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Chapter 48

It was the day after I had found out about the baby picture and no matter how much I’d call or textVincnot answer.

I was getting anxious since Christian wasn’t here— and even considered asking Olivia, Vincenzo’saddrescould not take it anymore.

“Are you sure you’re not going to eat anything?” Emmanuella who had returned asked and I shook myhstaring at my phone. The last person I had texted was Beau, and I hoped he would reply.

“No, I’m good thanks,” I reassured her. “Yes, but how about the baby?” She asked, and pushed theplate direction— forcing me to eat. Not in the mood to talk to her anymore, I had accepted the plate andstart“Emmanuella, you’ve been in this family for a long time, right?” I asked her as she nodded herhead. “Yes“Do you know the Alfonzo’s?” I asked her. Emmanuella sat down on the opposite side of me.“Yes, of cou— they’ve been a family friend for ages. It all started with Christian’s grandfather— FrancoLamberti and— Pedro Alfonzo.”

“What about their children?” I tried to keep the conversation going. I was going to find out answersaboone way or another.

“Hmm, there is the oldest— Emilio and after that Marcello, and after Marcello they had Carmen andLuca“Did they ever give up a child for adoption?” I jumped straight to it and tried to read the expressionon Eface. “Why that sudden question? Have you heard about what Fabio Garcia did?”

“Vincenzo’s dad?” I asked and she nodded her head. I had to play my cards right. “Uh yeah, but I forgot—do again?” I played along. I felt bad for having to use Emmanuella like this, but I had to find out thetruth“It’s not what he did, it’s what they all done. Years ago there was an order to burn down a house—but uFabio’s pregnant wife and son died in that fire. No one knew they were still in that house.”Emmanuella s“He was the one who put out the order, but he needed someone to blame and at the endof the day theLamberti’s men had done it, so they had to pay.”

“How did they pay?” I wondered and finally felt like I was getting somewhere. The look onEmmanuella’sthat she did not want to talk about it anymore. “Emmanuella, please,” I begged her.“Alright then.”

“At that time Lina Alfonzo was pregnant, Fabio gave them two options, either hand over a child— or goEmmanuella sighed. “W-war?” I asked as she nodded her head.

“Yes, Lita gave away her baby boy— because he was a boy she had hoped Fabio would have shownhim fast as she gave the baby, he had disappeared and god knows how that child suffered.”

So it was a boy?

Then who was Angelica?

“Even then Christian and Vincenzo remained friends,” I spoke to myself. “Yes, sacrificing one child toprotprevent a war was unfortunately the safest at the time. All the families make up one big family, sojust imhappens when someone risks a war for a baby.” Emmanuella explained. “They had no choice orthey woueveryone against them.”

“Anyway, after that Lita gave birth to two more children, Carmen and Lucas— but she got depressedandgiving away her son. She would’ve gone to war for her baby, but Matteo at that time made thatdecisionand not out his heart.” She sighed.

“And we are sure the baby was a boy?” I asked Emmanuella. All of this did not make sense, as far as Iwaswas definitely not a boy. “Positive, it was a boy.”

“And who is Angelica?” I asked and saw how Emmanuella’s went into deep thoughts. “I have no idea,whasking?” She asked, but just by her reaction, I knew that she could not help me anymore. L

Perhaps Angelica was another baby they gave away. Matteo Alfonzo calling out for Angelica soundedlikout for his daughter.

“No one, I heard Matteo mention that name once— don’t mind me.” I smiled at her. At that momentmyand I saw that I had received a text from Beau.

He had sent me a location with simple instructions. ‘Please get here as soon as possible. Don’t tellanyonI looked at Emmanuella who had her back turned to me and said my goodbyes before going tomy roomBeau wanted to meet me at was at a park near the mansion.

“Emmanuella, I’m just going for a quick walk!” I announced and left the mansion. “No drive today?”Vernshook my head. My eyes landed on the same grey van which had been following me ever sinceChristianit had to be one of his men.

I managed to sneak out the gates without the van noticing me and made my way over to the parkwheresitting on a bench.

‘If I’m dead, this was my last location and I was with Beau, the one who was stalking me’ I texted Lunaanphone.

