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Chapter 88

“Is this okay?” Vince looked down at the rope wrapped around my wrists with a worried look on hisface.take it,” I reassured him.

To make Fabio believe he had the upper hand, we had to play our cards right and couldn’t riskanything.“I promise you, you’ll be okay—and I’ll make sure of it until my last breath. You and the babywill be okapromised while he ripped off some tape.

“Show me how brave you are, Serena.” He spoke as he put the tape over my mouth. My heart wasbeatinscared and nervous. I was really going to meet Fabio and the thought of it was killing me.

“Breath, I won’t let anyone hurt you and so won’t Christian,” Vince told me and wrapped his handarounled me to the gate which was heavily protected with security. “Open up.” He ordered them whileone theand looked at me.

“Seems like you’ve done something right for once.” The men spoke to Vince. “Open the gates, now.”Vin“I’m sorry,” Vince whispered before he dragged me through the driveway and made his way to thefigurfront door. Even from afar, I could see the man’s cold eyes, and just by his confident stance, Icould tell thwas Fabio.

He looked just as people described him. Cold, scary and ruthless. “Breathe,” Vince whispered as Fabiosteuntil he was in front of me. I held in my breath and tried to look anywhere but his face, but Fabio hadoth“Let me look at you,” Fabio demanded and roughly grabbed me by my chin as all I could do waswhimpetape. “Yes, you should be scared.” He spoke and moved his hand to my belly.

Serena relax, I told myself after feeling his ice-cold hands on top of my belly. “My wife was alsopregnantburned alive, that’s funny.” He chuckled and finally removed his hand.

“Vince, you haven’t failed me…for once.” Fabio guided us inside. Vince who had been quiet this entiretimto the basement while Fabio followed closely behind.

“All of you, out.” He told his men which made me realize that he really was a sloppy worker, he felt tooc“Tie her to the chair.”

“Come on, keep it moving,” Vincenzo spoke in a rough tone and pulled me by my arm. “Sit.”

He pushed me down onto the chair. “There’s no need to tie her up, she can’t escape.” He told hisfather,his head. “An Alfonzo is an Alfonzo, tie her up.”

Vince gulped and ended up doing as he was told, but this time he released my hands and tied my legs.Tnegotiation possible with that man, Fabio had made that clear.

“So.” Fabio sighed and pulled out a chair so he could sit in front of me. I looked at Vince who stoodbehiignored my gaze.

“Do you know why you’re here, Serena?” Fabio asked me. This man didn’t need anything to scare me,hitone were already enough. “I asked you a question!” He growled out and cupped my chin with hishand.I felt scared and threatened so all I did was nod my head until he finally decided to let go of me.“Good.”“You’re here because your parents lied to me, you’re here because I won’t let you have thisdisgusting hythe Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s took the most important thing from me!” Fabio raised hisvoice.

He got up from the chair and paced back and forth while I tried my hardest to calm myself down.

“Many years ago there was a fire, a house fire. The fire was because of my instructions, but yourfather’s Lamberti men—were too careless and burned down the house while my pregnant wife and myson werehouse.” Fabio began to explain his side of the story, and even though I felt bad—I really didnot want to man responsible paid for their lives and I tried to move on, but I couldn’t. It was unfair.”

“I told the Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s that they had to give me one of their children, so they couldexpreal lost felt like—and they gave me your brother, Beau.” He clenched his fists as he walked a circle

aroun“It’s the name my deceased brother gave him, I was going to leave that brat nameless, but mybrother aand took care of him. He took it too far, so I killed him…my brother, I killed him.” He spoke asif it was noVince’s eyes widened and I figured this was also something new to him. “I thought I couldreplace my paBeau, but I couldn’t—I’ve tried but all I can see whenever I look at him is an Alfonzo, he’sabsolutely nothad to keep him alive, so he could at least suffer,” Fabio explained.

It made me think about Beau’s bad childhood and how he did not deserve any of it. “My ex-wife foundoshe was going to hand her over to the Alfonzo’s but before she could do that, I also got rid of her,”FabioVince looked at him with furious eyes. Was he talking about Luis’ mother?

“I had Beau and making his life miserable was enough for me, and then I found out you were alive,”Fabiand pointed his finger at my nose.

