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Chapter 92


“Look who’s here!” Luca opened his arms and pulled Serena into a hug. Just as instructed by Christian—and Marc had been waiting for them at the end of the cave.

“Where’s Enzo?” Johnny immediately asked after noticing his cousin was missing. “He went back forVincexplained. He always thought Enzo was brave and knew that he would have no issues gettingthrough Fa“I can’t stand crying children.” Luca rolled his eyes as he took over Luis from Christian.“Luis, listen to mecupped his cheeks.

“Your brother will be alright, okay? Vince will be okay.” Christian told him. In the worst-case scenario,Vinalready been dead, but Christian was determined to do everything he could to calm him down.

“Remember what I told you, keep her safe.” He told Luca. “The majority has surrendered, they’ve alldropMarc informed him. “A lot of men are pissed by the way—“

“I’ll deal with them later.” Christian cut him off. Killing the men in the cave was already bad enough forhthat he did not have a choice. Unlike all the others he did not care about the amount of people whohadonly interested in one specific person and all the others who got in the way. “Take her to Ramiroright awinstructed Luca.

Serena looked at Christian as a tear fell down her cheek. She could not accept that they had justreunitedlet him go once again. “Hey, don’t cry—there’s nothing to cry about!” Christian wiped away hertears anhands. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

“Please promise me you’ll come back in one piece.” Serena rested her head against his shoulder. “Iprom“Yes, our cousin is made out of steel—we’ve learned that a long time ago.” Luca chuckled.

“Now that I know you and the baby are safe, I can breathe.” Christian smiled and pressed a kissagainst h“Serena, I love you.”

“I love you too,” Serena whispered and stared into his eyes. If he hadn’t told her himself, she would’vefohim so she would at least have something to remind him by.

“This seems like one of those cheap movies where the main characters express their love for eachother, don’t really have time for that.” Luca sighed and grabbed Serena by her arm. “Come on Serena,we haveLuca didn’t hesitate to drag Serena with him, while all she could do was look back at Christian.“Luca, stosuddenly yelled. Luca turned around to face his cousin and let out an annoyed breath. “Whatis it now?”

“Don’t take the car, no matter what you do—don’t take the car, walk,” Christian instructed. He did nottrand knew that he had to be cautious. Fabio was an experienced man and more than two times hisage.

“Christian, walk? Don’t you know how many miles that is? She’s pregnant, are you crazy!” Lucaexclaimed“Don’t question my decision, just walk!” Christian spoke. The idea of Fabio not having abackup plan seehim.

“If Christian says we walk, then we’ll walk!” Serena backed him up and pulled Luca by his arm. “I trusthim“Fine, then we better start walking.” Luca scoffed as he turned away. “It’s a long road.”

Christian felt guilty for letting a pregnant woman walk, but he did not want to take any chances.

“Marc I need you to stay here just in case, Johnny you come with me,” Christian demanded.

The two wasted no time and made their way back into the cave. “Disgusting, my shoes are gettingdirty,”complained as they stepped over the body’s Enzo had taken care of. “Well, no one told you todress like for dinner.” Christian rolled his eyes.

“I feel bad, it wasn’t supposed to go like this.” He sighed. “Christian, if they don’t want to work along—tto work along.”

“On the bright side, look at you?” Johnny patted his back. “Who would’ve thought this crazy plan ofyouwork?”

“Not yet.” Christian reminded him. “We have not succeeded, Fabio is still alive.” He spoke as they hadreathe cave. “Until now everything has been way too easy, we should not underestimate a man likeFabio Ga“Johnny, I need you to stay here.” Christian had a sudden change of mind. “This fire thing isworrying meknow what Fabio has planned—“

“I get it, but are you sure you can take it from here?” Johnny worried for his cousin. “Yes, I’m sure—pleasmight need your help.” He patted his shoulder.

Christian raised his gun and opened the door. The roles had reversed and this time Fabio Garcia wasthe tied to a chair, while his own son pointed a gun to his face. “Hah, Christian—you’ve decided to jointhe psmiled at him. Christian was relieved to see his brother was still alive, but he did not expectanything elseHe made his way over to Enzo and Vince so he could take a good look at Fabio, thestrong man who wasthat strong anymore. “This is where it ends,” Christian told him as he steppedforward.

Fabio raised his head and let out small chuckles which led to loud laughter. “Instead of accepting thewaare going to take me down?”

“As a coward!” He yelled out. For Christian it did not matter how Fabio would die, all he knew was thathhe did not care how. “Vince, are you still not speaking? Is this how you are going to betray your ownfath“What father?” Vince chuckled. “One second ago you told me you were going to rip out Luis’s heart,so

“Yes, Beau saved Luis from this hellhole and Luis gave out Beau’s location and there’s nothing you candVince told his father. “And Enrique’s body in the woods? Yes, I killed him.”

“This is why you’ll never achieve anything in life.” Fabio grinned. “This is why you’ll always stay inChristiaafter this is all over the Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s will throw you and Luis in a dungeon!”

“That’s not true, Vince,” Christian spoke for the first time. He did not want Vince to get the wrong ideaawant him to change his mind again. “Yes, I know.” Vince agreed.

“Christian?” Lucio called out as he entered the basement with Matteo following closely behind.“ChristianHe whispered.

Fabio’s death was something he had been anticipating for a very long time, but what he could notappreunfair fight. “Yes, tell him Lucio—tell him how pathetic and sad it is that this is the only way tobeat me—own son against me and by tying me to a chair.” Fabio laughed.

“Ah, Matteo—where are my manners? Tell him to shoot me, tell him to shoot me for taking both of yourHe focused his attention on the other two.