“Beau,” I called out and walked towards him, but made sure to keep my distance. “Serena, we have totatime!” He spoke and tried to step forward, but I took a step back.

“I know you’ve been stalking me, please tell me why you have been sticking your nose into my babypictyou’ve been running circles at the club— asking about me!” I demanded an answer and saw howhis fac“I can explain, but you have to listen— I don’t have long!” He said but I shook my head, refusingto listendon’t, so tell me what the hell is going on!”

“You might be in danger.”

“W-what do you mean? Where’s Vincenzo and why isn’t he picking up his phone?” I asked Beau. Hegraand looked in my eyes with a pleading look. “Serena listen, the Canada thing was a lie-“

“You’re not from Canada?”

“Listen!” He interrupted me and squeezed my hand. “Yes I was brought here from Canada— but beforetfrom the moment I met you I knew there was something…”

“W-what are you trying to say?” I whispered and saw him take a deep breath. “Serena, although you’repthink you’re randomly here— for the past few months I have been looking for someone and I think youHe whispered back and looked around to see if anyone heard us.

“W-who? Let go of me!” I told him, shocked at his changed behavior. “My twin.” He said as I couldn’thehis weird explanation. Twin?

“What the hell are you talking about!” I tried to get away from him, but his grip around my wrist wasfirmother hand he grabbed a picture from his suit jacket. “We don’t have long, he’ll be back soon butlook!”picture into my hands.

My heart almost dropped when I saw a baby who was pretty much identical to the baby in mychildhoodeven had the same custom made blanket, cuddled up to another baby.

Adrián and Angelica

“W-what, where did you get this from?” I asked and held the bench for support as I tried to catch mybrea game?

“I stole it from Vincenzo’s father, Fabio Garcia’s office,” Beau spoke. “The man who made my lifemiserabknow why!”

“Christian is not the saint you think he is and Vincenzo isn’t either!”

“W-what?” I asked again, on the verge of fainting at all the sudden news I was receiving. “A long timeaghappened between the Alfonzo’s, the Lam-“

“Yes, I know!” I interrupted him to not waste any more time than we already didn’t have.

“I’m sure you trust Christian— but he knew who your birth parents are and didn’t tell you a thing. Hepudanger just by being here!”

“And why would that be?” I asked.

“Does Vincenzo..?”

“No he doesn’t, and no one knows about me, but someone gave Fabio a lead and now he knows thatyo“Fabio?” I asked and looked at Beau who had raised his sleeve. In shock, I stared at the purplebruises on“Oh my…Beau, did they do this to you?”

“Fabio did— although Vincenzo is innocent, you can’t hang around him anymore. The only reason hecabecause Fabio gave me another name and never told anyone about my true identity. I was the pricefor emistake— I’m safe for now because I work for Fabio and he thinks that I do not know who I am.”Beau trget through to me.novelbin

“But you? Vincenzo’s ignoring you because he knows! Although you had nothing to do with all of this,hbrother died in that fire— he will never forgive you!” Beau yelled in my face.

Christian knew…

I thought about Christian and his sudden decision to not help me anymore after I had told him aboutmyhad hated him, did not want to be around him— declined the checks he had sent me, and in a way,everadding up, but Christian why would he lie to me?

I had opened up to him about my true feelings while he wiped my tears. He knew how desperate I wasaknow my parents, I cried in his arms while he comforted me— so unless he was the devil there wasno siwouldn’t…

There had to be a reason.

I fell in love with him and he betrayed me.


He had hired me, always gave me way more attention than the other girls— visited me every week,triedgetting another job. It was all so he could wash away his own guilt.

“The Alfonzo’s, do they know?” I asked but Beau shook his head. “No, I’ve heard our…birth mother…fell iand regrets her decision, if they knew we wouldn’t be living like this.” He told me.

I thought about the butterfly-shaped necklace which Emilio had given me. It was not a lookalike, it wastChristian asked me about the necklace and made a damn fool out of me while he knew all along.

This must be a lie, this must be a prank.

“One advice— burn that ring, save your baby, and come with me now, I’ll get you out of here beforeFabWe only have each other, I’ll protect you.” Beau stuck out his hand.

I looked at his hand.

His offer seemed so tempting, but was I really capable of dropping the life I had?

Was I ready to let go of Christian?

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