“Yes, I would’ve taken you if I knew there were two babies—I would’ve taken both of you.” He admitted.willing to let it rest until I heard you were pregnant and having a little mixed brat of the two families I deIlooked at Vince in fear as Fabio was getting more aggressive by the second. “Did you know that I hadprequested for Christian, I told Lucio that I would raise him as my own—but Lucio didn’t want it, he paidmmoney to make sure his son would remain unharmed, he handed over Beau like a piece of meat.”Fabio c

“No one knew because I’d signed a contract to keep it a secret, but he paid me off for ten whole years,jutouch his precious son. He watched as your poor mother, Lita—fell into a depression while hecould’ve pletting me raise Christian.” Fabio explained.

In that second it felt as if my world had stopped. Lucio taking care of me? It was not because he likedmebecause of guilt. Did it still matter? No, it didn’t. Lucio and my parents gave me away so I wouldhave a bthe way it had turned out was out of their hands.

All Lucio had done was to look out for his family, and given the chance—I’m sure the Alfonzo’swould’veNo matter what Fabio would say, he wouldn’t get to me. “Long story short, this pain I feel in myheart? It“I have your brother and I will pick him up later—I hope both Lucio and Matteo will be here bythat timeshow.” He knelt and looked at me. “They don’t know about Beau yet, but I’ll tell them whenthey’re herekill you.”

This man had some serious issues and the only reason why I had managed to keep it together wasbecauwas safe. Whatever Fabio was planning, it was not going to happen.

“Oh, wait for a second—the tape.” Fabio sighed and pulled it from my lips in one go. “See, there yougo.yelled out in pain and touched my lips.

“You’re disgusting.” I blurted out. I wasn’t supposed to say it out loud, but somehow it happened to betyou have a big mouth.” Fabio chuckled.

“Killing me and the baby isn’t going to make anything better. Your wife and your son are dead, and I’mrwon’t bring them back—they’re already gone.” I told him as Vincenzo who stood behind him shook hisme to stop. “What?” Fabio growled and grabbed me by my neck.

“What did you say?” He spat in my face. “I said they’re dead,” I whispered. Fabio pushed me away andbas he stepped back to smack Vince’s shoulder. “Do you hear that Vince? Do you hear that?”novelbin

“It seems to me like Christian has found his equal,” Fabio spoke as he put on some latex gloves. “Whatwdo?”

“I was going to wait until your brother got here, but I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with—thkind of joke.” He spoke and walked to the corner of the room to grab a bucket of water.

“Dad, what are you doing?” Vince worried. He stepped forward to stop him but as soon as he took astepfroze in his steps. That’s right, he couldn’t interfere.

“So what do you want, do you want me to cut out the baby right now, or do you want me to wash yourmsoap?” Fabio grabbed the back of my head and tried to push it into the bucket, while I used all mystreng“I’m sorry.” I whimpered as tears left my eyes. If I had just kept my big mouth shut. “Answer me!”He yel“T-the water, please not the baby.” I stuttered and watched as he laughed in my face. “Pathetic.”He mutpushed my head in the bucket. I tried to hold in my breath, which worked out pretty well untilFabio pusheven deeper.

“Maybe you should just die right now.” I heard him speak as his hand moved to my belly. I panicked atthand yelled as the water began to enter my lungs. All I could think about was the baby.

“Dad, stop it!” I heard Vince yell out before someone pulled my head out the bucket. I desperatelygrabband coughed out water while Vince brushed his hand through my soaked hair.

“I wasn’t going to kill her, just teach her some manners!” Fabio growled and grabbed Vince by his neck.

“Tell me why you care? I told you what will happen if you’re playing games!” Fabio yelled in his face. “Ikdon’t give a shit about your own life, but I do believe you care for your brother.” He threatened him.

He didn’t even know about Beau yet, but he was already threatening poor Luis. My hands moved to mya relieved sigh when I felt the baby move. She must’ve sensed something was wrong. We just had tohollonger.

At least I did not have to worry about the others and knew they were safe. That was the sacrificeChristiame to make, and I did. Even if I wouldn’t make it, at least everyone else would.

“I just want her and Beau to suffer together, what would be the fun in doing it now?” Vince tried toconv“That’s right, you share the same brains as your father.” Fabio spoke with a proud smile on hisface.

He was extremely convinced that Vince would do anything to keep Luis safe, without knowing that hissopuppet anymore. “I don’t think it’ll be long before someone tries to come and rescue you.”

Fabio pushed Vince aside and made his way towards me. “So.” He knelt and brushed my hair to thesidebig mouth?”

“In exactly four hours, I will pick up your brother and I expect everyone to be here too so we can allwatcFabio grinned. “The show which involves you, your brother, and the baby’s head on a stick.”

“The fire from twenty-two years ago? I will recreate that exact same fire and I’ll let everyone watch.”

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