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Chatper 109

Chapter 109

Meghan Greyson looked at the large pavilion that led her way to the villa, where Magnus lived. Clifton led her way to the livingroom, where he spotted Camila.

“Master Logan will be here shortly,” said Camila. She asked Meghan to take a seat while there existed a certain fear inside her.As Meghan took the seat, she scanned her eyes around, wondering how rich people lived in such houses all by themselves.“What would you like to have in drink? Coffee or tea?” Camila politely asked her.

“Ahh, nothing. Thank you for asking,” Meghan refused humbly.

Camila excused herself as she thought to call Logan downstairs. However, he was already on the stairs along with his wife. Asthey reached the bottom of the stairs, Logan asked Camila if she was fine.

“A hunter is here, so it worries me,” Camila said in a low voice.

“Don’t be worried. Meghan isn’t harmful,” Logan opined and went ahead with Hope. “So, how are you, Miss Greyson?” he askedand introduced Hope to her, “This is my wife, Hope Moore.”

Meghan shook hands with Hope as she introduced herself to her. “I am Meghan Greyson. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Moore,” shesaid and smiled at Hope.

“Oh, just call me Hope. Nice to meet you too,” Hope said and asked her to sit. Clifton whispered something in Logan's ear andwalked away after that.

“Logan told me that you attacked him,” Hope said with a complaining glance.

“I'm sorry about that, Hope. However, | think the Lycan Prince has healed his arm because of his good healing capabilities,” sheproclaimed.

“Yes,” Logan responded and took his seat on the couch beside Hope. “So, Meghan, after going through your qualifications, |think you will be best in designing and stuff. With the help of my secretary, | have chosen to appoint you in the DesignDepartment.”

As per Logan’s promise, he had told Meghan he would make sure she started a new life. Taking out the envelope from hispocket, he forwarded it to Meghan.

She accepted it and thanked Logan for that. “We are searching about your family’s murder history. As soon as we find anythingrelated to such werewolves, we will tell you,” he asserted.

“Thank you, Logan.” Meghan didn’t have words to tell him how much grateful she was toward him.

“When I'll finish my work, then you can thank me,” Logan stated. “About your stay, Clifton has seen a better place, where you willbe safer. He will shift you there tomorrow and please join the work from tomorrow,” he explained to her.

Meghan nodded at him and told him that she would do that.“The dinner is ready, so have dinner before leaving,” Hope opined. “You cannot refuse to it,” she muttered.

Meghan smiled and told Hope she would have dinner with them then. After she had a delicious supper with them, Clifton came todrop her home. Meghan once again thanked both Logan and Hope for their help.

In the car, Clifton put the address on the GPS device when Meghan asked him why he always wore such a stoic expression onhis face. Clifton gaze at her, but he didn’t reply.


While driving, Meghan told him they should converse since the journey would be long.

“What do you wish to speak about?” Clifton asked while keeping his focus on the road ahead.

“How will you find out about the killers? | failed to search about them. Are you sure you can do it by yourself?” Meghan inquired.“Why? Do you wish to help me? | don’t think a hunter and a werewolf should stay close or work together,” Clifton asserted.

Meghan scrunched her nose and found Clifton was quiet blunt in attitude. “I wanted to say that | have never imagined that thewerewolves could be nice,” she proclaimed.

“They are. Not everyone is bad. You must have noticed after meeting Logan and his wife,” Clifton opined.

“True. Even you and Ryan are good too. | didn’t wish to hate the werewolves, but | have no idea why they treated us as theirenemies. We were leading a happy and peaceful life,” Meghan stated and sighed as she leaned her head on the headrest.

Clifton narrowly gazed at her. “If there’s good in the world, then bad exists too,” he stated.

“| know. | hope we found out about such werewolves soon. | cannot wait to see them punished. While I’ve lived every single dayin agony, those werewolves must be living in peace,” said Meghan with anguish in her tone.

“Daniel is foolish. Are you sure taking his help will be wise?” Henry asked from Olivia.

“Daniel has developed feelings for Hope after rejecting her. He doesn’t wish to kill her, but Logan. However, killing Logan isn’teasy. If Hope gets suffered, Logan will give in without any effort,” Olivia affirmed.

“| thought you would reveal yourself to him,” said Henry.

“That'll happen the same day,” Olivia asserted.

“The chairman meeting will happen after Logan’s marriage,” Henry informed her.“That’s why we have to end Logan’s game before that,” Olivia stated.

“| hope the plan works,” Henry murmured.


“Why do you have doubt on this plan?” Olivia arched her eyebrow. She left her seat and approached him. Sitting on his lap,Olivia caressed his smooth tresses and whispered against his lips, “The best way to crush Logan is to harm the person he lovesthe most. The last hope of living a peaceful life, which his wife awakened in him, shall be the reason of his demise.”

“| hope this plan works,” Henry asserted and brought his hand to her lower back. As his hand roamed on her back, it reached thezipper of her dress.

“Olivia, thank you for returning and embracing me as yours,” Henry said as he affectionately looked into her eyes and then, lips.Before he could kiss her, she captured his lips. Her hands cupped his face as theykissed each other fervently.

Henry pulled down her zipper, and the dress loosened from her shoulders. He nipped her lip, yearning a sweet cry from her andthen, lifted her by her hips. Standing on his feet, Henry slowly moved toward the bedroom, not leaving her mouth once.

Her back pressed against the wall and they detached from each other’s lips. He pressed his body against hers and she moanedin ecstasy.


“I need to get rid of this dress,” Henry said, still holding her one thigh firmly while her other feet rested against the ground. As thedress pulled off her bodies, her full curves were visible to his lusty eyes.

“Every time | do it with you, | find you mesmerizing,” said Henry. She pushed him away gently and then pressed him against thewall. Removing his shirt deftly, she ran her tongue over his bars chest, and dug her nails on his skin.novelbin

Before she could get on her knees, Henry pulled her up and crashed his lips against hers. He freed her breasts from the bra andfondled with them. Suddenly, his phone rang, interrupting them his phone rang, interrupting them in the middle. He took out hisphone from the pocket while Olivia started her swe

torture on him again.

Henry saw it was his father on the call and he hung it up before shoving it back into his pocket. “F*ck!” He cursed and gritted histeeth as Olivia nipped his neck and moved her hands sensually on his chest.

“I'm going to be tough tonight, Olivia,” he said and carried her up in his arms, taking her to the bedroom.

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