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Chapter 41

“How did you get so big already, look at you!” Luna flew into my arms and gave me a tight hug.“Reunitejoined into our hug while we were jumping around like little children.

“Look at you living like a princess!” Faith squealed as we walked inside. “Wow!” Luna exclaimed andturnhallway to take in every little detail.

“Why do I hear that many voices?” Faith asked, referring to the voices which could be heard from theliviMarc, Luca, and Isobel were a loud combination and the four of them made up for eight. “They’rejust lo“Serena!” Christian called out and walked to the hallway to search for me. After I had run out ofhis officeday things had been awkward between us, but for the sake of getting along, we tried tobehave as if nothappened. It was already embarrassing enough to me, to get rejected like that.

“There you are.” He awkwardly spoke when he noticed the girls who had also taken a step back. Oneof tthey did not visit me was that they felt uncomfortable with staying in their boss’ house and heprobably “Hi Christian.” Luna greeted him and stuck out her hand before she quickly pulled it back.Being in the mbeing awkward made me cringe. “Hi.” Christian tried to put a smile on his face. It wasfunny to see him trto others and he obviously still had a lot to learn.

“Hey Christian, you look good and you have a very nice house.” Faith grabbed both of his hands andshoChristian was just as shocked as I was by her sudden gesture. When she saw Christian staring ather handaway and placed them behind her back.

“Thanks.” Christian smiled while Faith scratched the back of her head. “You’re not a man of manywords, — words only cause misunderstandings hahaha.” She laughed, trying to charge the mood butrealized shand quickly stopped laughing.

The sound of the door opening saved us and Olivia had walked in with her bags. “Serena!” She cooedantight hug. “And you must be her friends— nice to meet you!” She introduced herself to Faith andLuna athe same tight hug. Having Olivia here was a blessing.

“Hi Christian, I don’t know if you remember but I came by your house once, because Vince had sendmeraining and you opened your doors for me and gave me a blanket and hot chocolate an-“

“I remember.” Christian interrupted her rant. “I didn’t know the two of you were friends, small world.Didyou?” He asked with a suspicious look on his face. I had no idea what his issue was with Vincenzoand Vieither, but what I did knew was that it was for the best to hide my friendship with him.

“No it just happened but yes it is, isn’t it? We know each other from work— when she still used to workaand we immediately clicked. It is indeed a small world, who would’ve thought that she’d be here andthahere…and you— okay this is your house so…” She ranted again while Luna and Faith gave eachother a co“Right, please come in.” Christian saved us all from the situation and guided his hand forthem to keep wgirl, but she talks a lot.” He whispered in my ear.

It had suddenly occurred to me that the sleepover would probably benefit him more than it would’vedoChristian was a controlling person and the thought of not knowing my friends probably made his skinitcEveryone turned their heads to the three new faces which had entered the living room and walkedtowarand Olivia— while Isobel was nowhere to be found. “I’ll see you later, I’m going to find Isobel.”Christianoff. Of course, he was running after Isobel again. Why not?

The girls spoke comfortably with Marc and Johnny while Olivia introduced herself to Luca and the othergoing to check if Christian is still alive,” Johnny announced as the three walked off to find him. Yes, hewaprobably in Isobel’s guts.

“I didn’t know Christian was that shy, I always thought he was intimidating, I mean I still do but—there’sFaith smiled while Luna and Olivia were in the middle of a conversation.

“Are you alright?” She asked when she noticed my bare minimum reaction, but all I could think of wasIsothis girl here…we are not friends with her— you hear me?” I informed Faith and the other twoimmediate“Huh, we’re beating up someone— where?” Luna spoke loudly and looked around as I

immediately heldfront of her mouth while the other two were laughing. “Not that loud, she’s one of…them— do you wantus?” I whispered, hoping they would know who I was referring to.

“I already thought I heard voices!” Isobel suddenly entered the room. “That’s her,” I whispered undermymade her way over with the fake smile she always carried on her face.

“Olivia, it’s good to see you again!” She stole my friend away from me and hugged her while theobliviosame, but I could not blame her— that was just the kind of person she was.

“You guys must be her friends, the life of the party!” She clasped her hands and look from Faith toLuna. guys were coming— I would’ve asked Christian to buy you a pole.” She fake laughed, notknowing she wthe wrong person.

“You should’ve, clearly we have a lot to learn from you,” Luna replied with the same fake laugh. Thiswas disaster.

