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Chapter 46


“Nevada sure is beautiful, I would like to live here.” Johnny sighed and stared out of the window. “I betychuckled. They were headed to one of the Lamberti casinos.

“The women are beautiful too— you know what, I should live here.” Luca continued while Christian triedcousin’s rant, but his focus was elsewhere.

Taking off work to spend time with Serena was something he felt which he had owed her, but he quicklyeveryone felt a bit too free and would not try their best if he was not there to keep an eye oneverythingWhen Lucio told Christian that someone had found out Serena’s identity and might have toldFabio Garcwanted to travel to Las Vegas that very moment— but seeing Matteo Alfonzo standing intheir living rooeven more anxious.

He did not want to lie to Serena or Matteo, but Lucio had made it clear that it was for the best.

Even Johnny and Luca were unaware of the real reason why they had to get rid of the rat, due toChristiawith a business deal with the Sala’s.

He brought Aldo Sala and Isobel along to Las Vegas so no one would suspect anything and while thetwtheir own business, Christian had brought Johnny and Luca along to deal with the rat. Luca wasoriginallychoice, but he had given Marc a more important job at the moment, to keep an eye on Serenafrom a disAll Christian ever wanted to do was protect Serena and the baby, but knowing that Fabiomight know theanxious. He felt as if he wasn’t prepared to fight Fabio or to face his old friend, Vincenzo— but he did nochoice.

“Thinking about Serena again?” Johnny asked him. Christian rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“I think our cousin is really in love.” Luca who had no idea of the fake relationship spoke. As far asChristiconcerned he was concerned, he thought it would be a shotgun wedding for the sake of thebaby. “I’m nridiculous.”

“He’s right, you are.” Johnny who had noticed the changed expression each time someone mentionedS“No, I’m not.” Christian tried to convince himself once again.

“Yes you do, and it scares you so that’s why you’re sleeping around with every breathing soul.” LucalaugChristian sat there unamused. “Shut up.”

“Why? Serena is right there but here you are fucking Isobel and god knows who to convince yourselfthahave feelings for her.”

Christian knew that his cousin was right, but he had not expected Serena to be such a laid backperson, scould laugh with and open up to— but he could not have feelings for her, ever.

“I know all about that plan to let her and that baby go— but if I were you I would rethink thatdecision.”spoke while Johnny and Christian looked at him in surprise.

“I’ve known cousin Christian my entire life, he’s a pussy and wouldn’t want to bring his child in danger,bwhich I don’t understand is why you’re so put on hiding Serena from the family while the engagementsyou from doing so.” Luca cracked his brains.

“So think about it, what kind of father do you want to be? One who would do anything to protect hischiwoman he cares about, or a coward?” Luca asked, making Christian blood boil.

“You don’t know anything, so I suggest you shut up!” Christian spoke. He believed he was not acoward, whatever was best for not only Serena and the baby but also for the entire family. If the truthcame out, ebe in danger.

“She’s Matteo’s daughter.” Christian blurted out, not being able to take his cousin’s words anymore.Johturned their head in unison to look at their cousin. Christian knew that he had made a big mistakeby telwhile interrogating the rat they would’ve found out anyway.

“Wait, help me out here because I am confused,” Luca demanded an explanation. Christian gave thema everything came to be while the two gave him the surprising reaction he had already expected.

“So faith brought the two of you together.” Johnny chuckled. In the beginning, Christian liked to call it anot really faith, but now even he was starting to think otherwise.

“And this rat found out about Serena’s identity and told Fabio?” Johnny asked for confirmation. Nowthathings a bit better also he was aware that Fabio would never allow Serena or the baby to live.Matteo Alfothe birth of his daughter was already bad enough, and to top it off that exact daughterhaving a baby withe two families he despised the most— would not do any good.

“Christian, how could you leave Serena alone right now?” Johnny wondered. “She’s not alone, I havemakeeping an eye on her.”

Christian felt guilty for taking away her freedom like that, but he had to know that she and the babywereAfter a while, the three had arrived at the Casino and were greeted with open arms. Since themajority ofoperated from New York, it was always a pleasant surprise whenever they came to visit.

“Sir,” The group of men who had been waiting for the three outside of the casino spoke and followedbe“Please stay here, and make sure no one gets in,” Christian instructed them and walked further.

