infected. She wanted to wait un

til Analise was completely healed before she would agree to Analise being discharged.

“You can walk around. It’s not like they’re not allowing you to move. Anyway, you’re not leaving the hos

pital.” Abigail’s tone was stern.

Analise’s voice softened a bit. “Abigail, I will take good care of myself.”

“Grandma, you said that before, but what happened? The doctor told me that your

diabetes isn’t well controlled. Grandma, where did you spend all the money?” Abigail’s tone was unusu

ally serious.

Upon hearing this, Analise quickly said, “The doctor is talking nonsense! Of course, I’ve been diligently

taking insulin.”

“Grandma, don’t lie to me,” Abigail said gently.

“Abigail, I know my own situation. You can’t always fully trust the doctors They sometimes say random

things just to make money.” Analise was still trying to convince Abigail.

“You’re the patient, so you should listen to the doctor. Have you ever thought about why I’m making mo

ney? If you don’t take your treatment seriously, what’s the point of me working so hard?” Abigail’s voice

was filled with helplessness.

“I know. I’ve been taking my medicine properly.” Analise still insisted.

Abigail knew it was pointless to continue, so she had to say, “You have to listen to me this time. Stay in

the hospital for another month. Luna can take care of you, and if you come back, she won’t be able to t

ake care of you.”

“But we can’t always trouble others, can we? Luna is also very busy, and we shouldn’t inconvenience h

er.” Analise gently tried to negotiate with Abigail. “Luna also has her own job…”

“Grandma, you must listen to me this time. Stay in the hospital for another month. After I finish my work

in June, you can leave, okay?” Abigail’s tone was still serious.

Analise sighed. “Alright… I’ll do as you say.”

It was only about a month more, anyway. Analise knew that if she didn’t agree with Abigail, Abigail woul

dn’t be able to focus on her work.

After Abigail heard her agree, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Hanging up the phone, she turned to go back, but she saw Sean standing under the tree in the courtyar

d looking at her.

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