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Chapter 85


Not long after Christian left, Ramiro and all the other people in the guest house had moved to the mainentire mansion was surrounded by even more security.

This time it was not only on the inside but also on the outside. Every single person breathed in myneck, step to the left they were following me and even if I had to pee, they were still following me.

Even more annoying than the security would have to be Lita calling me every single second and havingabreakdown. It seemed like all she had done since I’d met her was cry.

All I could think of was Luis, and whether Christian had screwed me over or not, but deep down I knewhwasn’t like that.

The Lamberti’s holding Luis as a hostage was a scary thought which had often crossed my mind, and IknChristian made a deal not to hurt him—but being a hostage was not any different.

Christian had sent over Johnny and Luca, and even though Luca had remained his cheeky self, Johnnyhabecome like a different person and had not even cracked a single smile. I understood that there wasdefismile about, but still.

“I still got all these leaves sticking on me from these damn woods, couldn’t Christian find someplaceelsecomplained and turned his back to me. “Do you mind?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his bold behavior, he had really remained the same. “Sure, I mean—whynot,picked the leaves from his hair.

“She already has enough shit to deal with, and now you let her touch your dirty hair?” Johnny pulledmeme to sit down on the couch. “It’s just a couple of leaves!” Luca rolled his eyes.

Johnny brushed my hair to the side and held his hand against my forehead. “Are you okay? Do youneedAnything to eat or drink?” He asked as I shook my head. “No, I’m f—“

“Ramiro!” He called out before he even let me finish my sentence. Ramiro and Amanda made their waybknelt. “It’s nothing, it’s just Johnny being Johnny—I’m fine,”

“I’m fine, the baby is fine—I’ll call you over when I need you.” I put on a fake smile. All I wanted was fortFor some reason, it seemed as if I was the only one who was not visibly nervous. Was I scared? Yes,maybNervous? No.

After Ramiro and Amanda had walked off the first thing I did was glare at Johnny. “I can speak formyselffeel well I would’ve told you.”

“You didn’t do so when you fainted and ended up in the hospital, excuse me for caring about myniece.”hand on my belly. “Johnny, I’m fine—you have to relax.”

“Do you already have a name?” He asked. A name? That was supposed to be Christian’s job, but therewgoing on that we didn’t even have time for that. “I promised Christian he could do it.”

“Bad idea.” Johnny smiled for the first time. “You know the baby will end up with Christina or Christa—““I know, I know.” I sighed. I had already prepared myself for something like that, and it definitelyseemedlike thing to do. “Johnny, when Christian came here, he told me something.” The thought hadsuddenly o“He said something about a female assistant?” I tried to get some more information out ofJohnny. At thother stuff to worry about and completely dismissed it, but after thinking it through, mymind went crazyI was a jealous person, and him having fun and going out partying for one night wasdefinitely not an issassistant was definitely something else—especially after what I had been throughwith Isobel.

“Ah yes, I met her two days ago—she’s really nice and pretty—Lucio loves her. She’ll start after all ofthisfinished.” Johnny nodded her head. “Lucio loves her?” I freaked out. He loved me too.

“Yes, he handpicked her. I don’t know, uncle said he needed someone to take care of Chris but it isn’tas anytimesoon.” An unaware Johnny laughed. His uncle was on the verge of dying and he didn’t evenknoI understood Lucio wanted someone to look after Christian in case he wasn’t there, but I could dothat.

“Oh, wait. I think you’re misunderstanding me.” Johnny cracked up laughing and slapped my back.

“She’s a married woman—not a threat to you in any single way, Lucio was really put on findingsomeonemade sure of it,” Johnny told me and it felt like all of my worries had washed away. “Oh, thenthat’s fine.”shoulders.

All I wanted after all of this was finished was to live my life with Christian and our baby and all I desiredwof them, and once I could do that I wouldn’t let them go. All I wanted was a drama free life.

“Christian talks about you a lot.” Johnny suddenly spoke. “No, really!” He smiled after seeing thesuspicioface.

I knew he most likely didn’t, but that was okay—he didn’t need to speak about me, all he had to do was“You’re even his lock-screen and he won’t stop talking about how beautiful the baby will be—becauseotelling us that this baby will make all of us look ugly.” Johnny laughed. It definitely did sound likesomethsay. “He might not always show it and he likes to put on this tough guy act—but he does reallyloves you“Thanks, I guess it makes me feel better.” I smiled.

