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Chapter 68

“Johnny!” I yelled out and flew into his arms. My gut feeling was telling me that everyone visiting me inameant that things would change in a while.

The girls would only stay here for two more weeks, and after that, I would be on my own—except forRamdaughter, two maids, and security.

“Serena, you’re still pregnant.” Johnny smiled and kissed me on my cheek. “Did you come for me orLunand looked around, while he held his hand in front of my mouth.

“I-I came for you!” He said and pulled me to the back. “Come on, just let me live for once.” His eyesbeglaughed at him. Johnny was never nervous. “Okay, fine whatever.”

“Come on, they’re upstairs so we can still run.” I walked him to a separate room and locked the door.

“So how are you doing?” Johnny asked me and pushed a shopping bag in my hands. “I’m doing fine,buchuckled and pulled out the baby clothing.“A present for my niece.”

I pulled out the clothes and held them up in the air. “This is so cute.” I cooed and tried to remainpositivething was going through my mind. “W-why did you bring it to a safe house?” I nervously asked,thinkingbehind it but Johnny who had caught on immediately shook his head.

“No—no, don’t worry!” He laughed. “I just picked it up on my way here.”

“Good.” I sighed relieved. The last thing I wanted was to raise my baby in this shoebox. “So how arethinfamily?”

“Good, they’ve been calling me multiple times a day…all of them except my sister…very annoying.” Iburimy hands. At first, I liked the attention, but having parents who wanted to see your face everysecond goand was something I still had to get used to.

“Have you spoken to Christian? He missed a meeting yesterday—“

“Because he was out partying, yeah I know.” I finished his sentence and laughed at Christian who hadalwtime, screwing up for once.

“That’s not like him,” Johnny commented. He was right, it was not—but it was understandable. “I mean,—he’s human so.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Look at you, trying to be the cool and laid back fiancée.” Johnny smiled and ruffled his hand throughmexactly what I was doing, I did not want him to get annoyed by me and we had other things to worryabo

“Have you always been like that?” Johnny leaned against the table and looked at me. “No, my exesused by me—so I’m trying something different this time.” I chuckled. Christian was someone who lovedhis frenot going to take it away from him.

“How about Chris?” I asked Johnny. “What about him?”

“You know…give me some information on his exes, just give me something please—I’m really curious,”I Johnny. It was information I wouldn’t get out of Christian, so I might as well try it this way. “Hmm, let’sse“Christian is Christian, a gentleman—loves to spoil women, loves to protect them even whensometimes deserve it, but I have nothing particular to say about his exes because none of themcompared to you.” Jcomplimented me. “Right.” I blushed and looked down. “I don’t know if it’s acombination of you and threally cares about you.” He wasn’t wrong, I had already discovered that bymyself.

“So what’s the deal with Fabio?” I tried to get some information out of Johnny. Everyone, including myoall being so secretive and expected me to listen to them, without telling me what was exactly going on.

“He gave us a deadline for your head, the deadline is in two months—but we will attack him a monthfrocasually spoke and stretched his arms. “Everyone is keeping it a secret from you because you’repregnanthat very reason I thought you should know.”

“Thanks, despite the deadline for my head—it feels nice to hear,” I told him and looked at him to askhimquestions. “What are you going to do to him? Ask him to stop?” I asked and saw how the smile fromhis disappeared.

“Men like that…you can’t negotiate with them Serena—there’s only one thing left to do. It’s either himofeel sorry.” Johnny told me the truth.

“And Vincenzo and Luis?” I asked, thinking about Beau. They were still the only two he had—and Iwasn’what would happen if he would not come clean about his identity. I knew that Christian wouldspare himfact that the Alfonzo’s would welcome him with open arms—but for them to do that, he had totell them“Serena, are you asking me about the sons of our enemy. What do you think will happen tothem?”

“Luis is an innocent child and Vincenzo…he’s just confused.” I tried my hardest to protect them. I didnotthought about me, but I was determined to not let anyone touch them.

“So was your twin brother, when Fabio took him and killed him,” Johnny spoke, referring to Beau. Iclenctook a deep breath. So much could change if Beau would speak up and tell the truth.

