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Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Book 2 His Promise: Happily Ever After

“Someone save me,” I muttered under my breath as I almost fell asleep from the girls’ conversations.All they did was gossip, gossip-and gossip, while all I wanted was to spend some alone time with mydaughter.

“Do you also want to be saved, Siena?” I whispered to the smiling baby in my hands and attacked herwith kisses. “Look at you, you’re getting so big” I spoke to her and bounced her around while shegiggled.

Four months had passed and a lot had changed. Life was back to being peaceful and Siena wasgrowing bigger by the day. In the beginning, I was definitely a bit nervous and often doubted whether Iwould be a great mother or not, but until now everything had worked out.

Christian, Siena, and I made the perfect little family and nothing could ever change that.

“Is that the latest collection?” Daniela asked and pointed to Siena’s dress. Unfortunately beingChristian’s fiancée also came with the less unfortunate things like these.

Francesca and my mom gave me some advice on how to be a perfect Lamberti without getting inChristian’s way, and this was one of them. Interact and mingle with the wives and daughters of theother families.

Daniela was a Sala, which was not that hard to miss by her personality. She was dominant, liked toboss people around and loved to gossip. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, wereFrancesca’s words after she had told me about all of the families.

“Oh, I wouldn’t know-Christian bought it.” I shrugged my shoulders. Trying to manage my new luxuriouslifestyle was definitely something I had to work on and if the girls would ask me to name ten brandnames on the spot, I most likely couldn’t.

Upon hearing Christian’s name all of the girls turned their heads to listen to the conversation. It was justas Francesca had warned me. The only reason they were even interested in getting to know me wasbecause of Christian.

Everything they did, including inviting me to their daily hangouts was because it was clear that Christianwas going to take over anytime soon. Even though Lucio still kept his declining health a secret, it wasquite obvious because he had been keeping him busy.

All the girls wanted to gain from this friendship, were some bonus points for their husbands or families.

“It’s like you and Christian have been in the honeymoon phase for months now, you guys are so cute,”Maddie commented Maddie was my brother, Marcello’s fiancée, and somehow very involved in my life.

After noticing that I was still alive and well and that Christian did not ditch me after the baby was born,they were all trying their hardest to cozy up to me.

“Yes, you guys look really cute together.” Karina agreed in a desperate attempt to take over theconversation from the other two as the other girls at the table looked at me as if they were expecting an


Karina was from another family, and until a few months ago I didn’t even know about he existence, so Iwas extremely confused why she loved to pretend as if we were close.

Daniela, Maddie, and Karina were like the three musketeers and were supposedly best friends, but

somehow it seemed as if they were fighting for my attention.

“Thanks.” I forced a fake smile on my face and put Siena in her stroller. Them looking at me was onething, but them eyeing Siena as if they were going to kidnap my baby was another.

“How is Beau doing?” One of the girls asked. “My brother is doing fine, thanks for asking.” Iimmediately cut my answer short. These witches would not get to Beau, not my precious twin brother.

Beau and I were close to being inseparable and I spend a lot of my time with him and Luis who he wastaking care of. Even though he still hadn’t completely forgiven the Alfonzo’s, they were all trying theirbest to work along-and my father had been mentoring him about business-related stuff.

“He’s been visiting Vince almost every day, your brother is really amazing.” One of the girls whosename I didn’t even know praised Beau. Unfortunately, Vince’s situation had not changed and he wasstill in a coma. His brother Nic had moved back to the states to take care of him as well as everyoneelse.

Christian and I often took our time to visit Vince in the hopes of getting through to him.

“Apparently he’s off the market, I heard he’s dating my cousin, Isobel.” Daniela once again jumped intoa different gossip.

All the girls’ heads turned towards me as they yet again expected to hear an explanation, but this time Iwould gladly give it to them. “They’re not, they just both visit Vince very often-so it’s impossible to avoidher.”

“God, do you guys know that I’ve never been more embarrassed to be a Sala?” Daniela rolled hereyes. “She ruined the entire family name!”

“What’s left for Isobel? Her dad has disowned her and she’s the reason why Vince is in a coma.” Oneof the girls sighed while the others followed behind as chickens and agreed.

I had nothing else to add, technically it was true-but even then I felt like it was wrong because shewasn’t here to defend herself, but what else could I do?

There was not much to do when Francesca and my mom made it their daily jobs to remind me toremain. neutral for Christian’s sake. “So who is going to take over the Sala’s?” Maddie took a sip fromher cocktail and looked at Daniela with curious eyes.

“Her brother of course!” Karina jumped in while Daniela had a proud look on her face. “My grandpaactually doesn’t want anything to do with Aldo or Isobel, but he’s just playing pretend for the looks of it.”Daniela sighed.

“Isobel is a perfectly good example of why you should not depend on daddy’s money.” Daniela spokeas the other girls laughed at her words.

The gossiping was just too much for me and I wondered how much longer I could take it. Whenever Ilooked at Daniela, all I could see was true evilness. I saw it in her eyes and it was difficult to avoid, if Icalled Isobel satan, then I did not know what to call Daniela. Isobel was a child’s play compared tothese girls.

No matter what they had done, I would never throw my family under the bus like that. Not the Alfonzo’s,not the Lamberti’s, and not Christian.

“Wait, have you guys heard about the new family who’s moved to this city?” Daniela and the girlsmoved on to the topic of the day while I slowly observed them. “The Orlando’s, do you guys really don’tknow?” Daniela whipped her hair to the side and leaned in closer.