“Well, I’m off again.” Isobel left the living room and had remained the same fake smile on her face untiltsecond. “How do you not expect me to beat this bitch up, life is so unfair!” Luna repeatedly hit herhead shoulder while the other two laughed at her outburst.

“Don’t pay any attention to her— she wants us to react so she can refer to Serena’s friends as trashy.”Faall figured out explained to Luna.

“Her fake laugh? Seriously I just want to rip it off her and—“ Olivia ended with a smile on her face.Oliviasomeone said a lot. “Back to the important stuff, is Luca single?”

“W-what?” I rolled my eyes at Olivia. I invited the girls to my room and gave them a quick house tourbechanged into their pajamas. Apparently, we were having an ‘old-school sleepover’ as Luca liked tocall it—having a slumber party in the theater room.

“Look at your belly, I just wanna eat it up.” Luna cooed and touched my stomach. “You have to grow upwcan bite your butt cheeks, you hear me!” She held her head against my belly.

“Butt cheeks? Poor baby.” Olivia spoke in disbelief.

“Speaking of butt cheeks, how are you and Christian doing?” Faith asked while we burst out laughing.“I how you put those two together but—“

“What? He has a nice butt.” Faith shrugged her shoulders. “But that’s not the point…” She started andlo“It’s alright, she knows,” I said, referring to our fake relationship. It seemed like quite a few peopleknew proved that we had extremely loyal friends. Christian had told me that as long as our fakerelationship dianyone important it did not matter.

“Okay, good. What was that look the two of you were giving each other?” Faith playfully nudged hershomine. “W-what look?”

“The way you guys looked at each other, what’s going on between the two of you?” Luna tried to jumpoFor a second I thought about telling the girls about what had happened, but out of embarrassment Ididgave him was a look questioning why I was falling for him— while the look he had given meprobably mThe same thought, but from a different perspective.

“I know he’s been blowing your back out every night!” Luna laughed, but quickly changed herexpressiothe startled look on my face.

“No…don’t tell me?” She spoke in disbelief while the other two followed as I looked down inembarrassmthis is not how you’re supposed to live your life. He already got you pregnant, what’s theworse thing thhappen?” Luna cried out for me.

“He has Isobel for that…and our relationship is strictly business,” I told them, desperately trying to endthit wasn’t working. “Another reason to beat her up,” Luna spoke through gritted teeth while Faith

laughedto calm her down.novelbin

“It’s not only Isobel though…I bet it is other women too— but that’s not the point.” I sighed. If I hadmadhim a while ago— he would’ve just let me have my way, but after I made it clear how I felt abouthim I kspilled my chances and for some reason, I did not care. Yes, I liked him, but him giving me areason not tbest for me. I knew he was a dangerous person but at the length I was falling for him it wasas clear as daonly way for me to stay away from him would be if he pushed me away.

“Were you not against the idea of me living here?” I asked Luna to remind her of the danger. Someonehstraight and if anyone could do it— it had to be her.

“I did but you’re still alive and well so…secure that bag while you’re at it.” She shrugged her shoulders.“happened?” Olivia asked. All I could do was take a deep breath while I thought about my terrible week.“know where to start.” I chuckled.

I gave the girls a quick summary about what went down between Francesca and me while they alllisteneand had a disgusted look on their faces. “See, just for this I would stay by his side until the dayhe dies—on their nerves.” Faith spoke while the other two agreed.

“Vincenzo told me something like that had happened,” Olivia sighed. While I worked at the factory Ihadthought that the two did not get along, but Olivia told me that he had been treating her better eversincold boss,” Olivia explained to the other two.

“You went from one mobster to another, how do you manage?” Luna asked as I tried my hardest toshut were sensitive words to keep to myself, that was what Emmanuella had once told me when I hadused thabout what Christian was doing. “Sorry,” Luna whispered, making me laugh.

“Is he the one who used to come to the club to visit Christian?” Faith asked as I nodded my head.

“Also, let’s not mention him in front of Christian, please. They’re not on good terms and he doesn’tevenbeen hanging out.” I informed Olivia who had frowned her eyebrows at my sudden request.

“Ooh, a secret love affair.” Luna wiggled her eyebrows while I held my hand against her mouth yetagainhers was going to bring me into trouble one day. Both Faith and Luna were hotheads, and it wasdifficultcheck.

We heard three knocks on my door and all went quiet. “Party is starting, we’re going to watch themovieout. “Yes, we’re coming!” I yelled back.

“If that Isobel girl tries something I’ll punch her!” Luna stood up and not long after she and Faith weremeach other while Olivia almost died laughing at the two.

This was definitely going to be an interesting night.

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