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Chapter 1102 The Child

Eudora pressed her lips together and breathed a sigh of relief. "I had thought there was somethingscandalous about the Baldwin family, something they were hiding, that caused Alva's death. But itturns out it was just an unfortunate incident. Although I say that, I still find it difficult to accept Alva'sdeath."She then pondered, "I truly couldn't accept it. Her passing... it was so sudden, so unexpected."Colbert advised, "Don't stress yourself out. Just focus on taking care of yourself."After he spoke, Colbert affectionately ruffled Eudora's hair, leaning closer to fasten her seatbeltbefore kissing her lips tenderly. After closing the car door, he got into the driver's seat, started thecar, and drove away.The whole car ride was silent as they departed, with nothing but the sound of the engineaccompanying them.Looking out of the car window with a tilted head, Eudora could not help but feel that something wasout of place, though she could not quite put her finger on it.Everything seemed askew to her, whether in terms of logic or cause and effect, yet she struggled toarticulate the precise nature of the problem.Once they got back to their home, Eudora made her way to the study and settled in front of thecomputer, immersing herself in gaming to redirect her thoughts.At noon, Colbert had thoughtfully prepared a bountiful lunch for her.Despite her lack of appetite, she nibbled on a few bites before feeling tired. She went to bed, laiddown, and drifted into a deep sleep.She was awoken from her dream only when her phone rang again, interrupting her slumber.She groggily picked up her phone and saw an incoming call with Wendy's name on the screen."Hello, Wendy?""Eudora, where in the world are you?" The moment the call was picked up, Wendy's voice filled withsobs came through the phone.The sound of sobbing jolted Eudora awake, and she quickly sat up in bed, asking, "What's goingon?"novelbin

"Sob... I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding! What do I do? I'm so scared."Wendy was sobbing inconsolably on the phone, struggling to catch her breath.Eudora's mind took a moment to shake off the drowsiness, but she quickly threw back the covers,got up, and slipped on her shoes. At the same time, she asked through the phone, "Where are youright now? I'll come to you. Also, call 911 for an ambulance, or take a taxi to the hospital.""I'm at home. I called 911, but the ambulance hadn't arrived because of the traffic. I'm so afraid thatI might lose the baby... Oh, my baby." She sobbed.When Wendy finished speaking, her crying on the other end of the line became more intense, andEudora continued to reassure her, saying, "Don't worry, it's going to be okay. Don't overthink it. I'mcoming to you now."After ending the call, Eudora checked the time, and it was two o'clock in the afternoon. Being thepeak of rush hour, it made sense that Wendy mentioned the ambulance was delayed by traffic.Eudora then called out anxiously, "Colbert! Colbert!"Failing to find Colbert in the living room, she headed to the study and called out again. "Colbert, areyou...?"Assuming Colbert was not in the living room, she expected him to be busy in the study, but to hersurprise, the study was also empty.She questioned, "Hmm. Where can he be?"

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