There was one thing holding Christian back from shooting, and that was the mood Fabio was in. Hewas enough very happy for a man who was about to lose his life. “Or tell him not to, I knew this wasgoing tothe last moment I gave one of my men a last request.” Fabio shrugged his shoulders.

“I knew you were outside, and I knew you were up to something. One bullet to my head, and Serena,Luicousin?” He smirked as he looked at every single one of them. “Boom!”

“W-what?” Matteo stuttered.

Christian dropped his gun and lunged at Fabio to grab him by his neck. “You’re wrong!” He yelled outasnumb. Only one thing went through his mind, his family. Serena, Luca, the baby—and Luis who had

beenhim. How was Fabio willing to play with all these lives as if it was nothing?

“No, I’m not.” Fabio smirked. “I was actually going to burn this house to the ground, and I still will—butdown, we are all going down, together.”

Lucio tried to grab Christian by his shoulder, but Christian pushed him away. “No, you’re wrong—becauswere going to pull something like this, so I made them walk instead.” Christian smiled in hisface.

“This is where it ends,” Vince spoke. Fabio’s words about blowing up Luis were the last straw.

Fabio let out a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders while everyone else had a relieved look ontheir smarter than I expected, I’ll give you that.”

“You see, dad?” Christian looked at Lucio. “Is this the man who deserves a fair fight? I don’t care howevesee us as, but I will execute him the same way he planned to execute Serena.”

“I agree, so do it now before I do it.” Matteo who had kept himself quiet spoke. Also, he did not care forthere was nothing fair about having to give up Serena and Beau in the first place.

“Enzo, you look comfortable don’t you?” Fabio suddenly laughed. “W-what?” Enzo stuttered as helookeFabio.

“I said you look extremely comfortable after betraying your father and Christian—I know the leak aboutfrom you and Isobel, but strangely enough you look extremely comfortable.” Fabio laughed aseveryoneChristian wondered how he could’ve known, but what he worried about the most was hisfather. “Oh, yoFabio spoke to Lucio who wobbled back in disbelief.

“I told you I’d leave behind damage before I leave this earth. One way or another.” Fabio grinned.“Dad,”as Lucio and Matteo stared at him with a shocked look on their faces. “Enzo, is that true?”

Franco who hathe room asked in utter shock. Also he felt disgusted by his grandson.

Lucio’s head went dizzy at the sudden news. Isobel betraying the family was a sad case, but his ownson?“Dad.” Enzo stepped forward while Lucio took a step back.

“Get away from me.” He spoke as he clutched his heart. “Dad!” Christian yelled out and was just in timetfather before he fell to the ground. “Lucio! Lucio, get yourself together!” Franco shook his son’s bodywhcould do was stand in complete silence.

“Get him out of here,” Christian instructed Franco and Matteo who had picked up a numb Lucio anddragdoor. “Since when did he became so weak.” Fabio scoffed. “He had so much to say back in thedays.”

“I’m sorry, but I hope you rot in hell.” Vincenzo managed to get out. Although his original plan was notthis father, he had left him no choice. Fabio Garcia was a monster.

“Tick, tick, tick,” Fabio mumbled as Christian turned around and pointed the gun to his head. “The carmup, but this house will,” Fabio spoke and stared at the clock.novelbin

Christian pointed the gun to Fabio’s head and closed his eyes—but he couldn’t do it. It wasn’t anythingbefore, and he was so certain about his revenge, but he couldn’t do it.

“Chris, do it!” Vince yelled out. “If you don’t do it, I’ll do it!”

“Tick, tick, tick.” Fabio kept laughing.

Christian followed his gaze until the realization hit him and it became clear what Fabio meant. In a splitsaround Fabio’s hand had disappeared and he pulled out a gun. “Two bullets, one for you and one forVinNot a second later Christian’s ears were filled with the sound of several explosions and his visionwas disand light flames.

“Christian, watch out!” He heard Enzo yell as his brother covered him with his body and bullets flew intoChristian did not hesitate and pulled the trigger.

He had finally ended Fabio’s life.

“Come on, grab your brother and let’s get out of here!” Johnny opened the door to the cave and triedtosmoke with his hands. Christian’s body froze as he stared from his brother’s body to Vince’s. Hecould nthem, there was no time.

Fabio had shot Vince and Enzo.

“Christian—grab your brother and let’s go!” Johnny yelled at him as he desperately made his waythrougVince barely managed to get out and reached out his hand.

“Christian, wake the fuck up!” Johnny aggressively pulled Christian’s arms and dragged him towardsEnzyour brother, and let’s go!”

“I’m sorry,” Christian whispered as he finally worked along. His eyes moved to the pool of blood thathadhis brother’s waist, giving him the wake-up call he needed.

“Stay with me, Enzo,” Christian told him as he grabbed him by one arm and help Johnny before theymadthe tunnel.

Christian felt guilty for leaving Vince behind, and this was not the way how things should’ve gone. If IhaFabio when I had the chance, he thought to himself. Maybe his dad was right, maybe he was acoward.

“Is this how I’m going to die?” Enzo spoke to himself as he tried his hardest to keep his eyes open.“Dadyou see the look on his face? He hates me!”

“Shut up!” Christian growled. He knew that Enzo’s words were true, but at the moment they were not of“Guys!” Marc who had found his way through the tunnels called out. To Christian it was as if God hadgivchance, it was an opportunity to do what he originally intended to do. “Take him,” He spoke andhanded“Chris, if we don’t leave now—we’ll all die!” Johnny yelled out, but those words didn’t meananything to“Not keeping my word to Serena and Luis is the same as dying—I won’t leave him behind,now keep moEnzo out of here!” Christian spoke as he turned around and ignored Johnny’s calls.

He was going to keep his promise

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