“Serena, it’s Christian—he wants to talk to you!” Luca suddenly pushed a phone into my hands. Ialmost pulled the phone from his hands but when I took a step, two men took a step with me.

“Johnny?” I pouted and looked at the two men. “Give her some privacy, let her breathe,” Johnny toldthethe hallway.

“How is Luis!” Was the first question which had left my mouth. “He’s fine.”

I let out a relieved breath and smiled. He was fine. “Do you know where Vince is? You will save himfrom right?”

“Yes, I will—Vince and Luis will be safe,” Christian spoke.

“Luis? Can I talk to him?” I immediately asked, but the sigh he let out was enough for me to realize thatIhim. “I told you he was fine, listen—your dad and your brothers know about Beau.” He changed thesubjI wanted to ask him so more about Luis, but at the moment this news left a bigger impact. Maybewe cofamily. “How did he react?”

“He obviously hates them, will probably never talk to them ever again after all of this is over—but yourband that’s all that truly matters,” Christian spoke.

He hates them.

Most of the time Christian did not realize how much impact his cold words left, but I just had to getusedyou, how is my baby?”

“Our baby.” I corrected him. The word, our, was something important to me—it wasn’t his baby it wasoubaby.” He repeated. “She’s doing fine and so am I.”

“You know, I was going to ask about you next.” Christian chuckled. “Wait, let me go someplace quiet.”Hhimself.

By the voices in the background, I could tell that he probably did not really have the time to talk to me,bknow if I would even see him again so I definitely appreciated the effort.

“Yes, listen, Serena—there is something I have to tell you.” He spoke as the voices in the backgroundslowfade away. What was there for him to tell me?

“Serena, I love you.” Those unexpected words had suddenly left his mouth. “W-what?” I stuttered. Itwas say stuff like this out of nowhere.

“I said I love you and in case anything happens ton—“

“Stop, you can tell me when we see each other.” I stopped him from talking. I did not like the sound ofhwhere this was going. “No, Serena please listen.”

“In case anything happens, I want you to know that I love you and that I have never intended topurposefor everything up until now, I’m so sorry.” He suddenly apologized out of nowhere.

“We have already discussed this, just drop it—we’re okay.” I smiled. There was no need to apologizebecwasn’t anything to apologize for. I came here on my own, so we were in this together.

“There’s so much I haven’t told you yet, so in case anything happens—you deserve to know the truth,anto hear it from my mouth.” He sighed.

“Then if it really makes you feel better, you can tell me now. Tell me everything!” I told him. The thoughtsaying everything he wanted to say obviously bothered him, so perhaps it would’ve made him feelbetteAll I could hear was a deep sigh followed by silence. “Christian?”

“Yes, sorry. All I want to say is that I love you, you have to trust me—and I’m sorry.” He spoke. “Youlove trust you and you’re sorry,” I repeated with a smile on my face. I knew saying those words weredifficult fnice to hear it.

“Christian, this is all my fault and I’m so sorry.” I had finally found the courage to say. If I had neversavedwouldn’t be here right now, and even though I did not regret my actions I still felt sorry andthought abomight’ve been if I had approached the situation in a different way. If I had only told him thetruth from th“No, don’t be.” Christian said. “Serena, listen—you were doing what was right and I’m so

proud of you fofamily first, so don’t ever say that again. This was going to happen either way so itdoesn’t matter if it wotoday or one week from now..” He spoke.

“None of this is your fault.”

Those few words were enough to comfort me. He was trying to make me feel better, while we bothknewon me, but all I wanted was for him to not be disappointed in me—so I was alright. As long as I didnot d“If Luca bothers you, just tell me and I will send someone over to kill him right now,” Christianspoke as iAnd there he was, back to his old self again.“Don’t worry—he’s been really nice and Johnnytoo.”

“Good.” He chuckled. “But the offer still stands.”

I heard someone call out his name and knew that it would be for the best to free him from the phonecabusy, I’ll talk to you later,” I spoke as I tried my hardest to remain strong. There was nothing to cryaboutcry.

“That’s fine, I’ll talk to you when this is all over and in a few hours we can go home, you, me, and thebab“And don’t forget my words.”.

“I know, you love me, I have to trust you and you’re sorry.”novelbin

“You remember.” He spoke surprised. “Just repeat them in your head when you need them the most.”

“I will,” I told him. “And I love you too,” I spoke one last time before I ended the phone call.

There was no need to worry, I only had to hold on for a few more hours. In six hours this would all beoveverything would go back to normal.

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