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Chapter 119

Logan lifted his head to look at the building that was being constructed for their project. “Will it befinished in the next six months?” he asked Henry.

“Yes, it will. The Chief Engineer has himself given the assurance of this,” Henry asserted. “As you cansee we have deployed a huge workforce for the work, the project will be completed in the time I havementioned in the report,” he explained.

Taking in Henry’s explanation, Logan nodded thoughtfully as he looked straight now. Together, theywalked back to the car, where once more Logan caught a whiff of Henry’s familiar cologne-a subtle yetunmistakable fragrance that lingered in the air.

Logan furrowed his brow, pondering the unexpected scent lingering around Henry. Reluctant to delveinto a potentially uncomfortable conversation, he hesitated but couldn’t shake off the curiosity.

“Are you seeing someone?” Logan blurted out suddenly, surprising both himself and Henry.

Taken aback by the abrupt question, Henry responded, “Why do you inquire?”

“You don’t come home on time. Last day too, you were nowhere to be found. In the early morning, youleft so suddenly,” Logan stated.

“That’s because of this project. You want me to do my best. I want to prove myself,” Henry affirmed,making sure Logan would not find out about Olivia.

“Alright. Come home early,” Logan said as he took out the keys from his trousers pocket. He pressedon it and the car’s door opened up. He entered the car while Henry watched him. Logan lowered downthe window and told Henry not to overwork himself. Just as he was about to start the engine, Logan’sattention was diverted by an incoming call from Hope, flashing on his phone screen.

Logan wasted no time in answering and brought the phone to his ear.novelbin

“Logan, where are you?” Hope’s voice sounded urgent from the other end.

“I’m at work. Is everything okay?” Logan inquired, detecting the seriousness in her



Chapter 119

“Olivia is here,” Hope disclosed, her words laden with concern.

“Who?” Logan’s frown deepened upon hearing the name.

“Olivia Carson, your ex,” Hope reiterated, her tone tinged with concern.

Logan felt a wave of disbelief wash over him, draining the color from his face. He couldn’t comprehendwhat he was hearing. Outside the car, Henry observed Logan’s bewildered expression.

“Are you alright?” Henry’s voice broke through Logan’s shock, prompting him to lower his hand as anunsettling sensation gripped his heart.

“Logan!” Henry’s voice rang out once more, this time louder and more insistent.

“Olivia is at home,” Logan announced, his tone grave.

Henry was taken aback by the revelation. Olivia hadn’t mentioned anything to him about visiting. “Youmust be joking,” Henry scoffed, his disbelief evident on his face and tone.

“Do you think I’d joke about something like this?” Logan’s voice was strained with anguish. His handtrembled as he tried to put the key to turn on the engine. Henry noticed that and asked Logan he woulddrive. He opened the car’s door and asked Logan to shift to the passanger’s seat.

Logan complied silently, relinquishing control to Henry. As they set off, Logan placed a hand over hischest, focusing on deep breaths in an attempt to quell the rising unease within him.

Hope gazed at Olivia, who appeared bewildered, her confusion palpable. Elizabeth and Annaexchanged glances, noting the strain evident on Hope’s pale face.

“The house remains unchanged,” Olivia remarked, her tone feigning innocence as she cast her eyesaround the familiar surroundings.

“Indeed. Father preferred if that way because he wished to keep the vintage look alive here,” Elizabethaffirmed, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia for the unaltered familiarity of their home over theyears.

“How are you alive? Weren’t you dead?” Anna questioned, her voice laced with


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Chapter 119

disbelief. “I mean… That accident was fatal,” she murmured, recalling the traumatic


“I was in a coma, Aunt Anna,” Olivia explained gently. “It’s hard for me to believe as well, how so manyyears have slipped by,” she admitted softly, her words carrying a weight of incredulity at the passage oftime.

“But your body… I mean…” Elizabeth struggled to articulate her confusion, her hand reaching up tograsp her head in bewilderment.

Just then, Logan and Henry entered the living room, their steps coming to an abrupt halt as they laideyes on Olivia seated on the couch. Logan’s gaze locked onto her, his heart ski pping a beat at thesight of the woman he had missed for so many years, his fingers involuntarily curling up with emotion.

