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Chapter 90

“How do you think it’s going with Gio and Beau?” Marc nudged Christian’s shoulder and burst outlaughcold Gio being stuck in a car with the stone-cold Beau was definitely a concept. “It could’ve beenany on“What the hell,” Christian suddenly spoke as he saw his unwanted brother knock on the carwindow. “Mademanded before he pushed Enzo to the backseat.

“What are you doing here? I told you to stay out of my business!” Christian turned around and grabbed“Relax little brother, I’m here to help you.” Enzo sighed as he pulled him off. “I heard Isobel didsomethinlike it was also time for me to do something.”

“It’s only a pity that I had to come here on foot and that I had to squeeze that crazy plan of yours outpedramatically sighed.

“He’s right Chris, you allowed Isobel to redeem herself, your brother should also get a chance.” Marcshrshoulders. Christian did not want to argue about unimportant things, so even though he didn’t wantto, with it. “What’s the situation back home?”

“They’re all on their way here, prepared as you requested,” Enzo told him with a smile on his face.Christiacknowledging him was unexpected, but he couldn’t say that he wasn’t happy. “If there isanything I can“You can’t,” Christian spoke. “You’ve done more than enough, you can’t.”

“I can’t?” Enzo chuckled with a hurt look on his face. “So Isobel can, but I can’t?”novelbin

“Christian, if this is about me hurting your feelings by opening up about my hatred towards you—“

“You weren’t yourself back then, I know—I don’t want to hear it.” Christian shrugged him off. “Maybelatother things to worry about—so if you’re not going to shut up, please just leave.”

“Christian, I know he got you into this mess—but he’s your brother. You can’t forgive one but not theotfamily—that’s weird.” Marc gave his opinion.

“Yes, I walked miles—just so I could be helpful for once.” Enzo agreed. “Do you know howembarrassing up an excuse as to why you haven’t informed me about your plans?”

Christian sighed and thought about Vince who had been doing everything alone from the inside. Hewouthat Vince’s priority was Serena, but there was also Luis. “There’s one thing you can do.”

“Anything, tell me and I’ll do it!” Enzo smiled. “I’ll give you a special mission.”

“A special mission?” Enzo looked at his brother with wide eyes. “Yes.” Christian nodded his head whileMfriend in confusion. “There’s this secret tunnel, make yourself useful.”

“Christian, you can’t!” Marc reminded him of the danger, but Christian held up his hand to stop himfromtunnel Beau told you about? Y-you want me to go inside?” Enzo stuttered. He was prepared foranything“Will you forgive me if I do?” Enzo wondered. He knew all too well that this was a mission thatcould putdanger, but that’s how far he was willing to go for his brother’s forgiveness.

“We’ll move on like nothing ever happened,” Christian promised him. He knew that this was adangerouwas secretly hoping for his brother to drop it—but Enzo had something else in mind.

“I’ll do it!” Enzo spoke to his surprise. All he wanted was to get his life back, for things to go back to the“Don’t worry Marc, it’s just in case something happens—it’s smart to have an extra person on theinside“If you say so, boss.” Marc leaned back and covered his eyes with his sunglasses as he did notwant to dethis. “Enzo, listen. Three hours from now Fabio will light the house on fire—Fabio isunpredictable and in suddenly decide to speed up his plans and I don’t make it in time—I need you toget Serena out.”

“How can you trust me to get her out after…you know.” Enzo wondered. “That’s what I would like to kno

“It’s because I know you’re a pathetic case, and would do anything for at least a bit of forgiveness.”Chribrother walking here on foot and going down the line to ask about the plans was more than enough

to pwas willing to do anything.

“You’re right, I couldn’t have said it any better.” Enzo chuckled. “Enzo, I’m serious—Serena and thebabyasking you to look after my life. The same life you tried to destroy.” He reminded Enzo who lookedback guilty look on his face. “Yes, I know—thanks for reminding me.”

Christian pulled out a map and showed him the secret passage in the woods which Beau told himabout.which led to the basement where Fabio kept Serena, or how Beau liked to describe it—the tunnelhe ofteaway from Fabio’s outbursts.

