I Saved A Mystery Billionaireac (Eudora)

Chapter 1095 The Murderer
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Chapter 1095 The Murderer

"Oh, okay."Only after hearing Mildred's voice that Eudora let go of Colbert. She turned her head to look atMildred and answered her, then gave Colbert a look, signaling him to keep Alva's matter a secret.Although they didn't care about things related to Alva, Eudora still didn't want them to know toomuch.Colbert nodded slightly and closed the door. Then he held her hand and took her to the living room.Sumptuous delicacies had been prepared on the dining table in the living room, so they sat at thedining table to eat.When they were eating, Ansel suddenly said, "Eudora, I will go back to Kenison City in theafternoon with Kevin and your mother."Eudora was taken aback. She said, "Go back in the afternoon? Didn't you just... come hereyesterday?""Smack!"Kevin smacked his spoon on the table and said, "Hmph, your parents and I are already old, andyou're out of our control now, aren't you? You even made your own decisions about your marriage."Kevin puffed his beard and glared at her, then he picked up the wine glass on the table and drank amouthful. His entire self was radiating displeasure.Mildred was holding a plate, and when she heard Kevin's words, she glanced at Eudora but saidnothing.She remained neutral.Kevin's words did make some sense, but of course, what Eudora said also made sense.Eudora suddenly felt that the meat in her mouth was not tasty anymore. She slowly put down herspoon and lowered her head in thought while chewing the pork knuckle in her mouth, and then said,"Mr. Robert, I know you're doing it for my own good, but I am the one in control of my happiness. Istill want to...""If you want to be together with him, then together it is. Just tell us when you get married," Kevinsaid while stroking his beard, then continued to eat silently.

They sat together for a while after the meal. Those three insisted on leaving, so Eudora and Colbertsent them off to the station.Along the way, Colbert kept saying that he would arrange for someone to drive them back, but hisoffer was always rejected.When they arrived at the station, Eudora stood there talking to Ansel and Mildred, but Kevin said,"I'm going to the restroom.""Mr. Robert, I'll take you there."Colbert accompanied Kevin to the restroom as if he was worried that Kevin could not find his waythere.After they were at some distance from Eudora and the others, Kevin turned around and glanced atthem, and only then he asked in a low voice, "I hope you will keep your promise."Colbert said, "For Eudora's sake, it doesn't matter if we don't get married."Despite being indifferent about it, Colbert still could not hide the sadness and pain in his eyes.After a moment of silence, Colbert asked again, "Mr. Robert, you do know who was responsible forAlva's death, don't you?"At this moment, Colbert knew very clearly that Ansel and his wife didn't know about Eudora's realidentity until now, nor Kevin's identity.But Alva's death was by no means an accident, and Kevin must have known the reason veryclearly.novelbin

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