Hope noticed Logan’s intense stare directed at Olivia and felt a pang of sadness filled her. She pursedher lips, a flicker of discomfort crossing her features as she observed the charged atmosphere betweenthem.

“Logan!” Olivia’s eyes lit up as she ran toward him and hugged him tightly.

Henry remained quiet, but he looked at Hope, who didn’t look fine at all. He understood what Oliviaplan was and smiled internally.

Logan’s hands trembled as he reached out to touch Olivia’s back, his gaze flickering briefly to Hope,whose eyes brimmed with unshed tears. He then gently pushed Olivia away, his expression a mix ofdisbelief and confusion.

“How are you alive? You were dead,” Logan questioned, his voice still filled with disbelief.

“I wasn’t dead, Logan. Our love saved me, and I woke up from the coma,” Olivia asserted, a smallsmile gracing her lips as she met his gaze.

“Our love?” Elizabeth interjected with a chuckle. “Logan is already married, Olivia. He has someone heloves now,” she stated pointedly, her gaze narrowing as she subtly observed Hope for her reaction.

“Really, Logan? You can’t be in love with someone else. I’m your soulmate. I’ve returned to you, Logan.Divorce the woman you’ve married because your Olivia is back with you,” she declared, her handgently caressing his cheek in a plea for his



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Chapter 119

Hope’s heart sank as she listened to Olivia’s words, her fists clenched in frustration. Tears welled up inher eyes, and without a word, she turned and left the living


Logan watched Hope’s departure with a mixture of concern and conflict evident in his expression. Ashe moved to follow her, Olivia grasped his wrist, halting him in

his tracks.

“I think my head feels heavy,” Olivia feigned illness, leaning closer to Logan for support. Sensing herdiscomfort, Logan placed a comforting hand on her back, deciding to escort her to the guest room.However, his mind was preoccupied with the need to find Hope and clear up any misunderstanding.

“Olivia, I’ll speak with you later. The ser vant will show you to the guest room,” Logan announced firmly,gesturing for the se rvant to assist Olivia.

“Why are you leaving, Logan? You were the first person I thought of when I woke up from the coma,and I came here for you. Please don’t leave me. I love you,” Olivia pleaded, her eyes welling up withtears.

Logan didn’t feel anything toward Olivia. “I don’t love you, Olivia. You were my past. I have covered along distance by myself and now, I have someone who is not only my fated mate, but my life as well. Ilove my wife, Hope Moore and she is my world,” he proclaimed without hesitating even a bit.

Olivia’s eyes widened to hear him. Logan hand changed, but she was determined to destroy him.“Don’t lie, Logan. You and I are soulmates,” she repeated her words and held his hands.

Logan withdrew his hands from her grip. “No. You were never a soulmate to me. It was Hope, my wife,”he clarified to her. “If you don’t mind, I excuse myself,” Logan stated and headed upstairs to thebedroom, where Hope was present.

Olivia’s mood turned foul as she was rejected by the man, who she used to see as her trump card.

“Olivia, I’ll drop you to the living room,” Henry offered and stood next to her. Holding her arm gently, hewalked Olivia to the guest room.

“Logan cannot hang me like this,” Olivia muttered in frustration.

“But he already did. Also, why didn’t you tell me about this? You suddenly


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Chapter 119

appeared here. Do you think it was a wise move. Logan is apparently in deep love with Hope,” Henryproclaimed.

“He called Hope his fated mate,” Olivia said with deep frowns on her forehead.

“Because she is. Hope isn’t an ordinary werewolf. Logan was impossible to fathom, but Hope won hisheart and made him more social. They are shifted here when Logan never liked to be here. Not tomention, Hope’s mother belonged to a family of witches. So, you have to be extra careful around her.Logan’s reaction was something I had never anticipated,” Henry explained her after observing thescene earlier.

Olivia was infuriated. How could Logan move on from her? She would not let it happen. Logan couldnever forget her. Olivia had made sure that she would become a part of his life, which he could neverseparate from himself.

“What are you thinking?” Henry inquired.

“I cannot believe Hope actually replaced me,” Olivia said with a burning rage.

Henry furrowed his brows together, pondering why Olivia was hell bent on destroying Logan. “Takesome rest. I’ll take my leave,” he said and left the room.

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