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Chapter 571

Chapter 571 Eudora Was Drowning

Taking a sudden breath, Eudora was relieved. Although she had a splitting headache, and the pain

could almost instantly disintegrate a person's will, seeing Colbert's firm gaze, Eudora held back.

Colbert didn't dare to delay for a moment and dragged Eudora to swim outside.

However, Eudora didn't hold long. The huge pain in her brain made her feel so painful that she got anovelbin

spasm throughout her whole body.

With the rumbling sound, she was gulping water, and her body convulsed.

Seeing her like this, Colbert felt very distressed, but he still gritted his teeth and swam outside.

They were getting closer and closer, and he had already seen the light outside, more like the dawn of


Colbert's strength was exhausted to the extreme, but the sound of Eudora's impending death kept

echoing in his mind.

He swam forward like crazy...

Finally, they reached the end.

Colbert jumped out of the water, splashing all over the place.

He took a long breath and immediately dragged Eudora to the shore.

It wasn't until Eudora was dragged out of the water and lay flat on the ground that Colbert saw that her

abdomen was swollen and poured with a lot of water.

Seeing her pale face and being motionless, Colbert felt his heart in his throat.

That sense of tension and fear welled up in his mind, which made Colbert feel unprecedented panic.

He patted Eudora's face. "Eudora? Wake up. You can't sleep!"

While shouting, Colbert helped her with pulmonary resuscitation, pressing her chest professionally.

One time, two times, three times...

He pressed it for a full minute, but Eudora just spat out some water and didn't wake up at all.

Colbert's hand had been soaked in the water, and it was pressed hard. The wound on the thenar

muscle of his palm was torn, and blood gushed out again.

Blood flowed down Eudora's fair skin, making her look kind of scary.

"Eudora? Can you hear me? Wake up! Wake up!"

Time passed bit by bit, and Colbert pressed for two minutes, but Eudora didn't show any signs of

waking up.

His heart tensed up, and even the voice that called out to Eudora trembled a little as if someone was

tightly choking his throat, and his heart was filled with pain.

He felt something important had been pulled away from her body, gradually fading away.

Colbert became more and more anxious, and while doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he said to

Eudora, "Don't you want to make a fortune? Have you earned enough money? Don't you want to be my

fellow? If you die, how can you be my fellow?"

Colbert, who was always calm and unhurried when he was in trouble, collapsed at this moment.

He kept shouting at Eudora, his hands getting harder, and even his eye sockets were bloodshot red,

looking a little scary.

Colbert never stopped pressing. But as he watched Eudora lay still, the fear of death filled his mind.

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