“Well, long story short-someone needs to strengthen the city now that the Garcia’s have been wipedout and the Orlando’s are in town. Apparently, the eldest son is in charge.” Daniela explained. If thesegirls weren’t gossiping about their own husbands, it would be someone else’s-but one thing was forsure, they would gossip.

*Did Christian not tell you about it?” She asked with a smug smile on her face.

“No? Should he?” I answered with the same smile on my face. Christian barely spoke with me aboutwork, and ever since we didn’t have anything to worry about-I did not mind. All he had to do was bethere for me

and Siena.

“Of course he shouldn’t.” Daniela sighed before she began yet another subject and started gossipingabout one of the girls who wasn’t even here. It made me wonder what kind of rubbish they were sayingabout me whenever I wasn’t there.

Faith, Luna and Olivia were my only true friends and the only ones I could truly trust, but meeting upwith them was difficult. Faith was busy with school and Luna and Olivia had their own lives. Besidesthem I got along well with Dana, Gio’s wife, Carmen and Christian’s sisters, Bella and Mia: EvenChristian’s

assistant, Gina was nice and a much better person than any of these girls would ever be.

I felt my phone buzz and immediately picked it up to see a text message from Christian.

“Missing the both of you, send pictures and get here soon!” I read and immediately did as told. “Is thatChristian?” Karina asked as I once again grabbed all the attention and all eyes moved to me. “Yes.”novelbin

“What’s he doing?” Daniela had the nerve to ask me. My true self wanted to tell her that it was none ofher business, but I had already done more than enough damage in the past. “Working on a project.”

“Yes, did you guys hear that he’s opening a hotel and naming it after Siena?” Maddie bragged. Nomatter what, she was still Marcello’s fiancée, meaning she would grab every single opportunity to bragabout Siena while I did not care for any of that.

“Yes, that’s the rumor.” Daniela frowned her eyebrows and rolled her eyes before she once againstarted a different subject.

The remaining hours were as suffocating to me as it was to poor Siena till the point she even fellasleep. When Vernon stepped out of the car and raised his hand for me to come over, I immediatelygot up from my seat and threw some cash on the table.

Another tip from Francesca, paying was a way of showing that Christian was in control.

“It was nice seeing you guys, but we have to go now.” I politely excused myself. “Are you going toChristian? To Siena’s hotel?” Daniela asked me. It was truly beyond me how these girls were moreinterested in other people’s lives than their own.

“Yes, we are,” Laold them and once again excused myself before I made my way over to Vernon.“Thank you so much for saving me.” I pulled him in a hug as he laughed at me.

“Even Siena fell asleep, do you want me to help you?” Vernon laughed and pinched her cheeks. “Yes,please. I still don’t know how this stroller works.”

I grabbed my phone to text Christian that we were on our way while Vernon put Siena in her car seatand got rid of the stroller. Nine months ago I hated the idea of having a personal driver because it feltlike Christian was keeping watch over me from every angle, but a lot had changed and I did not mindVernon at all. Matter of fact, we became buddies. “We’re all ready to go,” Vernon spoke.

I sat in the back so I could watch Siena and took a lot of pictures to send Christian Even when hewasn’t here, it still felt as if he was because he asked for an update every five minutes

“Smiling in your sleep? Are you dreaming about milk again?” I chuckled at her smile on her face andkissed her cheeks. Stena was definitely a happy baby, and it did not come from me and definitely not

from Christian

“Oh shit, I forgot her milk powder 1 huffed as the thought had suddenly occurred to me “Vernon, do youthink we can stop by a grocery store along the way?” I asked him

Siena was a happy baby, but when it came to her food she was known to have a temper. “No problem-I’m still a bit traumatized from the last time, so I think that’s a good idea” Vernon laughed and made aturn to park the car

“Thank you,” I spoke and patiently waited until he parked the car. “You go and grab your stuff. I’ll watchher.” Vernon offered. Leaving Siena with others wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but I trusted Vernon so Ihad no issue with that.

“I’ll make it quick,” I told him and grabbed my bag before I ran off to the store. Getting distracted by littlethings was something I usually did, but this time I walked straight to my destination and made my wayover to the baby aisle.

Siena’s milk powder was easy to find, but there was one issue. It was on the top shelf. “Shit,” Imuttered under my breath and stood on my tippy toes to reach for the powder.

1 stretched out my arm and tried to reach it with my pinky, but before I could even realize what washappening the box fell from the shelf. I closed my eyes and covered my head as I prepared myself forthe impact, but surprisingly enough there was nothing.

With a startled look on my face, I opened my eyes and looked at the hand right above me. “Here yougo.” A male voice spoke.

“Thank you so much, I thought I was going to die.” I cracked a smile and turned around to stare at thewho had saved me from disaster.


For a split second I frowned my eyebrows and looked at the attractive man in front of me. Just becauseI had Christian, did not mean I couldn’t look. “Done staring?” He asked me with a cocky smirk on hisface.

“Yes, done staring.” I blushed and stared down. Why did I always have to say stupid stuff?

“I think I need to thank you again, you saved my life.” I awkwardly laughed.

“Yes, baby formula is deadly.” The man sarcastically joked as I blushed even more, but this time out ofembarrassment. “How are you going to thank me for saving your life?” He suddenly asked me.

“W-what?” I stuttered and figured he might’ve misunderstood me. I wasn’t flirting with him, I was justbeing Serena. “I don’t know, you tell me.” I tried to keep my cool. Perhaps if I worked along, he wouldleave me alone.

“Well.” The man sighed and pushed the baby formula into my hands.

“You can start by giving me your phone number.”

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