I knew that Fabio was not aware of Beau’s discovery and that he would want both of our heads if hedid,that Beau would also get protected would at least let me breathe. “They don’t know any better thanwhataught them, and even then I can still see the good in them.”

“Don’t worry, Christian feels the same way you do—and has been convincing everyone to show the twochuckled. Of course, he had, Christian had a good heart. It seemed like the kindhearted Johnny whohadwith Christian, for once didn’t and that made me worry. What if I was wrong?

“You should watch your words around others like your family. You sticking up for the same Garcia’swe’reprotect you from can get us all in trouble.” Johnny told me as I thought about his words. He wasright, b

“Johnny, do you know how I spend my twenty-second birthday?” I asked to freshen up his memories. Iwthrough to him, one way or another.novelbin

“Yes, we went all out for dinner and we had a great time.” He smiled. It was a few weeks ago, and itwas best birthday I had ever spend. In all the years I was on earth, that was the very first time I hadactually fe“Don’t you think Luis deserves to experience the same?” I tried to get in his head. I watchedas Johnny’sbefore he closed it again with a startled look on his face.

“Trust me or not, even Fabio does—and all of you are no different from him. Who are you all to decidewand who doesn’t?” I asked him.

I was aware that I was sounding extremely ungrateful because everything they did was to protect meandI honestly did not care about what would happen to Fabio, but Vince and Luis were still precious tome. Iwhether Vince hated me or not, but I cared about his life and I wanted him to live.

“Are you god?” I looked at Johnny, waiting for an answer. “N-no I never said that.” He stuttered, tryingto“God, you sound like Christian.”

“Christian told me how you and Luca lost your father and here you are telling me you are all planning toentire family?” I continued.

“With Fabio, you can do whatever you want—I don’t know that man and he seems like he’s not in themso I honestly don’t care, but please give Vince and Luis a second thought,” I spoke, hoping he wouldwo“There’s no other way,” Johnny said, avoiding my eyes. That was a lie.

“Is there really no other way or are you all too lazy to find another way?” I tried to push an answer outofhave a month.”

Johnny’s eyes finally met mine, but he did not say a word. Instead, he was just watching me to see if Iwoelse.

“I am so grateful for everything you have been doing for me, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to move onmyself if anyone hurts Vincenzo or Luis—I don’t want to resent any of you,” I told him. I was beingcompand it was the truth. I did not know how I would be able to live with myself.

“You are…a pain in the ass.” Johnny sighed. “But I’m right.” I immediately spoke right after.

“Why are you telling this to me instead of Christian?” Johnny asked with a troubled look on his face. Ifelthad to be my victim, but that was just the way it was.

“Because you told me he feels the same way, so there’s no need to convince him,” I told him. I feltproudmy Christian had shared the same opinion as me. I had never doubted him in the first placebecause I knperson he was. “The next time when you all discuss this, I want you to back him up.”

“You’re a hand full.” Johnny ruffled his hand through my hair as I giggled at him. “You’re not the firstonthat.”

“Here you are, I’ve been looking for y—“ Luna opened the door and stopped mid-sentenced after hereyJohnny’s.

“Oh…you’re busy? I’ll—“

“No, I’m not.” I interrupted her and grinned from Luna to Johnny. It was beyond me how the two whoalsay, were more awkward than Christian and I had ever been.

“Talk comfortably, pretend like I’m not even here.” I awkwardly placed my hand behind my back as theyme. “Or I’ll just…go,” I whispered and walked out of the room.

I leaned against the wall and grabbed my phone to send Beau my usual text to tell him that I missedhimto Christian and send him multiple hearts.

‘What for?’ He texted back, making me laugh out loud. All he had to do was send it back. ‘Justbecause. coming to visit me?’ I replied.

I got startled by the sound of the door which was followed by a loud slam. “Luna, wait!” I heard Johnnycafter her, while I stared at the two. Should I? No, none of my business.

“Why can’t my life be like yours.” I sighed to myself. While Luna who had also worked at the club, hadJohand and my brother on the other—I had to struggle to even get a heart from my fiancé.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’ I read Christian’s text and smiled at my screen

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