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Chapter 113

Keira looked visibly tense, and when Morwenna finished speaking, she quickly introduced herself.

Morwenna felt bewildered. Shouldn't she be the nervous one?

It was her first gig as a caregiver, and she had no clue what to do. The previous caregiver had onlytold her to help the patient with whatever she needed.

But after Keira's introduction, she fell silent.

And Morwenna wasn't sure how else to assist.

The room had been in a quiet stillness until eleven at night.

Keira hadn't fallen asleep either.

She looked thirsty but only took a few sips of water.

Finally, Morwenna couldn't hold back. “Can’t sleep with me around? Or do you need more water?”

Startled by Morwenna's sudden voice, Keira gasped and clutched the blanket tight as if she wantedto say something but dared not.

She hesitated, looking flustered, and her face turned red.

Morwenna paused, confused. Did she look that intimidating?novelbin

She softened her voice. “Don’t worry. I’m not scary.”

Morwenna's appearance was gentle and friendly.

After a while, Keira slowly relaxed her grip on the blanket and whispered, “I, I don’t need morewater. Drinking too much makes me want to use the bathroom.”

Morwenna was stunned. What kind of reason was that? What's wrong with using the bathroom afterdrinking water?

Then she noticed Keira's leg in a cast and realized the issue. Was she avoiding the bathroom,afraid of troubling others?

Morwenna said earnestly, “Don’t be embarrassed. You've hired me, and it’s my job to help.”

Seeing Keira still looking down, Morwenna walked over, turned on the light, and scooped her up.

Keira yelped in surprise.

Morwenna reassured, “I’m taking you to the bathroom. Chill out. I’m stronger than I look and won’tdrop you.”

Morwenna was decisive and efficient.

She carried Keira to the bathroom, slipped a shoe on her good foot, and helped her stand againstthe wall.

“All set. Hold on tight, and don’t slip. I’ll wait outside the door.”

“Um... Thank you.” Keira's voice was barely audible.

Morwenna stepped out and waited by the door, resisting the urge to help Keira further to avoidmaking her more nervous.

After a while, a faint voice came from inside. “I... I’m done.”

Morwenna quickly entered, seeing Keira, shy and flushed.

She had never met anyone so timid.

After settling Keira back in bed, Morwenna handed her a glass of water. “Here, drink up.”

This time, Keira drank the entire glass in one go, evidently very thirsty.

Frowning, Morwenna wondered if Keira had been neglected during the day.

After Keira drank, Morwenna turned off the light and whispered, “Try to sleep now. Call me if youneed anything. I’ll be right here.”

Half an hour later, Morwenna was exasperated.

She felt Keira's gaze on her now and then, but each time she looked back, Keira quickly lookedaway.

“Aren't you sleepy at this hour?” she wondered.

Nor was Morwenna sleepy, worried about Norbert and whether Stuart could take good care of himat the hospital. She planned to check on them at dawn.

Since neither of them was sleepy, Morwenna suggested, “Having trouble sleeping? Want me tokeep you company and talk for a bit?”

Keira shook her head, then quickly nodded.

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