“Okay, then go!” Christian ordered him. Enzo didn’t hesitate to step out of the car so he could follow his“Are you crazy?” Marc exclaimed. “If he gets caught then—“

“He won’t.” Christian was sure of it. “I will make it in time, but at least I get to prepare myself withoutEnzmy neck. “Trying to get rid of him?” Marc chuckled.

“Still no baby name?” Marc asked. “No, I was thinking about two names—but I don’t know which oneto“Hmm, maybe you can do one as the first name and the other one as the middle name,” Marcsuggestedgenius!” Christian smiled. “I’m glad I could help. Now, what name did you have in mind?”

“Lucia as her middle name, the first name is still undecided,” Christian told him. He was determined togsomething special to show his love and appreciation. Even though Lucio had not always been a lovingfachanged within the past years—and Christian felt like he had the right to know how much he meant toh

“Lucio will be so happy, you know he has been pushing Gio several times to name his children afterhim.“Yes, and I will be the one to do it,” Christian spoke with a proud look on his face. “Marc, do youthink I’ldad?”

It was something which he couldn’t stop thinking about. He was unsure whether he had the right or notbe one. “Regardless of what you’ve done to Serena, yes, I’ll think you’ll make a great dad—and do youk“You’ll make a great dad—because you’ve experienced how it felt to grow up with one who wasn’tthereyou’ll give your daughter all the love she deserves,” Marc concluded. Christian agreed, he was notwrongwas born he was not going to let her out of his sight.

“That’s what my dad said, he told me to become a better parent than him.” Christian sighed. “But it’sunthe one who truly raised me and told me she loved me every single day was Emmanuella, not mydad an“And still, you love him the most,” Marc smiled. “And still, I love him the most,” Christianrepeated. He cohis life without Lucio and wished for his father to hold on for just a while longer.

“You know, I’ll take my little girl to the park, to toy shops—just everything she wants. I’ll let her dressmenails—play horsey and all those things.” Christian smiled as Marc laughed at his unexpected words.“Andsabotage the family business because your fiancée said we are not god and we don’t have theright to coto execute people?” Marc mocked him.

“She right though, you know she’s right.” Christian jumped to Serena’s defense. “After I take over, thereshady business, just the Lamberti business,” Christian promised.

“I will do all of that and so much more, just so I can make both of my girls happy.”

“I can tell.” Marc noticed the proud look on his face. “She’s not even here yet, she can’t even crawl—andmaking plans.”

“How about threatening her boyfriends? Or girlfriends, who knows?” Marc shrugged. Christian turnedhiMarc and shook his head. “Marc, I want my daughter to rely on me—I don’t ever want her to ever fearm“Let me tell you about my way of parenting.”



For Enzo breaking into the Garcia estate was a way of showing Christian how much he regretted hisactio

He knew that Christian believed in him and that Christian’s intentions were not to see a bullet through h—so he was determined to prove that he could do it.

After a while he had made his way to the secret passage Christian had told him

about and walked through the tunnel.

Even Beau was helpful, while I couldn’t…, Enzo thought to himself.

He turned on his flashlight and kept walking until he heard voices on the other side of the wall. Vince’svvoice.

“Did you check on Beau?” Enzo heard Fabio’s voice. “Yes, they said he’s still tied up—there’s no wayfor Vince lied to his father.

Enzo took a deep breath and chuckled in embarrassment. Vince was going against his own murderousfathem, while he went against his brother and niece, and for what? In the end, it was all for nothing.

“Just a few more hours until I’ll burn you and your brother at the stake, Serena.” He heard Fabio’s scaryWhat was there to be happy about?

Was I also like that? Enzo thought. He felt stupid for taking action without thinking about theconsequenfor hurting his brother. Yes, he was jealous of Christian and the way how everyone looked athim like he wmiracle, but he couldn’t imagine his life without his little brother.

Till this day he could still not believe that he was willing to take the one thing which he loved the most,hAfter getting the mental health care he needed he realized that Christian had shown him so muchmercytelling Lucio the truth.

Isobel was only frowned upon and would eventually be like a shadow, but the news of Enzo Lambertibetlittle brother was not. It would’ve been a burden he’d have to carry with him for the rest of his life.

“Just hold on for a bit longer, squirrel,” Enzo whispered as he leaned his head against the wall.

“If everyone is willing to give their lives for you, I’ll do the same.”

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