“I’m are so happy to have you here!” Orso grabbed Christian’s arm and led him to the casino. “Are yourwondered.

“Yes, of course, we are.” Orso tried his best to sound sincere.

“From what I’ve heard, one of your men has been putting their nose where they shouldn’t.”

Orso looked at Christian in fear and shook his head. “No, everyone here is loyal to the Lamberti’s andthonly!” The man spoke, and by the look on his face, Christian could tell that it was just as much asurprise “Carlo Saccone, bring him to me.” Christian walked past Orso, with Johnny and Luca followingbehind himsir!” A young man who could not be any older than twenty-five walked from behind the barwith his heaChristian softened his look and was unsure of what to do. He had to know how much Carloknew and hotold Fabio Garcia, but the last thing he had expected was for the rat to be a young man.

“Take him,” Christian spoke and had a regretful look on his face. He didn’t want to do this— but toprotethe baby he would go above and beyond. “No, no— what have I done!” Carlo kept yelling.

“Stop.” Christian breathed and watched as Johnny and Luca turned Carlo back around. “I swear, I don’tkdone, please let me go!” Carlo begged him, but Christian knew better. Someone had claimed to havenewand had been pulling strings to inform Fabio— that was the news the rat on the Garcia’s side hadtold Lugoing on?” Orso asked.

“Your staff can’t keep their mouth shut, that’s what’s going on,” Luca spoke and gave Carlo a kickagainsmaking him cry out in pain.

“Would you mind stepping out for a second, so we can handle this?” Johnny asked Orso, who obeyedhiimmediately ran out.

“I think you and I both know what’s going on here, all you have to do is tell me the truth, I only needthegave him one last chance. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt anyone. He had done so moretimes tremember, but to take over his father’s empire and to fix this corrupt family so he could hand itover to thad to play along with the game for now.

“Serena Reyes, what have you got on her?” Christian knelt and faced the man. “I don’t want to hurtyou, sighed.

“I-I d-didn’t mean to spread she is Matteo’s daughter, someone paid me to spread the rumor!” CarlocriChristian let out an irritated yell and paced back and forth the room. By now the rumor had surelyreachewould definitely get to the bottom of this.

Christian walked back to the man and roughly grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up at him. “Tell me,wspread this rumor?” Christian asked, knowing it had to he someone from their side— but the manshook“No, I can’t. She threatened me not to tell, she threatened to kill my family, my wife, my son, I hadno choshow me mercy.” Carlo begged for his life and bowed crying, while all Christian could think aboutwas wwould do something like that.

“Listen, you’ll die either way so whether you want it to be quick or painful is up to you— give us thenamand pulled up his head to raise him from his bowing position.

“If you tell me the name, I’ll spare your life and make sure you and your family are safe,” Christianpromi“Christian, forced or not he remains a snake!” Luca tried to talk him right, but Christian raised hishand tofrom talking. “Don’t interrupt me, know your place.”novelbin

It was beyond Christian that Luca who had also grown up without a father was completely ruthless andhcompassion for others. “Please tell me, all you have to do is tell me.” Christian closed his eyes,knowing weventually have to do if he did not speak up.

“Just kill me, I won’t tell you— I can’t.” The man spoke determined to sacrifice his life. “Just tell me!”Chrone more opportunity but once again the man shook his head.

“Christian, you have to deal with him or our family will be a laughing stock.” Luca pushed a gun into hislooked down at the gun and threw it on the floor.

“Please listen.” He approached the man again and knelt. “You have a family to protect, so do I.” Hespokehoping the man would work along.

“Just like you I have someone to protect. My fiancée and my baby…I care for both of them, a lot.”Christiaindirectly confessed his feelings towards Serena.

“So while you are begging me for your life…” Christian joined the man on the floor and held both of hisa“Christian?” Johnny asked in shock while Luca stared at his cousin in disbelief.

“I’m begging you to help me keep my family safe, please tell me where you got this information from…franother— I’m begging you.”

The room went in complete silence as the man stared into Christian’s eyes and noticed his sincerity.“Wilmy family safe?” Carlo asked again and Christian nodded his head. “I swear on my life— you havemy woto do is give me a name.”

“Who is betraying me?”

Carlo took a deep breath and stared right into Christian’s eyes.

“It was Isobel Sala and your brother Enzo.”

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